Revision history for Perl extension FormMagick.

Added stub L10N perl modules for every language in iso639.  This means
that add_lexicon() now works for *any* real language.

Added some tools to assist developers in generating L10N translations.

A couple of very small bugfixes.

Renamed to CGI::FormMagick

Changes to DTD:
Optional CHECKED attribute on FIELD

Validation changes:
user-supplied routines now work
much improved docco

Other changes:
You can now use TYPE => "STRING" as well as "FILE"
RADIO buttons now implemented
CHECKBOX now implemented

Made FormMagick CPAN-friendly.

Changes to DTD:
NAME attriute on PAGE element is now required
optional DESCRIPTION attribute for PAGE and FIELD elements

Validation changes:
domain_name routine now works

L10N changes:
You can now add items to the lexicon with the add_lexicon method

Adding DEBUG => 1 to your new() call will turn debugging on
You can use debug messages yourself with $fm->debug($message)

Look and feel:
You can now put DESCRIPTION attributes on your pages and/or fields, and
   they'll show up nicely output in the HTML.
Most parts of the form now have CSS "label" attriutes so you can
   change the look and feel of your FormMagick apps

Other functionality changes:
Page pre/post events now work
Form post events now work
You can use form post events to "branch" to a page other than the
   next one in line by setting $cgi's "wherenext" param
when calling the new() method, TYPE now defaults to "file" and SOURCE
   to the same filename as your script but with a .xml extension

A worked example of collecting email retrieval options for the e-smith
server and gateway system is included in examples/e-smith/