# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. package AI::MXNet::Optimizer; use strict; use warnings; use AI::MXNet::Base; use AI::MXNet::NDArray; use AI::MXNet::Random; use List::Util qw(max); =head1 NAME AI::MXNet::Optimizer - Common Optimization algorithms with regularizations. =head1 DESCRIPTION Common Optimization algorithms with regularizations. =cut use Mouse; use AI::MXNet::Function::Parameters; my %opt_registry; method get_opt_registry() { return \%opt_registry; } method register() { my $name = $self; ($name) = $name =~ /::(\w+)$/; { no strict 'refs'; *{__PACKAGE__."::$name"} = sub { shift; $self->new(@_) }; } $name = lc $name; if(exists $opt_registry{ $name }) { my $existing = $opt_registry{ $name }; warn( "WARNING: New optimizer $self.$name" ."is overriding existing optimizer $existing.$name" ); } $opt_registry{ $name } = $self; } =head2 create_optimizer Create an optimizer with specified name. Parameters ---------- name: str Name of required optimizer. Should be the name of a subclass of Optimizer. Case insensitive. rescale_grad : float Rescaling factor on gradient. Normally should be 1/batch_size. kwargs: dict Parameters for optimizer Returns ------- opt : Optimizer The result optimizer. =cut method create_optimizer(Str $name, %kwargs) { if(exists $opt_registry{ lc $name }) { my $rescale_grad = delete($kwargs{rescale_grad})//1; return $opt_registry{ lc $name }->new( rescale_grad => $rescale_grad, %kwargs ); } confess("Cannot find optimizer $name"); } *create = \&create_optimizer; has 'rescale_grad' => (is => "rw", isa => "Num", default=>1); has 'lr' => (is => "rw", isa => "Num"); has 'learning_rate' => (is => "rw", isa => "Num", default => 0.01); has 'lr_scheduler' => (is => "rw", isa => "Maybe[AI::MXNet::LRScheduler]"); has 'wd' => (is => "rw", isa => "Num", default => 0); has 'lr_mult' => (is => "rw", isa => "HashRef", default => sub { +{} }); has 'wd_mult' => (is => "rw", isa => "HashRef", , default => sub { +{} }); has 'num_update' => (is => "rw", isa => "Int"); has 'begin_num_update' => (is => "rw", isa => "Int", default => 0); has '_index_update_count' => (is => "rw", isa => "HashRef", default => sub { +{} }); has 'clip_gradient' => (is => "rw", isa => "Maybe[Num]"); has 'param_idx2name' => (is => "rw", isa => "HashRef[Str]", default => sub { +{} }); has 'idx2name' => (is => "rw", isa => "HashRef[Str]"); has 'sym' => (is => "rw", isa => "Maybe[AI::MXNet::Symbol]"); has 'param_dict' => (is => "rw", isa => "HashRef", default => sub { +{} }); sub BUILD { my $self = shift; if($self->lr_scheduler) { $self->lr_scheduler->base_lr($self->learning_rate); } $self->lr($self->learning_rate); $self->num_update($self->begin_num_update); $self->idx2name({ %{ $self->param_idx2name } }); $self->set_lr_mult({}); $self->set_wd_mult({}); } # Create additional optimizer state such as momentum. # override in implementations. method create_state($index, $weight){} # Update the parameters. override in implementations method update($index, $weight, $grad, $state){} # set lr scale is deprecated. Use set_lr_mult instead. method set_lr_scale($args_lrscale) { Carp::cluck("set lr scale is deprecated. Use set_lr_mult instead."); } =head2 set_lr_mult Set individual learning rate multipler for parameters Parameters ---------- args_lr_mult : dict of string/int to float set the lr multipler for name/index to float. setting multipler by index is supported for backward compatibility, but we recommend using name and symbol. =cut method set_lr_mult(HashRef[Num] $args_lr_mult) { $self->lr_mult({}); if($self->sym) { my $attr = $self->sym->attr_dict(); for my $name (@{ $self->sym->list_arguments() }) { if(exists $attr->{ $name } and exists $attr->{ $name }{ __lr_mult__ }) { $self->lr_mult->{ $name } = $attr->{ $name }{ __lr_mult__ }; } } } $self->lr_mult({ %{ $self->lr_mult }, %{ $args_lr_mult } }); } =head2 set_wd_mult Set individual weight decay multipler for parameters. By default wd multipler is 0 for all params whose name doesn't end with _weight, if param_idx2name is provided. Parameters ---------- args_wd_mult : dict of string/int to float set the wd multipler for name/index to float. setting multipler by index is supported for backward compatibility, but we recommend using name and symbol. =cut method set_wd_mult(HashRef[Num] $args_wd_mult) { $self->wd_mult({}); for my $n (values %{ $self->idx2name }) { if(not $n =~ /(?:_weight|_gamma)$/) { $self->wd_mult->{ $n } = 0; } } if($self->sym) { my $attr = $self->sym->attr_dict(); for my $name (@{ $self->sym->list_arguments() }) { if(exists $attr->{ $name } and exists $attr->{ $name }{ __wd_mult__ }) { $self->wd_mult->{ $name } = $attr->{ $name }{ __wd_mult__ }; } } } $self->wd_mult({ %{ $self->wd_mult }, %{ $args_wd_mult } }); } method _update_count(Index $index) { if(not exists $self->_index_update_count->{ $index }) { $self->_index_update_count->{ $index } = $self->begin_num_update; } $self->_index_update_count->{ $index } += 1; $self->num_update(max($self->_index_update_count->{ $index }, $self->num_update)); } method _get_lr(Index $index) { my $lr; if($self->lr_scheduler) { $lr = $self->lr_scheduler->($self->num_update); } else { $lr = $self->lr; } if(exists $self->param_dict->{ $index }) { $lr *= $self->param_dict->{ $index }->lr_mult; } elsif(exists $self->lr_mult->{ $index }) { $lr *= $self->lr_mult->{ $index }; } elsif(exists $self->idx2name->{ $index }) { $lr *= $self->lr_mult->{ $self->idx2name->{ $index } }//1; } return $lr; } method _get_wd(Index $index) { my $wd = $self->wd; if(exists $self->param_dict->{ $index }) { $wd *= $self->param_dict->{ $index }->wd_mult; } elsif(exists $self->wd_mult->{ $index }) { $wd *= $self->wd_mult->{ $index }; } elsif(exists $self->idx2name->{ $index }) { $wd *= $self->wd_mult->{ $self->idx2name->{ $index } }//1; } return $wd; } =head1 NAME AI::MXNet::SGD - A very simple SGD optimizer with momentum and weight regularization. =cut =head1 DESCRIPTION A very simple SGD optimizer with momentum and weight regularization. If the storage types of weight and grad are both 'row_sparse', and 'lazy_update' is True, **lazy updates** are applied by for row in grad.indices: rescaled_grad[row] = lr * rescale_grad * clip(grad[row], clip_gradient) + wd * weight[row] state[row] = momentum[row] * state[row] + rescaled_grad[row] weight[row] = weight[row] - state[row] The sparse update only updates the momentum for the weights whose row_sparse gradient indices appear in the current batch, rather than updating it for all indices. Compared with the original update, it can provide large improvements in model training throughput for some applications. However, it provides slightly different semantics than the original update, and may lead to different empirical results. Otherwise, **standard updates** are applied by:: rescaled_grad = lr * rescale_grad * clip(grad, clip_gradient) + wd * weight state = momentum * state + rescaled_grad weight = weight - state Parameters ---------- learning_rate : float, optional learning_rate of SGD momentum : float, optional momentum value wd : float, optional L2 regularization coefficient add to all the weights rescale_grad : float, optional rescaling factor of gradient. Normally should be 1/batch_size. clip_gradient : float, optional clip gradient in range [-clip_gradient, clip_gradient] param_idx2name : hash of string/int to float, optional special treat weight decay in parameter ends with bias, gamma, and beta multi_precision: bool, optional Flag to control the internal precision of the optimizer. False results in using the same precision as the weights (default), True makes internal 32-bit copy of the weights and applies gradients in 32-bit precision even if actual weights used in the model have lower precision. Turning this on can improve convergence and accuracy when training with float16. lazy_update: Bool, optional, default true =cut package AI::MXNet::SGD; use Mouse; extends 'AI::MXNet::Optimizer'; has 'kwargs' => (is => "rw", isa => "HashRef[Num]"); has 'momentum' => (is => "rw", isa => "Num", default => 0); has 'multi_precision' => (is => "ro", isa => "Bool", default => 0); has 'lazy_update' => (is => "ro", isa => "Bool", default => 1); sub BUILD { my $self = shift; $self->kwargs({}); if($self->momentum) { $self->kwargs->{momentum} = $self->momentum; } if($self->clip_gradient) { $self->kwargs->{clip_gradient} = $self->clip_gradient; } } method create_state(Index $index, AI::MXNet::NDArray $weight) { my $momentum; my $weight_master_copy; my $stype = $self->lazy_update ? $weight->stype : 'default'; if($self->multi_precision and $weight->dtype eq 'float16') { my $weight_master_copy = AI::MXNet::NDArray->array($weight, ctx => $weight->context, dtype => 'float32'); if($self->momentum != 0) { $momentum = AI::MXNet::NDArray->zeros($weight->shape, stype => $stype, ctx => $weight->context, dtype => 'float32'); } return [$momentum, $weight_master_copy]; } if($weight->dtype eq 'float16' and not $self->multi_precision) { AI::MXNet::Logging->warning( "Accumulating with float16 in optimizer can lead to ". "poor accuracy or slow convergence. ". "Consider using multi_precision=True option of the ". "SGD optimizer" ); } if($self->momentum != 0) { $momentum = AI::MXNet::NDArray->zeros($weight->shape, stype => $stype, ctx => $weight->context, dtype => $weight->dtype); } return $momentum; } method update( Index $index, AI::MXNet::NDArray $weight, AI::MXNet::NDArray $grad, Maybe[AI::MXNet::NDArray|ArrayRef[Maybe[AI::MXNet::NDArray]]] $state ) { $self->_update_count($index); my $lr = $self->_get_lr($index); my $wd = $self->_get_wd($index); my $kwargs = { out => $weight, lr => $lr, wd => $wd, rescale_grad => $self->rescale_grad, %{ $self->kwargs } }; my $use_multi_precision = ref($state) eq 'ARRAY'; if(not $use_multi_precision) { if(defined $state) { AI::MXNet::NDArray->sgd_mom_update( $weight, $grad, $state, $kwargs ); } else { AI::MXNet::NDArray->sgd_update( $weight, $grad, $kwargs ); } } else { if(defined $state->[0]) { AI::MXNet::NDArray->mp_sgd_mom_update( $weight, $grad, $state->[0], $state->[1], $kwargs ); } else { AI::MXNet::NDArray->mp_sgd_update( $weight, $grad, $state->[1], $kwargs ); } } } __PACKAGE__->register; =head1 NAME AI::MXNet::Signum - The Signum optimizer that takes the sign of gradient or momentum. =cut =head1 DESCRIPTION The optimizer updates the weight by: rescaled_grad = rescale_grad * clip(grad, clip_gradient) + wd * weight state = momentum * state + (1-momentum)*rescaled_grad weight = (1 - lr * wd_lh) * weight - lr * sign(state) See the original paper at: https://jeremybernste.in/projects/amazon/signum.pdf For details of the update algorithm see :class:`~mxnet.ndarray.signsgd_update` and :class:`~mxnet.ndarray.signum_update`. This optimizer accepts the following parameters in addition to those accepted by :class:`.Optimizer`. Parameters ---------- momentum : float, optional The momentum value. wd_lh : float, optional The amount of decoupled weight decay regularization, see details in the original paper at:\ https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.05101 =cut package AI::MXNet::Signum; use Mouse; extends 'AI::MXNet::Optimizer'; has 'momentum' => (is => "rw", isa => "Num", default => 0.9); has 'wd_lh' => (is => "rw", isa => "Num", default => 0); method create_state(Index $index, AI::MXNet::NDArray $weight) { my $momentum; if($self->momentum != 0) { $momentum = AI::MXNet::NDArray->zeros( $weight->shape, ctx => $weight->context, dtype=>$weight->dtype, stype=>$weight->stype ); } return $momentum; } method update( Index $index, AI::MXNet::NDArray $weight, AI::MXNet::NDArray $grad, Maybe[AI::MXNet::NDArray|ArrayRef[Maybe[AI::MXNet::NDArray]]] $state ) { $self->_update_count($index); my $lr = $self->_get_lr($index); my $wd = $self->_get_wd($index); my %kwargs = ( out => $weight, lr => $lr, wd => $wd, rescale_grad => $self->rescale_grad, ); if($self->momentum > 0) { $kwargs{momentum} = $self->momentum; } if($self->clip_gradient) { $kwargs{clip_gradient} = $self->clip_gradient; } if($self->wd_lh) { $kwargs{wd_lh} = $self->wd_lh; } if(defined $state) { AI::MXNet::NDArray->signum_update( $weight, $grad, $state, %kwargs ); } else { AI::MXNet::NDArray->signsgd_update( $weight, $grad, %kwargs ); } } __PACKAGE__->register; =head1 NAME AI::MXNet::FTML - The FTML optimizer. =cut =head1 DESCRIPTION This class implements the optimizer described in *FTML - Follow the Moving Leader in Deep Learning*, available at http://proceedings.mlr.press/v70/zheng17a/zheng17a.pdf. This optimizer accepts the following parameters in addition to those accepted by AI::MXNet::Optimizer Parameters ---------- beta1 : float, optional 0 < beta1 < 1. Generally close to 0.5. beta2 : float, optional 0 < beta2 < 1. Generally close to 1. epsilon : float, optional Small value to avoid division by 0. =cut package AI::MXNet::FTML; use Mouse; extends 'AI::MXNet::Optimizer'; has 'beta1' => (is => "rw", isa => "Num", default => 0.6); has 'beta2' => (is => "rw", isa => "Num", default => 0.999); has 'epsilon' => (is => "rw", isa => "Num", default => 1e-8); method create_state(Index $index, AI::MXNet::NDArray $weight) { return [ AI::MXNet::NDArray->zeros($weight->shape, ctx => $weight->context, dtype=>$weight->dtype), # d_0 AI::MXNet::NDArray->zeros($weight->shape, ctx => $weight->context, dtype=>$weight->dtype), # v_0 AI::MXNet::NDArray->zeros($weight->shape, ctx => $weight->context, dtype=>$weight->dtype), # z_0 ]; } method update( Index $index, AI::MXNet::NDArray $weight, AI::MXNet::NDArray $grad, Maybe[AI::MXNet::NDArray|ArrayRef[Maybe[AI::MXNet::NDArray]]] $state ) { my $lr = $self->_get_lr($index); my $wd = $self->_get_wd($index); my $t = $self->_update_count($index); my %kwargs = ( out => $weight, lr => $lr, wd => $wd, t => $t, beta1 => $self->beta1, beta2 => $self->beta2, epsilon => $self->epsilon, rescale_grad => $self->rescale_grad ); if($self->clip_gradient) { $kwargs{clip_grad} = $self->clip_gradient; } AI::MXNet::NDArray->ftml_update($weight, $grad, @{ $state }, \%kwargs); } __PACKAGE__->register; =head1 NAME AI::MXNet::LBSGD - The Large Batch SGD optimizer with momentum and weight decay. =cut =head1 DESCRIPTION The optimizer updates the weight by:: state = momentum * state + lr * rescale_grad * clip(grad, clip_gradient) + wd * weight weight = weight - state Parameters ---------- momentum : float, optional The momentum value. multi_precision: bool, optional Flag to control the internal precision of the optimizer. ``False`` results in using the same precision as the weights (default), ``True`` makes internal 32-bit copy of the weights and applies gradients in 32-bit precision even if actual weights used in the model have lower precision.`< Turning this on can improve convergence and accuracy when training with float16. warmup_strategy: string ('linear', 'power2', 'sqrt'. , 'lars' default : 'linear') warmup_epochs: unsigned, default: 5 batch_scale: unsigned, default: 1 (same as batch size*numworkers) updates_per_epoch: updates_per_epoch (default: 32, Default might not reflect true number batches per epoch. Used for warmup.) begin_epoch: unsigned, default 0, starting epoch. =cut package AI::MXNet::LBSGD; use Mouse; extends 'AI::MXNet::Optimizer'; has 'momentum' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Num', default => 0); has 'multi_precision' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Bool', default => 0); has 'warmup_startegy' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', default => 'linear'); has 'warmup_epochs' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Int', default => 5); has 'batch_scale' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Num', default => 1); has 'updates_per_epoch' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Int', default => 32); has 'begin_epoch' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Int', default => 0); has 'num_epochs' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Int', default => 60); has 'beta2' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Num', default => 0.999); has 'epsilon' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Num', default => 1e-8); has 'init_updates' => (is => 'rw', init_arg => undef); has [qw/lbmult cumgrads adaptive init_updates admult/] => (is => 'rw', init_arg => undef); sub BUILD { my $self = shift; AI::MXNet::Logging->info('Running Large-Batch SGD Algorithm'); AI::MXNet::Logging->info( '(Batch_scale=%f, warmup_epochs=%d, warmup_strategy=%s, updates_per_epoch=%d)', map { $self->$_ } qw/batch_scale warmup_epochs warmup_strategy updates_per_epoch/ ); $self->init_updates($self->begin_epoch * $self->updates_per_epoch); $self->lbmult(1); $self->cumgrads({}); $self->adaptive(0); $self->admult(1); } method create_state(Index $index, AI::MXNet::NDArray $weight) { return [ AI::MXNet::NDArray->zeros($weight->shape, ctx => $weight->context, dtype=>$weight->dtype), # d_0 AI::MXNet::NDArray->zeros($weight->shape, ctx => $weight->context, dtype=>$weight->dtype), # v_0 AI::MXNet::NDArray->zeros($weight->shape, ctx => $weight->context, dtype=>$weight->dtype), # z_0 ]; my $momentum; my $weight_master_copy; if($self->multi_precision and $weight->dtype eq 'float16') { $weight_master_copy = AI::MXNet::NDArray->array($weight, ctx=>$weight->context, dtype=>'float32'); if($self->momentum != 0) { $momentum = AI::MXNet::NDArray->zeros( $weight->shape, ctx => $weight->context, dtype => 'float32', stype => $weight->stype ); } return [$momentum, $weight_master_copy]; } if($weight->dtype eq 'float16' and not $self->multi_precision) { AI::MXNet::Logging->warning( "Accumulating with float16 in optimizer can lead to " ."poor accuracy or slow convergence. " ."Consider using multi_precision=True option of the " ."LBSGD optimizer" ); } if($self->momentum != 0) { $momentum = AI::MXNet::NDArray->zeros( $weight->shape, ctx => $weight->context, dtype => $weight->dtype, stype => $weight->stype ); } return $momentum; } method _get_lbmult($nup) { my $nwup = $self->warmup_epochs * $self->updates_per_epoch; my $strategy = $self->warmup_strategy; my $maxmult = $self->batch_scale; my $mult; if($nup >= $nwup) { $mult = $maxmult; } elsif($nwup <= 1) { $mult = 1; } else { if ($strategy eq 'linear') { $mult = 1 + ($maxmult - 1) * $nup / $nwup; } elsif($strategy eq 'power2') { $mult = 1 + ($maxmult-1) * ($nup*$nup)/($nwup*$nwup); } elsif($strategy eq 'sqrt') { $mult = 1 + ($maxmult - 1) * sqrt($nup / $nwup); } else { $mult = 1; } } return $mult; } method _get_lars($weight, $g, $wd) { my $weight2 = $self->_l2norm($weight); my $grad2 = $self->_l2norm($g); my $lars = sqrt($weight2 / ($grad2 + $wd * $weight2 + 1e-18)); if($lars < 0.01) { $lars = 0.01; } elsif($lars > 100) { $lars = 100; } return $lars; } method _l2norm($v) { my $norm = AI::MXNet::NDArray->multiply($v, $v)->aspdl->sum; return $norm; } method _reset_cum_gradient($index) { $self->cumgrads->{$index}{cum_grad} = 0; } method _get_cum_gradient($index) { if(exists $self->cumgrads->{$index}) { return $self->cumgrads->{$index}; } else { return {} } } method _put_cum_gradient($index, $cgrad) { $self->cumgrads->{$index} = $cgrad; } method _cumulate_gradient($grad, $index) { my $cgrad = $self->_get_cum_gradient($index); my ($num_cums, $cum_grad); if(%{ $cgrad }) { my $num_cums = $cgrad->{num_cums}; if($num_cums > 0) { $cum_grad = $cgrad->{cum_grad} + $grad; $num_cums += 1; } else { $cum_grad = $grad; $num_cums = $self->init_updates + 1; } } else { $cum_grad = $grad; $num_cums = $self->init_updates + 1; } $cgrad = {cum_grad => $cum_grad, num_cums => $num_cums}; $self->_put_cum_gradient($index, $cgrad); return $cgrad; } method update( Index $index, AI::MXNet::NDArray $weight, AI::MXNet::NDArray $grad, Maybe[AI::MXNet::NDArray|ArrayRef[Maybe[AI::MXNet::NDArray]]] $state ) { my $lr = $self->_get_lr($index); my $wd = $self->_get_wd($index); my $t = $self->_update_count($index); my $cgrad = $self->_cumulate_gradient($grad, $index); if(($cgrad->{num_cums} % $self->batch_scale) == 0) { my $lbmult; $grad = $cgrad->{cum_grad} / $self->batch_scale; if($self->warmup_strategy eq 'lars') { $lbmult = $self->_get_lars($weight, $grad, $wd); } else { $lbmult = $self->_get_lbmult($cgrad->{num_cums}); } $lr = $lr * $lbmult; my %kwargs = ( out => $weight, lr => $lr, wd => $wd, rescale_grad => $self->rescale_grad ); if($self->clip_gradient) { $kwargs{clip_gradient} = $self->clip_gradient; } if($self->momentum > 0) { $kwargs{momentum} = $self->momentum; } my $use_multi_precision = ref($state) eq 'ARRAY'; if(not $use_multi_precision) { if(defined $state) { AI::MXNet::NDArray->sgd_mom_update($weight, $grad, $state, %kwargs); } else { AI::MXNet::NDArray->sgd_update($weight, $grad, %kwargs); } } else { if(defined $state->[0]) { AI::MXNet::NDArray->mp_sgd_mom_update($weight, $grad, @{ $state }, %kwargs); } else { AI::MXNet::NDArray->mp_sgd_update($weight, $grad, $state->[1], %kwargs); } } $self->_reset_cum_gradient($index); } else { AI::MXNet::NDArray->sgd_update($weight, $grad, out => $weight, lr => 0, wd => $wd); } } __PACKAGE__->register; package AI::MXNet::DCASGD; use Mouse; use AI::MXNet::Base; extends 'AI::MXNet::Optimizer'; =head1 NAME AI::MXNet::DCASGD - DCASGD optimizer with momentum and weight regularization. =cut =head1 DESCRIPTION DCASGD optimizer with momentum and weight regularization. Implements paper "Asynchronous Stochastic Gradient Descent with Delay Compensation for Distributed Deep Learning" Parameters ---------- learning_rate : float, optional learning_rate of SGD momentum : float, optional momentum value lamda : float, optional scale DC value wd : float, optional L2 regularization coefficient add to all the weights rescale_grad : float, optional rescaling factor of gradient. Normally should be 1/batch_size. clip_gradient : float, optional clip gradient in range [-clip_gradient, clip_gradient] param_idx2name : hash ref of string/int to float, optional special treat weight decay in parameter ends with bias, gamma, and beta =cut has 'momentum' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Num', default => 0); has 'lamda' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Num', default => 0.04); has 'weight_previous' => (is => 'rw', init_arg => undef); sub BUILD { my $self = shift; $self->weight_previous({}); } method create_state(Index $index, AI::MXNet::NDArray $weight) { return [ $self->momentum ? AI::MXNet::NDArray->zeros( $weight->shape, ctx => $weight->context, dtype => $weight->dtype ) : undef, $weight->copy ]; } method update( Index $index, AI::MXNet::NDArray $weight, AI::MXNet::NDArray $grad, Maybe[AI::MXNet::NDArray|ArrayRef[Maybe[AI::MXNet::NDArray]]] $state ) { my $lr = $self->_get_lr($index); my $wd = $self->_get_wd($index); $self->_update_count($index); $grad *= $self->rescale_grad; if($self->clip_gradient) { $grad = AI::MXNet::NDArray->clip( $grad, -$self->clip_gradient, $self->clip_gradient ); } my ($mom, $weight_previous) = @{ $state }; if(defined $mom) { $mom *= $self->momentum; $mom += -$lr * ( $grad + $wd * $weight + $self->lamda * $grad * $grad * ($weight - $weight_previous) ); } else { assert($self->momentum == 0); $mom = -$lr * ( $grad + $wd * $weight + $self->lamda * $grad * $grad * ($weight - $weight_previous) ); } $weight_previous .