0.10 2023-12-08T11:30:30+01:00
- Fix EXAMPLE2 in doc.
- Improve SYNOPSIS section in doc.
- Move bugtracker to github.
- Rename example files to better names.
- Rewrite doc to use of =head2.
- Rewrite example in doc from Dumpvalue to Data::Printer.
- Update COPYRIGHT year.
- Update LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT section in doc.
- Update Module::Install to 1.19 version.
- Update SYNOPSIS section in doc.
0.09 2020-01-11T23:37:55+01:00
- Change my github username.
- Improve test cover of 03-new.t.
- Improve test of 04-parse.t.
- Update copyright years.
0.08 2018-02-10T13:28:34+01:00
- Add Config::Dot::Array to SEE ALSO section in doc.
- Fix Makefile.PL for new version of Perl and no default »use lib '.'«.
- Update Module::Install to 1.19 version.
- Update author name.
- Update copyright years.
0.07 2015-09-21T22:30:29+02:00
- Improve LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT section in doc.
- Improve SEE ALSO section in doc.
- Move author tests to xt/ directory.
- Remove diacritics from author name.
- Update Module::Install to 1.16 version.
- Update copyright years.
0.06 2014-08-17T11:58:11+02:00
- Fix LICENSE file.
- Improve doc.
- Update Module::Install to 1.10 version.
0.05 2014-03-06
- Add 'readme_from' directive to Makefile.PL.
- Add error check for newline in value. It's inconsistent.
- Add missing Error::Pure::Utils::clean() after error in tests.
- Fix ERRORS section in doc.
- Rewrite B<> to C<> in doc for code parameters and methods.
- Update dependency of Error::Pure to 0.16 version.
0.04 2013-09-21
- Add Test::NoWarnings to tests.
- Add dependency for perl (based on Error::Pure).
- Rewrite Changes file to CPAN::Changes::SPEC format.
- Update req. modules version.
0.03 2012-08-03
- Add git repository to doc.
- Add 'callback' parameter.
0.02 2012-07-24
- Change versions of my modules to last version.
- Fix serialize with $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR.
- Remove obsolete code.
0.01 2012-06-22
- First version.