0.1 - 12-06-2014
- Initial release.
0.2 - 12-06-2014
- Created class-hierarchy to allow different storage backends.
- Allow Redis to be used as a backing store.
- Updated POD.
0.3 - 13-06-2014
- Store two-way mappings between the zone ID and the zone name.
This allows deletions to succeed correctly.
0.4 - 13-06-2014
- Correctly remove keys when zones are deleted.
- Added POD to the caching back-ends.
- Added test-cases.
- Added README.md
- Posted code to GitHub.com
0.4.1 - 07-08-2014
- Added dependencies for test-suite, Test::NoTabs, Test::Strict, etc.
- Added license file to repository.
- Added license to POD.