=head1 NAME

TinyDNS::Record - Parse a single TinyDNS Record.


This module provides an object API to a single TinyDNS record/line.

It is not quite valid because:

=over 8

=item *
We ignore NS and SOA records, which Amazon would handle for us.

=item *
Our TXT records handling uses "T" not ":".

=item *
Our MX record handling allows a name to be set with no IP.


There are probably other differences.


=head1 AUTHOR

Steve Kemp <steve@steve.org.uk>



Copyright (C) 2014 Steve Kemp <steve@steve.org.uk>.

This code was developed for an online Git-based DNS hosting solution,
which can be found at:

=over 8

=item *


This library is free software. You can modify and or distribute it under
the same terms as Perl itself.


use strict;
use warnings;

package TinyDNS::Record;

use Carp;

#  Allow our object to treated as a string.
use overload '""' => 'stringify';

=begin doc


Set the type of the object.

=end doc


sub new
    my ( $proto, $line ) = (@_);
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;

    my $self = {};
    bless( $self, $class );

    #  The record-type is the first character.
    my $rec = substr( $line, 0, 1 );

    #  Remove the record-type from the line
    $line = substr( $line, 1 );

    # Tokenize - NOTE This is ignored for TXT records,
    # (because a TXT record used for SPF might have an embedded
    # ":" for example.)
    my @data = split( /:/, $line );

    #  Nasty parsing for each record type..
    #  We should do better.
    if ( ( $rec eq '+' ) || ( $rec eq '=' ) )

        # name : ipv4 : ttl
        $self->{ 'type' }  = "A";
        $self->{ 'name' }  = $data[0];
        $self->{ 'value' } = $data[1];
        $self->{ 'ttl' }   = $data[2] || 300;
    elsif ( $rec eq '6' )

        # name : ipv6 : ttl
        $self->{ 'type' } = "AAAA";
        $self->{ 'name' } = $data[0];
        $self->{ 'ttl' }  = $data[2] || 300;

        #  Convert an IPv6 record of the form:
        #     "200141c8010b01010000000000000010"
        #  to the expected value:
        #     "2001:41c8:010b:0101:0000:0000:0000:0010".
        my $ipv6 = $data[1];
        my @tmp = ( $ipv6 =~ m/..../g );
        $self->{ 'value' } = join( ":", @tmp );
    elsif ( $rec eq '@' )

        # @xxx:name:ttl
        # @xxx:[ip]:name:ttl
        if ( scalar(@data) == 4 )
            $self->{ 'type' }     = "MX";
            $self->{ 'name' }     = $data[0];
            $self->{ 'priority' } = $data[3] || "15";
            $self->{ 'ttl' }      = $data[4] || 300;
            $self->{ 'value' }    = $self->{ 'priority' } . " " . $data[2];
        if ( scalar(@data) == 3 )
            $self->{ 'type' }     = "MX";
            $self->{ 'name' }     = $data[0];
            $self->{ 'priority' } = $data[2] || "15";
            $self->{ 'ttl' }      = $data[3] || 300;
            $self->{ 'value' }    = $self->{ 'priority' } . " " . $data[1];
    elsif ( ( $rec eq 'c' ) || ( $rec eq 'C' ) )

        # name :  dest : [ttl]
        $self->{ 'type' }  = "CNAME";
        $self->{ 'name' }  = $data[0];
        $self->{ 'value' } = $data[1];
        $self->{ 'ttl' }   = $data[2] || 300;
    elsif ( ( $rec eq 't' ) || ( $rec eq 'T' ) )

        # name : "data " : [TTL]
        if ( $line =~ /([^:]+):"([^"]+)":([0-9]+)$/ )
            $self->{ 'type' }  = "TXT";
            $self->{ 'name' }  = $1;
            $self->{ 'value' } = "\"$2\"";
            $self->{ 'ttl' }   = $3;
            die "Invalid TXT record - $line\n";
    elsif ( $rec eq '^' )

        #  ptr : "rdns " : [TTL]
        $self->{ 'type' }  = "PTR";
        $self->{ 'name' }  = $data[0];
        $self->{ 'value' } = $data[1];
        $self->{ 'ttl' }   = $data[2] || 300;
        carp "Unknown record type [$rec]: $line";
        return undef;
    return $self;


=begin doc

Is the given record valid?  If it has a type then it must be.

=end doc


sub valid
    my ($self) = (@_);

    return ( $self->{ 'type' } ? 1 : 0 );

=begin doc

Get the type of record this object holds.

=end doc


sub type
    my ($self) = (@_);

    return ( $self->{ 'type' } );

=begin doc

Get the TTL of this object.

=end doc


sub ttl
    my ($self) = (@_);
    return ( $self->{ 'ttl' } || 300 );

=begin doc

Get the name of this record.

=end doc


sub name
    my ($self) = (@_);
    return ( $self->{ 'name' } );

=begin doc

Get the value of this record.

=end doc


sub value
    my ($self) = (@_);

    return ( $self->{ 'value' } );

=begin doc

Add a new value to the existing record.

This is added by the L<TinyDNS::Reader::Merged> module.

=end doc


sub add
    my ( $self, $addition ) = (@_);

    my $value = $self->{ 'value' };
    if ( ref \$value eq "SCALAR" )
        my $x;
        push( @$x, $value );
        push( @$x, $addition );
        $self->{ 'value' } = $x;
        push( @$value, $addition );
        $self->{ 'value' } = $value;

=begin doc

Conver the record to a string, suitable for printing.

=end doc


sub stringify
    my ($self) = (@_);
    my $txt = "";

    $txt .= ( "Type " . $self->type() . "\n" )    if ( $self->type() );
    $txt .= ( " Name:" . $self->name() . "\n" )   if ( $self->name() );
    $txt .= ( " Value:" . $self->value() . "\n" ) if ( $self->value() );
    $txt .= ( " TTL:" . $self->ttl() . "\n" )     if ( $self->ttl() );


sub hash
    my ($self) = (@_);

    my $hash;
    $hash .= $self->type();
    $hash .= $self->name();
    $hash .= $self->value();
    $hash .= $self->ttl();

    return ($hash);