= $weight; $weight += $mom; } __PACKAGE__->register; =head1 NAME AI::MXNet::NAG - SGD with Nesterov weight handling. =cut =head1 DESCRIPTION It is implemented according to https://github.com/torch/optim/blob/master/sgd.lua =cut package AI::MXNet::NAG; use Mouse; extends 'AI::MXNet::SGD'; method create_state(Index $index, AI::MXNet::NDArray $weight) { my $momentum; my $weight_master_copy; my $do_multi_precision = ($self->multi_precision and $weight->dtype eq 'float16'); if($do_multi_precision) { if($self->momentum != 0) { $momentum = AI::MXNet::NDArray->zeros($weight->shape, ctx => $weight->context, dtype=>'float32'); } $weight_master_copy = AI::MXNet::NDArray->array($weight, ctx=>$weight->context, dtype=>'float32'); return [$weight_master_copy, $momentum]; } else { if($self->momentum != 0) { $momentum = AI::MXNet::NDArray->zeros($weight->shape, ctx => $weight->context, dtype=>$weight->dtype); } return $momentum; } } method update($index, $weight, $grad, $state) { my $lr = $self->_get_lr($index); my $wd = $self->_get_wd($index); $self->_update_count($index); my $use_multi_precision = (defined $state and not Scalar::Util::blessed($state) and ref($state eq 'ARRAY')); if(not $use_multi_precision) { $grad *= $self->rescale_grad; if(defined $self->clip_gradient) { $grad = AI::MXNet::NDArray->clip($grad, -$self->clip_gradient, $self->clip_gradient); } if($self->momentum == 0) { $weight += -$lr * ($grad + $wd * $weight); } else { my $mom = $state; $mom *= $self->momentum; $grad += $wd * $weight; $mom += $grad; $grad += $self->momentum * $mom; $weight += -$lr * $grad; } } else { my $grad32 = AI::MXNet::NDArray->array($grad, ctx=>$grad->context, dtype=>'float32'); $grad32 *= $self->rescale_grad; if(defined $self->clip_gradient) { $grad32 = AI::MXNet::NDArray->clip($grad32, -$self->clip_gradient, $self->clip_gradient); } my $mom = $state->[1]; my $weight32 = $state->[0]; if($self->momentum == 0) { $weight32 += -$lr * ($grad32 + $wd * $weight32); } else { $mom *= $self->momentum; $grad32 += $wd * $weight32; $mom += $grad32; $grad32 += $self->momentum * $mom; $weight32 += -$lr * $grad32; } my $tmp = $weight32->astype($weight->dtype); $tmp->copyto($weight); } } __PACKAGE__->register; =head1 NAME AI::MXNet::SGLD - Stochastic Gradient Riemannian Langevin Dynamics. =cut =head1 DESCRIPTION Stochastic Gradient Riemannian Langevin Dynamics. This class implements the optimizer described in the paper *Stochastic Gradient Riemannian Langevin Dynamics on the Probability Simplex*, available at https://papers.nips.cc/paper/4883-stochastic-gradient-riemannian-langevin-dynamics-on-the-probability-simplex.pdf. Parameters ---------- learning_rate : float, optional learning_rate of SGD wd : float, optional L2 regularization coefficient add to all the weights rescale_grad : float, optional rescaling factor of gradient. Normally should be 1/batch_size. clip_gradient : float, optional clip gradient in range [-clip_gradient, clip_gradient] =cut package AI::MXNet::SGLD; use Mouse; extends 'AI::MXNet::Optimizer'; method create_state(Index $index, AI::MXNet::NDArray $weight) { return undef; } method update( Index $index, AI::MXNet::NDArray $weight, AI::MXNet::NDArray $grad, AI::MXNet::NDArray|Undef $state ) { my $lr = $self->_get_lr($index); my $wd = $self->_get_wd($index); $self->_update_count($index); $grad *= $self->rescale_grad; if($self->clip_gradient) { $grad = AI::MXNet::NDArray->clip( $grad, -$self->clip_gradient, $self->clip_gradient ); } $weight += - $lr/2 * ($grad + $wd * $weight) + AI::MXNet::Random->normal( 0, sqrt($lr), shape => $weight->shape, ctx => $weight->context, dtype => $weight->dtype ); } __PACKAGE__->register; =head1 NAME AI::MXNet::Adam - Adam optimizer as described in [King2014]_. =cut =head1 DESCRIPTION Adam optimizer as described in [King2014]_. .. [King2014] Diederik Kingma, Jimmy Ba, *Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization*, http://arxiv.org/abs/1412.6980 the code in this class was adapted from https://github.com/mila-udem/blocks/blob/master/blocks/algorithms/__init__.py#L765 Parameters ---------- learning_rate : float, optional Step size. Default value is set to 0.001. beta1 : float, optional Exponential decay rate for the first moment estimates. Default value is set to 0.9. beta2 : float, optional Exponential decay rate for the second moment estimates. Default value is set to 0.999. epsilon : float, optional Default value is set to 1e-8. wd : float, optional L2 regularization coefficient add to all the weights rescale_grad : float, optional rescaling factor of gradient. Normally should be 1/batch_size. clip_gradient : float, optional clip gradient in range [-clip_gradient, clip_gradient] =cut package AI::MXNet::Adam; use Mouse; extends 'AI::MXNet::Optimizer'; has 'kwargs' => (is => "rw", isa => "HashRef[Num]"); has '+learning_rate' => (default => 0.001); has 'beta1' => (is => "rw", isa => "Num", default => 0.9); has 'beta2' => (is => "rw", isa => "Num", default => 0.999); has 'epsilon' => (is => "rw", isa => "Num", default => 1e-8); has 'lazy_update' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Bool', default => 1); sub BUILD { my $self = shift; $self->kwargs({ beta1 => $self->beta1, beta2 => $self->beta2, epsilon => $self->epsilon }); if($self->clip_gradient) { $self->kwargs->{clip_gradient} = $self->clip_gradient; } } method create_state(Index $index, AI::MXNet::NDArray $weight) { my $stype = $self->lazy_update ? $weight->stype : 'default'; return [AI::MXNet::NDArray->zeros( $weight->shape, ctx => $weight->context, dtype => $weight->dtype, stype => $stype ), # mean AI::MXNet::NDArray->zeros( $weight->shape, ctx => $weight->context, dtype => $weight->dtype, stype => $stype ) # variance ]; } method update( Index $index, AI::MXNet::NDArray $weight, AI::MXNet::NDArray $grad, ArrayRef[AI::MXNet::NDArray] $state ) { my $lr = $self->_get_lr($index); my $wd = $self->_get_wd($index); $self->_update_count($index); my $t = $self->_index_update_count->{$index}; my $coef1 = 1 - $self->beta1**$t; my $coef2 = 1 - $self->beta2**$t; $lr *= sqrt($coef2)/$coef1; my ($mean, $var) = @{ $state }; AI::MXNet::NDArray->adam_update( $weight, $grad, $mean, $var, { out => $weight, lr => $lr, wd => $wd, rescale_grad => $self->rescale_grad, %{ $self->kwargs } } ); } __PACKAGE__->register; =head1 NAME AI::MXNet::AdaGrad - AdaGrad optimizer of Duchi et al., 2011 =cut =head1 DESCRIPTION AdaGrad optimizer of Duchi et al., 2011, This code follows the version in http://arxiv.org/pdf/1212.5701v1.pdf Eq(5) by Matthew D. Zeiler, 2012. AdaGrad will help the network to converge faster in some cases. Parameters ---------- learning_rate : float, optional Step size. Default value is set to 0.05. wd : float, optional L2 regularization coefficient add to all the weights rescale_grad : float, optional rescaling factor of gradient. Normally should be 1/batch_size. eps: float, optional A small float number to make the updating processing stable Default value is set to 1e-7. clip_gradient : float, optional clip gradient in range [-clip_gradient, clip_gradient] =cut package AI::MXNet::AdaGrad; use Mouse; extends 'AI::MXNet::Optimizer'; has 'eps' => (is => "rw", isa => "Num", default => 1e-7); method create_state(Index $index, AI::MXNet::NDArray $weight) { return AI::MXNet::NDArray->zeros( $weight->shape, ctx => $weight->context, stype => $weight->stype ); # history } method update( Index $index, AI::MXNet::NDArray $weight, AI::MXNet::NDArray $grad, AI::MXNet::NDArray $state ) { my $lr = $self->_get_lr($index); my $wd = $self->_get_wd($index); $self->_update_count($index); my $is_sparse = ($weight->stype eq 'row_sparse' and $grad->stype eq 'row_sparse') ? 1 : 0; my $history = $state; if($is_sparse) { my %kwargs = ( epsilon => $self->eps, rescale_grad => $self->rescale_grad ); if($self->clip_gradient) { $kwargs{clip_gradient} = $self->clip_gradient; } AI::MXNet::NDArray::Sparse->adagrad_update($weight, $grad, $history, { out=>$weight, lr=>$lr, wd=>$wd, %kwargs }); } else { $grad *= $self->rescale_grad; if(defined $self->clip_gradient) { $grad = AI::MXNet::NDArray->clip($grad, -$self->clip_gradient, $self->clip_gradient); } $history += $grad->square; my $div = $grad / ($history + $self->eps)->sqrt; $weight += ($div + $weight * $wd) * -$lr; } } __PACKAGE__->register; =head1 NAME AI::MXNet::RMSProp - RMSProp optimizer of Tieleman & Hinton, 2012. =cut =head1 DESCRIPTION RMSProp optimizer of Tieleman & Hinton, 2012, For centered=False, the code follows the version in http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~tijmen/csc321/slides/lecture_slides_lec6.pdf by Tieleman & Hinton, 2012 For centered=True, the code follows the version in http://arxiv.org/pdf/1308.0850v5.pdf Eq(38) - Eq(45) by Alex Graves, 2013. Parameters ---------- learning_rate : float, optional Step size. Default value is set to 0.001. gamma1: float, optional decay factor of moving average for gradient^2. Default value is set to 0.9. gamma2: float, optional "momentum" factor. Default value if set to 0.9. Only used if centered=True epsilon : float, optional Default value is set to 1e-8. centered : bool, optional Use Graves or Tielemans & Hintons version of RMSProp wd : float, optional L2 regularization coefficient add to all the weights rescale_grad : float, optional rescaling factor of gradient. clip_gradient : float, optional clip gradient in range [-clip_gradient, clip_gradient] clip_weights : float, optional clip weights in range [-clip_weights, clip_weights] =cut package AI::MXNet::RMSProp; use Mouse; extends 'AI::MXNet::Optimizer'; has '+learning_rate' => (default => 0.001); has 'gamma1' => (is => "ro", isa => "Num", default => 0.9); has 'gamma2' => (is => "ro", isa => "Num", default => 0.9); has 'epsilon' => (is => "ro", isa => "Num", default => 1e-8); has 'centered' => (is => "ro", isa => "Bool", default => 0); has 'clip_weights' => (is => "ro", isa => "Num"); has 'kwargs' => (is => "rw", init_arg => undef); sub BUILD { my $self = shift; $self->kwargs({ gamma1 => $self->gamma1, epsilon => $self->epsilon }); if($self->centered) { $self->kwargs->{gamma2} = $self->gamma2; } if($self->clip_gradient) { $self->kwargs->{clip_gradient} = $self->clip_gradient; } if($self->clip_weights) { $self->kwargs->{clip_weights} = $self->clip_weights; } } # For centered=False: n # For centered=True: n, g, delta method create_state(Index $index, AI::MXNet::NDArray $weight) { return [ $self->centered ? ( AI::MXNet::NDArray->zeros( $weight->shape, ctx => $weight->context, stype => $weight->stype ), # n AI::MXNet::NDArray->zeros( $weight->shape, ctx => $weight->context, stype => $weight->stype ), # g AI::MXNet::NDArray->zeros( $weight->shape, ctx => $weight->context, stype => $weight->stype ) ) # delta : ( AI::MXNet::NDArray->zeros( $weight->shape, ctx => $weight->context, stype => $weight->stype ), # n ) ]; } method update( Index $index, AI::MXNet::NDArray $weight, AI::MXNet::NDArray $grad, ArrayRef[AI::MXNet::NDArray] $state ) { my $lr = $self->_get_lr($index); my $wd = $self->_get_wd($index); $self->_update_count($index); my ($n, $g, $delta) = @{ $state }; if($self->centered) { AI::MXNet::NDArray->rmspropalex_update( $weight, $grad, $n, $g, $delta, { out => $weight, lr => $lr, wd => $wd, rescale_grad => $self->rescale_grad, %{ $self->kwargs } } ); } else { AI::MXNet::NDArray->rmsprop_update( $weight, $grad, $n, { out => $weight, lr => $lr, wd => $wd, rescale_grad => $self->rescale_grad, %{ $self->kwargs } } ); } } __PACKAGE__->register; =head1 NAME AI::MXNet::AdaDelta - AdaDelta optimizer. =cut =head1 DESCRIPTION AdaDelta optimizer as described in Zeiler, M. D. (2012). *ADADELTA: An adaptive learning rate method.