Revision history for Geo::ShapeFile.
2.62 2017-01-08
- Add rlib to TEST_REQUIRES in Makefile.PL to avoid some
cygwin test failures
2.61 2016-01-31
- Specify minimum Math::Trig version to avoid some cpantesters
fails on pre5.8.9 perls on Cygwin.
2.60 2014-03-14
- Add method to obtain the dbf header information.
- Clean up some POD formatting issues.
2.58 2014-03-06
- CPAN testers are green for 2.57_001 so make a production release.
- Fix incorrect passing of arguments in the shape index.
This should not affect most existing code as the indexing
is only used when called explicitly.
- Croak when an invalid file name is passed.
2.57_001 2014-03-05
Development release towards 2.58. Changes are listed there.
2.56 2014-02-18
- Shawn Laffan
- CPAN testers are green for 2.55_001, so bump the version number and release as a full version.
2.55_001 2014-02-17
- Shawn Laffan
- Add Geo::ShapeFile::Shape::Index as a simple 2-d block based index.
- Geo::Shape::ShapeFile now uses a spatial index for the segments.
This speeds up the contains_point routines by about 50-70% when used.
The index is opt-in at the moment, so will have no effect on existing code.
- Geo::ShapeFile::get_part now returns an array ref in scalar context.
- Geo::ShapeFile::Point::angle_to now works.
- Many of the undocumented methods have been renamed to use a leading underscore,
as they are private methods. This avoids a number of POD test warnings.
- Add parent, POSIX and autovovofication to the list of dependencies in the makefile.
2.54 2014-02-11
- Shawn Laffan
- Fix
Thanks to Daniel Smith for reporting, and also providing an optimisation
which also handles edge overlap cases.
- Reorganise the test suite to allow running of subsets of tests.
2.53_003 2014-02-10
- Shawn Laffan
- Clear up several longstanding RT tickets:
Clarify docs such that point objects are passed to has_point, not coordinates.
Values returned from width and height were swapped. Thanks to Lee Goddard for reporting.
$@ should have been @_ (thanks to for reporting)
DBF field names can now be accessed in file order.
corners were incorrectly reported. Thanks to Liam Gretton for reporting.
- Reorganise the test suite to use subtests, with tests in subs. Add more tests.
- General formatting and style changes to the code.
- Add List::Util as a dependency.
- Development is now on github, so update the metadata to reflect this.
2.52 2007-09-14
- Jason Kohles
- Fixed the overloading setup in Geo::ShapeFile::Point to keep it from
failing the tests caused by recent changes in Test::Builder (it was
definitely my bug though, don't blame the excellent Test modules for
it!) This bug was reported by Hermann Schwaerzler, Andrew Koebrick,
Celia Mackie, Andrew McGregor, and probably a lot of other folks
(you can thank all these people for release 2.52, it was this bug that
clued me in how many people were actually using the package, I hadn't
intended to do another release until 3.00 was ready to go.)
- FINALLY fixed the (hopefully last of) the big-endian problem. I
hadn't planeed to include this in this release, as I was still trying
to figure out how to fix it, but while going through my Geo::ShapeFile
related mail to see if there were any other little problems reported
that I could include, I discovered a wonderful patch that had been
sent to me some time ago by Jerry Leibold, which had somehow fallen
through the cracks. My apologies for taking 2 years to get this
fixed, but every time I tried to figure out a solution I was stymied
by my lack of big-endian hardware (not to mention the fact that my
day job hasn't included mapping for several years, so I have precious
little free time to spend on maintaining Geo::ShapeFile, and most of
that time I've been putting into version 3.00) This problem was also
reported by Josh Narins and probably other people whose emails I have
since misplaced.
- Reorganized the package layout a bit, so you can do 'prove -vl t' in
the distribution directory now.
- Roger Crew pointed out that the centroid of a polygonal area is
different from the centroid of its vertices, and contributed a new
area_centroid() method for Geo::ShapeFile::Shape. I renamed the
existing centroid() method to vertex_centroid(), although for the
time being, centroid() is an alias to vertex_centroid().
- Roger Crew also contributed a contains_point() method for
Geo::ShapeFile::Shape that determines whether a given point falls
within the interior of the shape. Miroslav Suchy also contributed
a similar method, but I used Roger's because it didn't add any more
external dependencies.
- Fixed an argument ordering bug in Geo::ShapeFile::bounds_contains_point
(also reported by Roger Crew, thanks for the all the help Roger!)
2.51 2005-05-12
- Jason Kohles
- Corrected a stupid math problem in Geo::ShapeFile::Shape::centroid
function, reported by an anonymous user.
- Fixed a problem discovered by Celia Mackie, where some complex shape
types didn't have their Z and M values transferred into the points
correctly, making it difficult to access those values.
2.50 2004-07-03
- Jason Kohles
- things calming down at new job, more free time at home for pet projects.
hopefully this means more Geo::ShapeFile support to come (as well as
posting some new modules in progress)
- fixed windows bug reported by Patrick Dughi
- object caching
- fixed another windows bug reported by A. B. Jones
- fixed dumb regexp bug that wouldn't let you use directories with a dot in
them (doh!). Reported by Leo WEST
- fixed documentation bug for shapes_in_area reported by Chad Harp
- fixed endianess bug reported by Daniel Gildea
- fixed some count issues, and code cleanup reported by Fergus McMenemie
- documentation clarification suggested by Christopher Eykamp
- fixed divide by zero bug when using angle_to() on points with the same
X value, reported by Frank Maas
- fixed bug where has_point() missed points that fell exactly on the
boundary of the area specified, reported by Frank Maas
- modified dbf file reader to correctly load DBF files that don't have
an end-of-file marker byte. This should correct the 'file size off
by one byte' bug first reported by Attila Csipa (sorry it took so long,
I couldn't find data that reproduced it), patch submitted by
Aleksandar Jelenak.
2.10 2003-03-17
- Jason Kohles
- fixed missing prerequisites in Makefile.PL
- initial support for creating new shapefiles
- removed some less-than-useful required modules
1.5 2003-02-16
- Jason Kohles
- initial release