0.18 2023-02-28T16:10:56+01:00
 - Add File::Fu to SEE ALSO section in doc.
 - Add IO::All to SEE ALSO section in doc.
 - Update copyright years.

0.17 2022-12-16T11:23:38+01:00
 - Add DESCRIPTION section to doc.
 - Add Path::Tiny to SEE ALSO section in doc.
 - Fix new() doc.
 - Improve doc for up() method.

0.16 2022-12-16T09:02:39+01:00
 - Fix minimal dependencies for Error::Pure and Class::Utils (because of
 - Improve LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT section in doc.
 - Rename example files to better name.

0.15 2022-02-24T00:33:56+01:00
 - Fix default Error::Pure module via fix in Error::Pure.

0.14 2022-02-23T23:40:09+01:00
 - Fix default Error::Pure module, which is used for error in tests.
 - Update copyright years.

0.13 2021-02-21T10:59:26+01:00
 - Add blank lines after arguments and before return.
 - Improve constructor parameters in doc.
 - Update author github username.

0.12 2021-02-21T03:08:47+01:00
 - Fix bugtracker.
 - Improve LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT section in doc.
 - Improve SYNOPSIS section in doc.
 - Rewrite POD to use =head2 in METHODS section.
 - Update Module::Install to 1.19 version.
 - Update copyright years.

0.11 2018-01-22T11:56:21+01:00
 - Fix Makefile.PL for new version of Perl and no default »use lib '.'«.
 - Update Module::Install to 1.18 version.
 - Update author name.
 - Update copyright years.

0.10 2016-01-04T12:26:18+01:00
 - Add Path::Class to SEE ALSO section in doc.
 - Add SEE ALSO section to doc.
 - Update copyright years.

0.09 2015-09-28T11:23:30+02:00
 - Fix LICENSE file.
 - Fix concept of arguments of dir() and file() methods in code and doc.
 - Improve LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT section in doc.
 - Move author tests to xt/ directory.
 - Update Module::Install to 1.16 version.
 - Update copyright years.

0.08 2014-02-20
 - Add 'readme_from' directive to Makefile.PL.
 - Add tests for file() method.
 - Add tests for new() method.
 - Add tests for reset() method.
 - Fix test dependencies to reality.
 - Fix reset() method.
 - Improve constructor to remove undef values in dir structure.
 - Rewrite internals to better saving of set()/reset() stay.
 - Update dependency to Error::Pure 0.16.

0.07 2013-11-07
 - Add dependency for perl (based on Error::Pure).
 - Remove trailing whitespace.

0.06 2013-09-21
 - Add LICENSE file.
 - Add SIGNATURE file.
 - Add Test::NoWarnings to tests.
 - Improve doc (add default values for constructor parameters).
 - Improve doc (ERRORS section).
 - Rename CHANGES to Changes.
 - Rewrite Changes file to CPAN::Changes::SPEC format.

0.05 2012-07-16
 - Better check for file instance. Add error. Simplify code. Add new
   situation to tests.

0.04 2012-07-16
 - Errors cleaning in 04-new.t test file.
 - Update build system to new version.
 - Add examples/ directory.
 - Fix Makefile.PL to META 1.4.

0.03 2011-08-01
 - Add set() method.
 - Rewrite 03-pod.t to better version for Perl 5.6. (again)
 - Update README to File::Object man page.

0.02 2011-07-20
 - Rewrite 03-pod.t to better version for Perl 5.6.
 - Remove "(3pm)" from pod doc.
 - Fix tests for Windows (bad path in $FindBin::Bin).

0.01 2011-07-15
 - First version.