
Revision history for Data::YUID

0.05 2010-03-21
    - Same as 0.04

0.04 2010-03-20
    - Upload under SIXAPART account
    - Makefile.PL tweaks

0.03 2007-06-11
    - Tweaking 0.02 after some testing, revising the way the cached socket
      is used, and forcing reconnect after 1,000 + rand(1,000) connections
      to force rebalancing after a server goes down and comes back up.

0.02 2007-06-05
    - The original behavior is that the client would create a connection to
      every server it knows about on new().  Those connections would be chached,
      but the next new() call would create four new connections anyway.  So each
      YUID server was getting a persistent (but not re-used) connection from
      every (TypePad) app server, and they were choking on the sheer number of 

      So now, we connect only when a get_id request comes in, and only
      to one server. If that server can't get us an ID, we try the
      other ones. Each server will only have to maintain N/S connections,
      instead of N (N=number of app servers, S=number of YUID servers).

0.01  2005.11.22
    - Initial distribution.