* http://arxiv.org/abs/1212.5701 Parameters ---------- rho: float Decay rate for both squared gradients and delta x epsilon : float The constant as described in the thesis wd : float L2 regularization coefficient add to all the weights rescale_grad : float, optional rescaling factor of gradient. Normally should be 1/batch_size. clip_gradient : float, optional clip gradient in range [-clip_gradient, clip_gradient] =cut package AI::MXNet::AdaDelta; use Mouse; extends 'AI::MXNet::Optimizer'; has 'rho' => (is => "rw", isa => "Num", default => 0.9); has 'epsilon' => (is => "rw", isa => "Num", default => 1e-5); method create_state(Index $index, AI::MXNet::NDArray $weight) { return [ AI::MXNet::NDArray->zeros( $weight->shape, ctx => $weight->context ), # accumulated g AI::MXNet::NDArray->zeros( $weight->shape, ctx => $weight->context ) # accumulated delta ]; } method update( Index $index, AI::MXNet::NDArray $weight, AI::MXNet::NDArray $grad, ArrayRef[AI::MXNet::NDArray] $state ) { my $wd = $self->_get_wd($index); $self->_update_count($index); $grad *= $self->rescale_grad; if($self->clip_gradient) { $grad = AI::MXNet::NDArray->clip( $grad, -$self->clip_gradient, $self->clip_gradient ); } my ($acc_g, $acc_delta) = @{ $state }; $acc_g .= $self->rho * $acc_g + (1 - $self->rho) * $grad * $grad; my $current_delta = ($acc_delta + $self->epsilon)->sqrt / ($acc_g + $self->epsilon)->sqrt * $grad; $acc_delta .= $self->rho * $acc_delta + (1 - $self->rho) * $current_delta * $current_delta; $weight -= $current_delta + $wd * $weight; } __PACKAGE__->register; # For test use package AI::MXNet::Test; use Mouse; extends 'AI::MXNet::Optimizer'; # Create a state to duplicate weight method create_state(Index $index, AI::MXNet::NDArray $weight) { return AI::MXNet::NDArray->zeros( $weight->shape, ctx => $weight->context ); } # performs w += rescale_grad * grad method update( Index $index, AI::MXNet::NDArray $weight, AI::MXNet::NDArray $grad, AI::MXNet::NDArray $state ) { $weight += $grad * $self->rescale_grad; $state .= $weight; } __PACKAGE__->register; package AI::MXNet::Ftrl; =head1 NAME AI::MXNet::Ftrl =cut =head1 DESCRIPTION Referenced from *Ad Click Prediction: a View from the Trenches*, available at http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2488200. eta : .. math:: \\eta_{t,i} = \\frac{learningrate}{\\beta+\\sqrt{\\sum_{s=1}^tg_{s,i}^2}} The optimizer updates the weight by:: rescaled_grad = clip(grad * rescale_grad, clip_gradient) z += rescaled_grad - (sqrt(n + rescaled_grad**2) - sqrt(n)) * weight / learning_rate n += rescaled_grad**2 w = (sign(z) * lamda1 - z) / ((beta + sqrt(n)) / learning_rate + wd) * (abs(z) > lamda1) If the storage types of weight, state and grad are all ``row_sparse``, \ **sparse updates** are applied by:: for row in grad.indices: rescaled_grad[row] = clip(grad[row] * rescale_grad, clip_gradient) z[row] += rescaled_grad[row] - (sqrt(n[row] + rescaled_grad[row]**2) - sqrt(n[row])) * weight[row] / learning_rate n[row] += rescaled_grad[row]**2 w[row] = (sign(z[row]) * lamda1 - z[row]) / ((beta + sqrt(n[row])) / learning_rate + wd) * (abs(z[row]) > lamda1) The sparse update only updates the z and n for the weights whose row_sparse gradient indices appear in the current batch, rather than updating it for all indices. Compared with the original update, it can provide large improvements in model training throughput for some applications. However, it provides slightly different semantics than the original update, and may lead to different empirical results. For details of the update algorithm, see :class:`~mxnet.ndarray.ftrl_update`. This optimizer accepts the following parameters in addition to those accepted by :class:`.Optimizer`. Parameters ---------- lamda1 : float, optional L1 regularization coefficient. learning_rate : float, optional The initial learning rate. beta : float, optional Per-coordinate learning rate correlation parameter. =cut use Mouse; extends 'AI::MXNet::Optimizer'; has '+learning_rate' => (default => 0.1); has 'beta' => (is => "ro", isa => "Num", default => 1); has 'lamda1' => (is => "ro", isa => "Num", default => 0.01); method create_state(Index $index, AI::MXNet::NDArray $weight) { return [ AI::MXNet::NDArray->zeros( $weight->shape, ctx => $weight->context, stype => $weight->stype ), # z AI::MXNet::NDArray->zeros( $weight->shape, ctx => $weight->context, stype => $weight->stype ) # n ]; } method update( Index $index, AI::MXNet::NDArray $weight, AI::MXNet::NDArray $grad, ArrayRef[AI::MXNet::NDArray] $state ) { $self->_update_count($index); my $wd = $self->_get_wd($index); my $lr = $self->_get_lr($index); my %kwargs = (lamda1 => $self->lamda1, beta => $self->beta, rescale_grad => $self->rescale_grad); if($self->clip_gradient) { $kwargs{clip_gradient} = $self->clip_gradient; } # accumulated g and delta initialization my ($z, $n) = @{ $state }; AI::MXNet::NDArray->ftrl_update( $weight, $grad, $z, $n, { lr => $lr, wd => $wd, %kwargs, out => $weight } ); } __PACKAGE__->register; package AI::MXNet::Adamax; =head1 NAME AI::MXNet::Adamax =cut =head1 DESCRIPTION It is a variant of Adam based on the infinity norm available at http://arxiv.org/abs/1412.6980 Section 7. This optimizer accepts the following parameters in addition to those accepted AI::MXNet::Optimizer. Parameters ---------- beta1 : float, optional Exponential decay rate for the first moment estimates. beta2 : float, optional Exponential decay rate for the second moment estimates. =cut use Mouse; extends 'AI::MXNet::Optimizer'; has '+learning_rate' => (default => 0.002); has 'beta1' => (is => "ro", isa => "Num", default => 0.9); has 'beta2' => (is => "ro", isa => "Num", default => 0.999); method create_state(Index $index, AI::MXNet::NDArray $weight) { return [ AI::MXNet::NDArray->zeros( $weight->shape, ctx => $weight->context, dtype => $weight->dtype ), # mean AI::MXNet::NDArray->zeros( $weight->shape, ctx => $weight->context, dtype => $weight->dtype ) # variance ]; } method update( Index $index, AI::MXNet::NDArray $weight, AI::MXNet::NDArray $grad, ArrayRef[AI::MXNet::NDArray] $state ) { my $wd = $self->_get_wd($index); my $lr = $self->_get_lr($index); $self->_update_count($index); my $t = $self->_index_update_count->{$index}; $lr /= (1 - $self->beta1**$t); $grad = $grad * $self->rescale_grad + $wd * $weight; if($self->clip_gradient) { $grad = AI::MXNet::NDArray->clip( $grad, -$self->clip_gradient, $self->clip_gradient ); } # update m_t and u_t my($m_t, $u_t) = @{ $state }; $m_t .= $self->beta1 * $m_t + (1 - $self->beta1) * $grad; $u_t .= AI::MXNet::NDArray->maximum($self->beta2 * $u_t, $grad->abs); # update weight $weight -= $lr * $m_t / $u_t; } __PACKAGE__->register; package AI::MXNet::Nadam; =head1 NAME AI::MXNet::Nadam =cut =head1 DESCRIPTION The Nesterov Adam optimizer. Much like Adam is essentially RMSprop with momentum, Nadam is Adam RMSprop with Nesterov momentum available at http://cs229.stanford.edu/proj2015/054_report.pdf. This optimizer accepts the following parameters in addition to those accepted AI::MXNet::Optimizer. Parameters ---------- beta1 : float, optional Exponential decay rate for the first moment estimates. beta2 : float, optional Exponential decay rate for the second moment estimates. epsilon : float, optional Small value to avoid division by 0. schedule_decay : float, optional Exponential decay rate for the momentum schedule =cut use Mouse; extends 'AI::MXNet::Optimizer'; has '+learning_rate' => (default => 0.001); has 'beta1' => (is => "ro", isa => "Num", default => 0.9); has 'beta2' => (is => "ro", isa => "Num", default => 0.999); has 'epsilon' => (is => "ro", isa => "Num", default => 1e-8); has 'schedule_decay' => (is => "ro", isa => "Num", default => 0.004); has 'm_schedule' => (is => "rw", default => 1, init_arg => undef); method create_state(Index $index, AI::MXNet::NDArray $weight) { return [ AI::MXNet::NDArray->zeros( $weight->shape, ctx => $weight->context, dtype => $weight->dtype ), # mean AI::MXNet::NDArray->zeros( $weight->shape, ctx => $weight->context, dtype => $weight->dtype ) # variance ]; } method update( Index $index, AI::MXNet::NDArray $weight, AI::MXNet::NDArray $grad, ArrayRef[AI::MXNet::NDArray] $state ) { my $wd = $self->_get_wd($index); my $lr = $self->_get_lr($index); $self->_update_count($index); my $t = $self->_index_update_count->{$index}; $grad = $grad * $self->rescale_grad + $wd * $weight; if($self->clip_gradient) { $grad = AI::MXNet::NDArray->clip( $grad, -$self->clip_gradient, $self->clip_gradient ); } # warming momentum schedule my $momentum_t = $self->beta1 * (1 - 0.5 * (0.96**($t * $self->schedule_decay))); my $momentum_t_1 = $self->beta1 * (1 - 0.5 * (0.96**(($t + 1) * $self->schedule_decay))); $self->m_schedule = $self->m_schedule * $momentum_t; my $m_schedule_next = $self->m_schedule * $momentum_t_1; # update m_t and v_t my ($m_t, $v_t) = @{ $state }; $m_t .= $self->beta1 * $m_t + (1 - $self->beta1) * $grad; $v_t .= $self->beta2 * $v_t + (1 - $self->beta2) * $grad * $grad; my $grad_prime = $grad / (1 - $self->m_schedule); my $m_t_prime = $m_t / (1 - $m_schedule_next); my $v_t_prime = $v_t / (1 - $self->beta2**$t); my $m_t_bar = (1 - $momentum_t) * $grad_prime + $momentum_t_1 * $m_t_prime; # update weight $weight -= $lr * $m_t_bar / (sqrt($v_t_prime) + $self->epsilon); } __PACKAGE__->register; # updater for kvstore package AI::MXNet::Updater; use Mouse; use Storable qw(thaw freeze); use overload "&{}" => sub { my $self = shift; sub { $self->call(@_) } }, fallback => 1; has "optimizer" => (is => "rw", isa => "AI::MXNet::Optimizer"); has "states" => (is => "rw", isa => "HashRef", default => sub { +{} }); has "states_synced" => (is => "rw", isa => "HashRef", default => sub { +{} }); method call(Index $index, AI::MXNet::NDArray $grad, AI::MXNet::NDArray $weight) { if(not exists $self->states->{ $index }) { $self->states->{ $index } = $self->optimizer->create_state($index, $weight); $self->states_synced->{ $index } = 1; } elsif(not $self->states_synced->{ $index }) { $self->states->{ $index } = $self->sync_state_context($self->states->{ $index }, $weight->context); $self->states_synced->{ $index } = 1; } $self->optimizer->update($index, $weight, $grad, $self->states->{ $index }); } *slice = *call; method sync_state_context(Maybe[AI::MXNet::NDArray|ArrayRef[AI::MXNet::NDArray]] $state, AI::MXNet::Context $context) { if(blessed $state) { return $state->as_in_context($context); } elsif(ref $state) { return [map { $self->sync_state_context($_, $context) } @{ $state }]; } return $state; } =head2 set_states Sets updater states. =cut method set_states($states) { my $thawed_states = thaw($states); my ($optimizer); if(ref $thawed_states eq 'ARRAY') { ($thawed_states, $optimizer) = @{ $thawed_states }; $self->optimizer($optimizer); } $self->states($thawed_states); %{ $self->states_synced } = map { $_ => 0 } keys %{ $thawed_states }; } =head2 get_states Gets updater states. Parameters ---------- dump_optimizer : bool, default False Whether to also save the optimizer itself. This would also save optimizer information such as learning rate and weight decay schedules. =cut method get_states(Bool $dump_optimizer=0) { return freeze($dump_optimizer ? [$self->states, $self->optimizer] : $self->states); } package AI::MXNet::Optimizer; method get_updater(AI::MXNet::Optimizer $optimizer) { return AI::MXNet::Updater->new(optimizer => $optimizer); } 1;