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Revision history for Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-Author-SKIRMESS

0.009  2017-09-04 10:48:45 UTC

  - Add a comment to .perlcriticrc that the file is automatically generated
  - Add a comment to .perltidyrc that the file is automatically generated
  - Add a comment to .travis.yml that the file is automatically generated
  - Added "__PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable" to all modules
  - Added all core policies but Documentation::RequirePodSections,
    InputOutput::RequireBriefOpen and Modules::RequireVersionVar
  - Added all policies from the Perl::Critic::Moose package in the default
    Perl::Critic policy
  - Added support for a perlcritic.local file which can be used to overwrite
    defaults and add or remove policies on a per project basis
  - Changed the .perlcriticrc to use 'only = 1' and list all used policies
    instead of 'theme = core'
  - The .perlcriticrc is now always recreated (overwritten) during a build

0.008  2017-08-30 21:24:52 UTC

  - Removed an occurrence of 'Use of uninitialized value'

0.007  2017-08-30 21:09:56 UTC

  - Added Plugin::AutoPrereqs::Perl::Critic plugin

0.006  2017-08-29 22:18:19 UTC

  - Add .perltidyrc to the distribution
  - Added 'theme = core' to .perlcriticrc
  - Added Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::SKIRMESS::Perl::Tidy::RC
  - Added Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::SKIRMESS::Test::XT::Test::Changes
  - Added
  - Added Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::SKIRMESS::Test::XT::Test::EOL
  - Added Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::SKIRMESS::TravisCI
  - Added Test::CPAN::Changes release test
  - Added Test::CleanNamespaces author test
  - Added Test::EOL release test
  - Allow travis_ci_ignore_perl configuration option for dist.ini
  - Also scan files under t and xt with Test::Spelling
  - Automatically create the .perltidyrc file
  - Automatically create the .travis.yml file
  - Moved xt/author/perlcriticrc to .perlcriticrc
  - No longer define a -profile for Test::Perl::Critic as the .perlcriticrc
    is now in the cwd
  - No longer set AUTHOR_TESTING env variable on TravisCI because we don't
    check for that anymore
  - Run 'make manifest' on TravisCI before running release tests
  - Run xt/release tests on TravisCI
  - Skip pod-no404s.t author tests during AUTOMATED_TESTING

0.005  2017-08-26 18:55:22 UTC

  - A default Perl::Critic config file xt/author/perlcriticrc is created if
    none exists. Existing files are not changed
  - Added Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::SKIRMESS::Test::XT::Test::CPAN::Meta
  - Added
  - Added Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::SKIRMESS::Test::XT::Test::DistManifest
  - Added Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::SKIRMESS::Test::XT::Test::Kwalitee
  - Added
  - Added Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::SKIRMESS::Test::XT::Test::Mojibake
  - Added Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::SKIRMESS::Test::XT::Test::NoTabs
  - Added Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::SKIRMESS::Test::XT::Test::Perl::Critic
  - Added Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::SKIRMESS::Test::XT::Test::Pod
  - Added Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::SKIRMESS::Test::XT::Test::Pod::No404s
  - Added
  - Added Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::SKIRMESS::Test::XT::Test::Spelling
  - Added Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::SKIRMESS::Test::XT::Test::Version
  - Added Dist::Zilla::Role::Author::SKIRMESS::Test::XT
  - Added new modules to t/00-load.t
  - Added RemovePrereqs::Provided plugin
  - Added Test::CPAN::Meta release test
  - Added Test::CPAN::Meta::JSON release test
  - Allow stopwords configuration option for dist.ini
  - Increased required version of Test::Pod to 1.26
  - Moved Test::DistManifest test from author to release
  - Moved Test::Pod::No404s test from release to author
  - Reformatted Changes file to use less indentation
  - Removed check on AUTHOR_TESTING env variable for tests under xt
  - Removed Test::More import in tests that don't use Test::More directly
  - Require at least version 0.008 of Test::MinimumVersion
  - Scan bin, lib, t and xt directories with Test::Pod
  - Test::MinimumVersion now uses all_minimum_version_from_metayml_ok
  - The authors are now added as stopwords to Test::Spelling
  - The default perlcriticrc now excludes the InputOutput::RequireBriefOpen
  - xt tests are now automatically created by plugins under the
    Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Author::SKIRMESS::Test::XT:: hierarchy

0.004  2017-08-20 21:21:05 UTC

  - Added .perltidyrc
  - Added .travis.yml
  - Added 00-load.t test
  - Added Prereqs::Plugins plugin to dist.ini
  - Added Test::CPAN::Meta author test
  - Added Test::Kwalitee release test
  - Added Test::MinimumVersion author test
  - Added Test::Mojibake author test
  - Added Test::NoTabs author test
  - Added Test::Perl::Critic author test and perlcriticrc config file
  - Added Test::Pod author test
  - Added Test::Pod::No404s release test
  - Added Test::Portability::Files author test
  - Added Test::Spelling author test
  - Added Test::Version author test
  - Fixed links in POD to specify text
  - Removed Dist::Zilla::Role::BundleDeps role
  - Removed Prereqs plugin
  - Removed Prereqs::AuthorDeps plugin

0.003  2017-08-19 20:02:02 UTC

  - Added Prereqs plugin to add a dependency on the bundle in the used version
  - Added PromptIfStale plugin
  - Added PruneCruft plugin
  - Improved abstract
  - Improved documentation
  - Removed UpdateGitHub plugin

0.002  2017-08-18 23:45:16 UTC

  - Added CheckIssues plugin
  - Added CheckSelfDependency plugin
  - Added CheckStrictVersion plugin
  - Added Git::CheckFor::MergeConflicts plugin
  - Added Git::Remote::Check plugin
  - Added InstallGuide plugin and therefore an INSTALL file
  - Added MetaConfig plugin
  - Added UpdateGitHub plugin
  - Added VerifyPhases plugin
  - Added copyright_holder to dist.ini
  - Fixed a display issue in the POD
  - Plugins without arguments can be mentioned as scalar to add_plugins()
  - Removed FakeRelease plugin

0.001  2017-08-17 21:01:13 UTC

  - Initial release