Revision history for App-cpm
0.997011 2022-04-27 07:28:03 JST
- Replace shortener links to full address (mbeijen #219)
- **PLEASE** use to get cpm
0.997010 2022-04-17 14:33:54 JST
- Treat "cpm install core-modules" as success (atoomic #161, #216)
0.997009 2022-03-02 08:11:47 JST
- Make sure make command exists before executing Makefile.PL (#213)
0.997008 2022-02-27 17:10:28 JST
- Use Parallel::Pipes::App (#212)
0.997007 2021-09-23 21:22:47 JST
- Check HTTP status code when fetching tarballs (#207)
0.997006 2021-07-22 12:53:43 JST
- Support dist/url/git syntax in cpmfile (#204)
0.997005 2021-07-21 13:28:46 JST
- Use Module::cpmfile (#203)
0.997004 2021-06-13 13:15:58 JST
- Fix unpacking when using OpenBSD tar (desmana #202)
0.997003 2021-02-24 01:30:51 JST
- Use CPAN::02Packages::Search (#195)
0.997002 2021-01-26 12:13:33 JST
- Fix parse_options
0.997001 2021-01-26 00:54:21 JST
[Toward cpm version 1.0 (#181)]
- Introduce cpmfile (#193)
0.997000 2021-01-08 21:02:23 JST
- Require the latest ExtUtils::Install and Parse::PMFile
0.996 2020-12-06 19:36:28 JST
- Suggest using --show-build-log-on-failure option on failure (suggested by gfx)
0.995 2020-11-28 20:37:01 JST
- Show more info in cpm --version (gfx #187, #188)
0.994 2020-11-07 09:36:37 JST
- Dump direct cause of the failure to build log in the end (CyberShadow #184, #186)
- Add workaround for #178; Now cpm install --target-perl requires perl 5.18+ (#178, #185)
0.993 2020-05-13 19:35:28 JST
- Now cpm exits successfully for empty list via pipe (abraxxa #165)
0.992 2020-05-09 01:28:57 JST
- Fatpack ExtUtils-PL2Bat (atoomic #173)
0.991 2020-04-12 12:59:53 JST
- [EXPERIMANTAL] Allow users to specify arbitrary resolvers (#168)
0.990 2020-03-27 09:49:10 JST
- Add --with-all to install all listed deps in a cpanfile (atoomic #166)
0.989 2019-11-08 07:34:11 JST
- Support custom metadb resolver (Sadrak #159)
0.988 2019-11-01 00:24:15 JST
- Do not use "tar --force-local" for bsdtar in Win32 (#158)
0.987 2019-10-31 19:55:03 JST
- Emit unpack errors if any
0.986 2019-10-14 01:50:48 JST
- Call tar with -o flag; Use the user and group of the user running the program
rather than those specified in the archive (autarch #156)
0.985 2019-09-29 11:50:59 JST
- Introduce --show-build-log-on-failure option (#155)
- Document that cpm can read modules from STDIN
0.984 2019-09-27 20:23:38 JST
- Document that multiple --mirror options are ignored (willsheppard #150, #154)
0.983 2019-08-08 10:45:36 EEST
[Internal Refactor]
- Save requirements per phase (#151)
0.982 2019-07-20 19:19:11 JST
[Internal Refactor]
- Use own Unpacker class (#149)
0.981 2019-07-20 09:24:23 JST
[Internal Refactor]
- Use plain string mirror and uri
0.980 2019-04-26 09:28:47 BST
- Improve compatibility between `cpm install -L` and `cpanm -L`;
check if dependencies in core INC are actually core (reported by jberger #143, #147)
0.979 2019-03-17 21:04:54 JST
- Respect mirror in cpanfile (#145)
- Update image in pod
0.978 2018-08-01 22:06:06 JST
- Fix detection of circular dependencies
0.977 2018-07-29 22:14:22 JST
- Fix bug where cpm may install modules twice
if they are listed in cpanfile with dist/url syntax (hkoba, makamaka #129, #134)
- Minor internal refactor (#133)
0.976 2018-07-26 12:21:06 JST
- Query cpanmetadb over HTTPS
0.975 2018-07-15 22:49:28 JST
- Localize %ENV in cpm install
0.974 2018-05-01 01:06:59 JST
- Use Command::Runner 0.100
0.973 2018-04-28 20:26:12 JST
- Internal refactor
- introduce App::cpm::CLI and move the guts to it
- introduce App::cpm::HTTP
- Now only App::cpm package has $VERSION
0.972 2018-04-28 15:09:51 JST
