Revision history for Data::FeatureFactory

        Added the variable $Data::FeatureFactory::CURRENT_FEATURE.
        Added conversions between formats.
        Corrected a bug preventing range to be applied to features with type
        specified non-canonically.
        Added explicit values to boolean features.
        Changed the mapping mechanism to take care of mapping
        postprocessed values to unpostprocessed categorial ones.
        Refactored some tasks to subs
        (expand_names, _values_of, _vector_length
        Some error messages improved.
        Other minor bugs and sillinesses disposed of.

0.03-r2 2008-01-24
        Corrected the test script to no longer fail on older perls.

        Made the :encoding(utf8) directive to open only take place when
        it is available.

        Changes to @INC have been localized.
        Removed the disruptive use open(:std :utf8) pragma from test script.
        Added the method "names".

0.02    2008-01-12
        A temp file generated during testing will no longer be installed along
        with the module.
        The exception package SoftError has been renamed to
        Data::FeatureFactory::SoftError to prevent name collision.

0.01    2008-01-11
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.