Revision history for Perl module Task::Biodiverse::NoGUI
2.000 20171123
- Set List::MoreUtils minimum version to 0.425 so we get the binary search subs
1.990074 20170214
- Add Statistics::Sampler::Multinomial
1.990073 20170214
- Add Test::TempDir::Tiny
1.990072 20170214
- Add Data::Compare, Text::Levenshtein and Data::Structure::Util
1.990071 2017-01-29
- Change log release only - neglected to update them for 1.99007
- Add Ref::Util, Scalar::Util::Numeric,
Text::Fuzzy, Getopt::Long::Descriptive,
Cpanel::JSON::XS and JSON::MaybeXS
- Bump min version for Geo::Converter::dms2dd to 0.05
1.99006 2016-09-22
- Add Sort::Naturally
1.990041 2016-08-30
- Add JSON::MaybeXS and Cpanel::JSON::XS
- Set minimum Perl version to 5.16
1.99004 2016-08-30
- Add Sereal
1.99003 2016-08-05
- Remove Spreadsheet::XLSX
- Bump required version for autovivification to 0.16
(might as well have the latest)
1.10002 2016-07-18
- Added Getopt::Long::Descriptive
1.10001 2015-10-23
- Add Data::Alias
1.1 2015-10-09
- Depend on Test::Lib in addition to rlib
1.00011 2015-06-11
- Fix a copy-paste error in the makefile which resulted in neither of
Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX and Spreadsheet::XLSX being installed.
1.0001 2015-06-08
- Update for 1.0001 dev release, but don't use a dev version for the task file.
- Add Spreadsheet::Read, Spreadsheet::ReadSXC, Spreadsheet::ParseExcel,
Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX and Spreadsheet::XLSX
1.0 2015-04-19
- Update for version 1.0 release.
- Set minimum versions
- List::Util => 1.41
- YAML:Syck => 1.29
- List::MoreUtils => 0.410
- autovivification => 0.14
- List::BinarySearch => 0.25
- List::BinarySearch::XS => 0.09
- Statistics::Descriptive => 3.0608
0.99002 2014-08-12
- Update for Biodiverse 0.99_002 development release. Don't use a dev version number for the Task distro, though.
- Add List::BinarySearch
- Add List::BinarySearch::XS
- Set minimum version for List::Util to 1.39
- Set minimum version for Text::CSV_XS to 1.04
0.191 2014-03-06
- Add minimum version for Geo::ShapeFile (2.58)
- Set minimum version for List::Util to 1.38
- Add Geo::Shapefile::Writer
0.19 2012-10-28
- Statistics::Descriptive, List::Util and Clone now specify minimum versions.
- Added several new dependencies (rlib, Class::Inspector, List::MoreUtils)
- Removed redundant dependencies (Pad::Walker, MRO::Compat, Devel::SymDump)
- Min version is now 5.010
0.17001 2012-07-28
- Set Math::Random::MT::Auto minimum version to 6.19 to handle crashes
when initialised with state vectors from different architectures
0.17 2012-07-05
- Add Geo::ShapeFile, Tree:R and Path::Class
0.16001 2012-01-23
- Move from Bundle to Task namespace
- Subdivide second part of name (was BiodiverseNoGUI)
0.16 2011-01-15
- Update module list for 0.16 release of Biodiverse
0.15001 2010-11-25
- Fix Statistics::Descriptive version in makefile
0.15 2010-11-06
- Get ready for CPAN