package MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::ISBN; use strict; use warnings; use Business::ISBN; use Error::Pure qw(err); use Mo qw(build is); use Mo::utils 0.08 qw(check_bool check_isa check_required); use List::Util qw(none); use Readonly; Readonly::Array our @COVERS => qw(hardback paperback); our $VERSION = 0.10; has collective => ( is => 'ro', ); has cover => ( is => 'ro', ); has isbn => ( is => 'ro', ); has publisher => ( is => 'ro', ); has valid => ( is => 'ro', ); sub type { my $self = shift; if ($self->{'_isbn'}->as_isbn10->as_string eq $self->{'isbn'}) { return 10; } else { return 13; } } sub BUILD { my $self = shift; if (! defined $self->{'collective'}) { $self->{'collective'} = 0; } check_bool($self, 'collective'); check_required($self, 'isbn'); $self->{'_isbn'} = Business::ISBN->new($self->{'isbn'}); if (! defined $self->{'_isbn'} || ! $self->{'_isbn'}->is_valid) { err "ISBN '$self->{'isbn'}' isn't valid."; } check_isa($self, 'publisher', 'MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::Publisher'); if (defined $self->{'cover'}) { if (none { $self->{'cover'} eq $_ } @COVERS) { err "ISBN cover '$self->{'cover'}' isn't valid."; } } # Check valid. if (! defined $self->{'valid'}) { $self->{'valid'} = 1; } check_bool($self, 'valid'); return; } 1; __END__ =pod =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::ISBN - Bibliographic Wikidata object for ISBN number defined by MARC record. =head1 SYNOPSIS use MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::ISBN; my $obj = MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::ISBN->new(%params); my $collective = $obj->collective. my $cover = $obj->cover; my $isbn = $obj->isbn; my $publisher = $obj->publisher; my $type = $obj->type; my $valid = $obj->valid; =head1 METHODS =head2 C<new> my $obj = MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::ISBN->new(%params); Constructor. Returns instance of object. =over 8 =item * C<collective> ISBN collective flag. Parameter means that ISBN is for collection. Valid value is boolean (0/1). Default value is 0. =item * C<cover> ISBN cover. Parameter is optional. Valid values are: hardback, paperback Default value is undef. =item * C<isbn> ISBN number. Parameter is required. Default value is undef. =item * C<publisher> Publishing house object. Instance of MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::Publisher. Default value is undef. =item * C<valid> Flag if ISBN is valid or not. Default value is 1 (valid), =back =head2 C<collective> my $collective = $obj->collective. Get collective flag. Returns bool (0/1). =head2 C<cover> my $cover = $obj->cover; Get ISBN cover. Returns string. =head2 C<isbn> my $isbn = $obj->isbn; Get ISBN number. Returns string. =head2 C<publisher> my $publisher = $obj->publisher; Get publishing house name. Returns instance of MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::Publisher. =head2 C<type> my $type = $obj->type; Get type of ISBN number (10 or 13 character length) Returns number (10 or 13). =head2 C<valid> my $valid = $obj->valid; Get valid flag. Returns boolean (0/1). =head1 ERRORS new(): Parameter 'collective' must be a bool (0/1). Parameter 'isbn' is required. ISBN '%s' isn't valid. ISBN cover '%s' isn't valid. From check_isa(): Parameter 'publisher' must be a 'MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::Publisher' object. From check_bool(): Parameter '%s' must be a bool (0/1). Value: %s =head1 EXAMPLE1 =for comment use strict; use warnings; use Data::Printer; use MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::ISBN; use MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::Publisher; my $obj = MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::ISBN->new( 'isbn' => '978-80-00-05046-1', 'publisher' => MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::Publisher->new( 'name' => 'Albatros', ), ); p $obj; # Output: # MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::ISBN { # parents: Mo::Object # public methods (8): # BUILD, type # Error::Pure: # err # List::Util: # none # Mo::utils: # check_bool, check_isa, check_required # Readonly: # Readonly # private methods (0) # internals: { # collective 0, # _isbn 978-80-00-05046-1 (Business::ISBN13), # isbn "978-80-00-05046-1" (dualvar: 978), # publisher MARC::Convert::Wikidata::Object::Publisher, # valid 1 # } # } =head1 DEPENDENCIES L<Business::ISBN>, L<Error::Pure>, L<Mo>, L<Mo::utils>, L<List::Util>, L<Readonly>. =head1 SEE ALSO =over =item L<MARC::Convert::Wikidata> Conversion class between MARC record and Wikidata object. =back =head1 REPOSITORY L<> =head1 AUTHOR Michal Josef Å paÄek L<> L<> =head1 LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT © Michal Josef Å paÄek 2021-2025 BSD 2-Clause License =head1 VERSION 0.10 =cut