Revision history for Perl module Task::Biodiverse

2.000 2017-11-23
    - Bump required version for Task::Biodiverse::NoGUI to 2.000

1.99007 2017-01-29
    - Remove Gtk2::GladeXML from dependency list

1.0001 2015-06-08
    - Bump required version for Task::Biodiverse::NoGUI to 1.0001

1.0  2015-04-19
    - Update for version 1.0 release.

0.19 2013-10-28
    - Explicitly depends on 0.19 of Task::Biodiverse::NoGUI
    - Add BUILD_REQUIRES content

0.17 2012-07-05
    - Geo::ShapeFile and Tree:R are now in Task::Biodiverse::NoGUI

0.16001 2012-01-23
    - Move from Bundle to Task namespace

0.16 2012-01-15
    - Update module list for 0.16 release of Biodiverse

0.15 2010-11-06
    - Get ready for CPAN