Revision history for Perl module Task::Biodiverse::NoGUI

0.191 2014-03-06
    - Add minimum version for Geo::ShapeFile (2.58)
    - Set minimum version for List::Util to 1.38
    - Add Geo::Shapefile::Writer

0.19 2012-10-28
    - Statistics::Descriptive, List::Util and Clone now specify minimum versions.
    - Added several new dependencies (rlib, Class::Inspector, List::MoreUtils)
    - Removed redundant dependencies (Pad::Walker, MRO::Compat, Devel::SymDump)
    - Min version is now 5.010
0.17001 2012-07-28
    - Set Math::Random::MT::Auto minimum version to 6.19 to handle crashes
      when initialised with state vectors from different architectures

0.17 2012-07-05
    - Add Geo::ShapeFile, Tree:R and Path::Class

0.16001 2012-01-23
    - Move from Bundle to Task namespace
    - Subdivide second part of name (was BiodiverseNoGUI)

0.16 2011-01-15
    - Update module list for 0.16 release of Biodiverse

0.15001  2010-11-25
    - Fix Statistics::Descriptive version in makefile

0.15  2010-11-06
    - Get ready for CPAN