- Follow Menlo; support --no-static-install to disable static install
0.971 2018-04-26 08:20:39 JST
- Depend on Menlo::CLI::Compat 1.9020
0.970 2018-04-23 07:04:56 CEST
- Follow Menlo; support x_use_unsafe_inc specifier in META (akiym #124, #125)
0.969 2018-04-21 21:06:56 CEST
- Use Command::Runner 0.002
- Follow Menlo-1.9017 change
0.968 2018-04-21 19:32:57 CEST
- Support dist/url/mirror syntax in cpanfile (#123)
- Fix a minor typo for instead (atoomic #122)
0.967 2018-04-20 16:27:14 CEST
- Add some requirements for static install
0.966 2018-04-20 15:33:30 CEST
- Use Command::Runner (#120)
- Bump Menlo prereq
0.965 2018-04-19 15:20:38 CEST
- Introduce App::cpm::Requirement class; this will improve merging versions for requirements
0.964 2018-04-19 11:57:02 CEST
- Support pureperl only build
0.963 2018-03-25 17:23:08 JST
- Do not install module;
- if resolved version is in requested version range, or
- if resolved version is lower than installed version
- Check Module::CoreList have $] entry
0.962 2018-03-04 14:10:58 JST
- Fix git describe and git url in fatpacked cpm
0.961 2018-03-04 13:35:48 JST
- Fatpack cpm before git commit; this allows you to download fatpack cpm by
curl --compressed -o cpm
(requested by akiym #117)
0.960 2018-02-25 15:52:43 JST
- Specify "provides" in META.json
0.959 2018-02-25 13:56:03 JST
- Set "provides" properly after configuring (#116)
- Emit "Distribution provides: ..." log (#116)
0.958 2018-02-10 06:56:52 JST
- Examples git/dist syntax in cpanfile were added (ivanych #113, #114)
0.957 2018-01-14 14:04:14 JST
- Bump Parallel::Pipes prereq
0.956 2018-01-12 22:45:13 JST
- Use Pod::Text instead of Pod::Usage (#112)
- Disable prebuilt if --test option is specified
- Use more appropriate name for temporary directories
0.955 2017-12-10 21:40:00 JST
- Emit log for all failed distributions (#111)
0.954 2017-12-10 01:23:54 JST
- Improve detection of circular dependencies (#109, #110)
- Emit warnings when dist does not have META.json
- Disable prebuilt when --man-pages is specified
0.953 2017-10-15 03:32:46 JST
- Support distfile as an argument; eg `cpm install SKAJI/App-cpm-0.952.tar.gz` (#108)
- Fix handling of `cpm install`
0.952 2017-10-14 23:49:47 JST
- Change prebuilt base (I think it does not change anymore)
- Save perl version in prebuilt base
0.951 2017-10-09 20:55:33 JST
- Check prebuilt integrity more carefully
0.950 2017-10-09 02:26:11 JST
- **BIG CHANGE** Enable prebuilt by default (#107)
0.914 2017-09-30 17:56:43 JST
- Support selecting cpanfile "features" (arodland #104)
0.913 2017-09-29 21:14:12 JST
- Add possibility to read modules list from STDIN (zdm #31, #103)
- Remove exec command
0.912 2017-07-23 01:40:05 JST
- Revert 'Slightly improve how to check whether modules are installed or not';
which sometimes causes installation failures
0.911 2017-07-17 15:21:47 JST
- Slightly improve how to check whether modules are installed or not
- Fix pod error
0.910 2017-07-16 21:26:17 JST
- Improve Windows support (charsbar, zmughal, ZzZombo #97, #98, #100, #101, #102, #48, #77);
Many thanks to charsbar;
Note that the Windows support is still a work in progress, especially we need to address a issue in upstream Menlo
- Detect circular dependencies (#96, #69)
- Introduce --reinstall option (#95)
0.901 2017-06-27 22:50:29 JST
- Install configure requirements even when --prebuilt is enabled
- Change the directory name of ~/.perl-cpm/builds/* for relocatable perls
0.900 2017-06-26 03:04:19 JST
- **BIG CHANGE** If --prebuilt option is enabled, cpm keeps builds of CPAN distributions in your home directory.
