2011-02-17 SVN: new release
* Release: 0.1.0
2011-02-17 18:00 squinney@INF.ED.AC.UK
* lib/LCFG/Build/Skeleton.pm.in: Email::Address->parse() returns a
list, we will just take the first entry and ignore the rest
2011-02-17 17:54 squinney@INF.ED.AC.UK
* lib/LCFG/Build/Skeleton.pm.in: Added code to sanitise the author
email address, hopefully this fixes
2011-02-17 17:14 squinney@INF.ED.AC.UK
* lib/LCFG/Build/Skeleton.pm.in: Added validation of component
name. Closes https://bugs.lcfg.org/show_bug.cgi?id=339
2011-02-17 17:09 squinney@INF.ED.AC.UK
* templates/specfile.tt: Include the templates directory. Closes
2010-04-12 15:57 squinney@INF.ED.AC.UK
* ChangeLog, lcfg.yml: LCFG-Build-Skeleton release: 0.0.13
2010-04-12 15:57 squinney@INF.ED.AC.UK
* templates/specfile.tt: Removed lsb from the specfile template
2009-03-11 13:26 squinney@INF.ED.AC.UK
* bin/lcfg-skeleton.in, lib/LCFG/Build/Skeleton.pm.in: Set
svn:keywords on the LCFG::Build::Skeleton Perl modules and
2009-03-09 16:43 squinney
* lcfg.yml: Removed hardwired version-control type from lcfg.yml to
allow future transfer to subversion
2009-03-09 15:37 squinney
* ChangeLog, lcfg.yml: Release: 0.0.12
2009-03-09 15:36 squinney
* lcfg.yml, lib/LCFG/Build/Skeleton.pm.in: Before creating a new
project check that a local file/dir with the required name does
not exist. Also use the new API for import_project() in
LCFG::Build::VCS 0.0.26
2009-03-09 15:22 squinney
* LCFG-Build-Skeleton.spec: Increased minimum dependency on
LCFG::Build::VCS to >= 0.0.26
2009-03-09 12:37 squinney
* ChangeLog, lcfg.yml: Release: 0.0.11
2009-03-09 12:37 squinney
* lcfg.yml, lib/LCFG/Build/Skeleton.pm.in: Added support for SVN.
Slightly reworked the way in which projects are created so that
it happens in a temporary directory. Also no longer hardwire the
version-control system choice so that it can be easily changed
later. This is all much cleaner and saner.
2009-01-06 12:09 squinney
* ChangeLog, lcfg.yml: Release: 0.0.10
2009-01-06 12:09 squinney
* lib/LCFG/Build/Skeleton.pm.in, templates/README.nagios.tt,
templates/README.templates.tt: Added README files for the nagios
and templates directories. This is
useful info for new users but also provides files so that "cvs
will actually add the directories to the repository.
2008-12-05 12:14 squinney
* ChangeLog, lcfg.yml: Release: 0.0.9
2008-12-05 12:13 squinney
* lib/LCFG/Build/Skeleton.pm.in: Automatically create templates and
nagios directories for LCFG components
2008-09-12 10:39 squinney
* ChangeLog, lcfg.yml: Release: 0.0.8
2008-09-12 10:39 squinney
* lcfg.yml, lib/LCFG/Build/Skeleton.pm.in: Fixed bug with setting
the list of questions. Renamed 'rcs' attribute to 'vcs' to be
consistent with how it is named in the rest of the build tools
2008-09-11 19:06 squinney
* ChangeLog, lcfg.yml: Release: 0.0.7
2008-09-11 19:06 squinney
* bin/lcfg-skeleton.in, lib/LCFG/Build/Skeleton.pm.in: Modified
some file path handling to use File::Spec
2008-09-11 15:23 squinney
* t, t/01_load.t: Added a really basic test to see that the
Skeleton module actually loads
2008-09-11 15:21 squinney
* Makefile.PL: Added missing comma in Makefile.PL dependency list
2008-09-11 09:20 squinney
* ChangeLog, lcfg.yml: Release: 0.0.6
2008-09-11 09:20 squinney
* META.yml.in: Fixed error in META.yml which upsets the pause
2008-09-10 18:34 squinney
* ChangeLog, lcfg.yml: Release: 0.0.5
2008-09-10 18:31 squinney
* META.yml.in: Modified META.yml to attempt to avoid pause wrongly
indexing template files
2008-09-10 14:19 squinney
* ChangeLog, lcfg.yml: Release: 0.0.4
2008-09-10 14:19 squinney
* Build.PL.in, LCFG-Build-Skeleton.spec, MANIFEST, META.yml.in,
Makefile.PL, README, bin/lcfg-skeleton.in, lcfg.yml,
lib/LCFG/Build/Skeleton.pm.in: Lots of improvements to the
documentation. Some code tidying to satisfy perltidy and
2008-09-08 10:47 squinney
* templates/specfile.tt: Fixed various conditional sections in the
specfile template
2008-09-04 11:47 squinney
* ChangeLog, lcfg.yml: Release: 0.0.3
2008-09-04 11:47 squinney
* Build.PL.in, LCFG-Build-Skeleton.spec, MANIFEST, META.yml.in,
Makefile.PL, README, README.BUILD, bin, bin/lcfg-skeleton.in,
lcfg.yml, lib/LCFG/Build/Skeleton.pm.in, specfile: Fully
converted module to using Module::Build
2008-09-04 09:42 squinney
* ChangeLog, lcfg.yml: Release: 0.0.2
2008-09-04 09:40 squinney
* Build.PL.in, MANIFEST, lib, lib/LCFG, lib/LCFG/Build,
lib/LCFG/Build/Skeleton.pm.in, templates,
templates/COMPONENT.def.tt, templates/COMPONENT.pl.tt,
templates/COMPONENT.pod.tt, templates/COMPONENT.sh.tt,
templates/ChangeLog.tt, templates/README.BUILD.tt,
templates/README.tt, templates/specfile.tt: Copied over various
files from the original project tree. Also converted to using the
perl Module::Build system to make it the same as the other LCFG
build tool modules.
2008-09-04 09:08 squinney
* ChangeLog, README, README.BUILD, lcfg.yml, specfile: Created with
2008-09-04 09:08
* .: Standard project directories initialized by cvs2svn.