Revision history for Perl module Test::RemoteServer
0.1 Fri 07 Mar 2014
- Initial release.
0.2 Sat 08 Mar 2014
- POD Cleanups
0.3 Sun 09 Mar 2014
- Added ssh_auth_enabled + ssh_auth_disabled methods.
- Updated timeout handling.
- Added comprehensive method documentation.
0.4 Sun 31 Aug 2014
- Added github mirror
0.5 - 2nd September 2014
- Added missing test-cases.
0.6 - 3rd September 2014
- Attempt to generate a correct META.yml file for the release.
0.7 - 4th September 2014
- Validated META.yml.
0.7.1 - 4th September 2014
- Don't run our t/style-no-tabs.t test twice.
Thanks to Syohei YOSHIDA
0.7.2 - 5th September 2014
- Added Test::Strict as a testing-dependency.
- Added perl license in Makefile.PL