And use them later. This makes cpm much faster. This is of cource inspired by Carmel. (#91)
0.352 2017-06-26 00:54:23 JST
- Show progress (#94)
0.351 2017-06-24 15:08:09 JST
- Add all with/without options for consistency; try `cpm --help` (#93)
- Emit `perl -V` to build.log
- Internal refactor
0.350 2017-06-11 21:21:27 JST
- Add --configure/build/test-timeout options (arodland #81, #88)
- Support --with-recommends/suggests options; Note that this respects recommends/suggests in cpanfile only (#87)
0.306 2017-06-09 10:23:00 JST
- Remove IO::Uncompress::Gunzip dependency (#83)
- Now the fatpacked cpm can be used with perl 5.8 (#83)
0.305 2017-06-04 21:37:38 JST
- Use separate directory for each build
0.304 2017-05-30 02:31:06 JST
- Default mirror is now (#80)
0.303 2017-05-30 02:04:07 JST
- Clean up workspaces before downloading tarballs (papix #79)
- Default to fall back to MetaCPAN resolver
0.302 2017-05-14 18:15:22 CEST
- When perl < 5.16, cpm installs ExtUtils::MakeMaker, ExtUtils::ParseXS first
- Show "worker" pid in log
0.301 2017-03-23 23:21:00 JST
- Try to configure static-install, Build.PL and Makefile.PL in order (zakame #74, #75, #76)
0.300 2017-03-06 09:01:27 JST
- Add CAVEATS section to pod (eserte #71)
- cpm automatically retries the installation if it fails (eserte #71, #73)
- Now minimal perl requirement 5.8.5 -> 5.8.1
0.299 2017-01-29 14:27:56 JST
- Add experimantal ability to save artifacts, especially for Carmel
- Support --with-develop option; Note this loads develop deps only from cpanfile
0.298 2017-01-16 01:50:54 JST
- Fix how to extract "provides" from distributions
- Bump HTTP::Tinyish prereq
- Remove Module::CoreList prereq
0.297 2017-01-01 20:19:24 JST
- Add workaround for dists which have both Makefile.PL and Build.PL
- Switch to Module::Build::Tiny
0.296 2016-12-30 01:05:32 JST
- Opts in x_static_install (#68)
0.295 2016-12-25 11:07:33 JST
- Improve old perl (5.8, 5.10, 5.12, 5.14) support;
Inject ExtUtils::MakeMaker, ExtUtils::ParseXS, ExtUtils::Install, Module::Build into configure deps for every ditributions
- Now fatpacked cpm can be used with perl 5.10.1+ (previously with perl 5.16+)
0.294 2016-12-14 03:37:30 JST
- When resolving fails, more verbose messages are emitted (eserte #63, #64)
- Minor bug fixes
0.293 2016-12-11 16:48:22 JST
- Now cpm does not assume core modules are always present (eserte #42, #62)
- Fix up-to-date handling (#61)
0.292 2016-12-10 18:15:16 JST
- Fix trivial bug:)
0.291 2016-12-10 18:01:31 JST
- Make sure ~/.perl-cpm exists (eserte #60)
0.290 2016-12-10 11:29:22 JST
- cpm's log used to be really messy. Now it emits more (hopefully) sophisticated log ~/.perl-cpm/build.log,
so it will be easy to find out the reason of failures (if any).
0.214 2016-11-09 00:59:23 JST
- Normalize mirrors so that "directory" mirrors work (oschwald #49)
0.213 2016-11-05 11:00:58 JST
- Fix how to cache 02packages.details.txt (oschwald #47)
0.212 2016-11-03 14:53:07 JST
- Add --man-pages option (perlancar #44)
- Rename O2Packages 02Packages (perlancar #45)
0.211 2016-10-31 03:53:28 JST
- Remove outdated pods
0.210 2016-10-31 03:49:34 JST
- Non trial release.
- Add App::cpm::Tutorial.
0.201 2016-10-29 21:29:29 JST
- Deprecate --mirror-only options.
Use --resolver option instead (#41)
0.200 2016-10-24 02:33:11 JST
- Add experimental support for git/ref/dist/dev syntax in cpanfile;
eg: requires 'Your::Module', git => 'git://'
- Support queries to MetaDB history API, now cpm can handle version range;
eg: cpm install Search::Elasticsearch~'>= 2.02, < 5.00'
- Support queries to MetaCAPN API, now cpm can handle dev releases;
eg: cpm install Moose@dev
- Add --mirror-only option, now you can use cpm with your own darkpan;
eg: cpm install --mirror http://darkpan --mirror-only Your::Module
- Add --sudo option
- Use Parallel::Pipes to parallelize menlo
- Support platforms that do not have fork(2) system calls such as Win32
0.118 2016-08-03 10:46:56 JST
- cpm becomes even faster; save distfiles and use them (#23)
0.117 2016-07-16 22:17:46 JST
- Allow directories for install targets, eg `cpm install .`
0.116 2016-05-14 08:48:24 JST
- Fixes typo and s/cpan/CPAN/ (oalders #21)
0.115 2016-02-27 23:52:08 JST
- Handle "perl" requirements correctly (#20)
0.114 2016-02-07 18:09:23 JST
- Take care of version range notation (#18)
- Add --cpanfile, --snapshot option (#18)
- Add experimental support for git url (#19)
- Improve document
0.113 2016-01-30 21:13:33 JST
- Introduce --target-perl option (#16)
- Remove ugly workaround for local::lib
0.112 2015-12-19 01:15:44 JST
- Introduce --test option (ichesnokov #14)
0.111 2015-10-18 03:04:30 JST
- improve perl 5.8 support
- fix "Unable to create local/lib/perl5: File exists" error,
which was introduced by local::lib 2.000017 (or dev release 2.000016)
0.110 2015-10-16 00:26:31 JST
- Non trial release
0.101 2015-08-27 23:02:39 JST
- Now there is no assumption that "provides" of distributions are
statically determined. Use (#11)
0.100 2015-08-21 02:35:24 JST
- Initial release