Revision history for App::FatPacker::Simple
0.08 2017-05-10 18:22:15 CEST
- Allow *.pl files to be fatpacked (#8 ccakes)
0.07 2016-02-27 20:23:06 JST
- Introduce --exclude-strip option (#5, #7 by glensc)
0.06 2015-10-04 00:50:34 JST
- rename bin/ to script/ in order to install fatpack-simple script
0.05 2015-10-04 00:37:51 JST
- Update mentioned module App::fatten (has been renamed to App::depak) (#6 by perlancar)
0.04 2015-04-28T12:38:04Z
- introduce --shebang SHEBANG option
0.03 2015-04-19T07:13:27Z
- handle lib/ directories more correctly
- recognize multi-line shebang,
as described in `perldoc perlrun` (#3 by kazuho)
0.02 2015-02-23T16:13:47Z
- document that this module is an alternative
for ONLY fatpack file command
- stop localizing PERL5LIB and PERL5OPT in test
0.01 2015-02-22T08:18:14Z
- initial version