0.08 2005-04-10
- header includes - added two directories to set_inc in Makefile.PL:
o Torsten Schoenfeld noted that nsIWebBrowser.h is under the 'webbrwsr'
directory on his system, so added that to the includes in Makefile.PL.
o another Gentoo user found that nsISelection.h was in the 'contents'
- added Credits file
0.07 2005-04-10
- wrapped methods for: MutationEvent, NamedNodeMap, Attr,
ProcessingInstruction, CharacterData, Text, DocumentType,
DOMImplementation, Selection, Range
- made everything inherit from Supports, though QueryInterface still
needs to be implemented
- added some examples in 'examples' directory:
o Minilla - minimal Gtk2::MozEmbed
o Signals - demo signals in Gtk2::MozEmbed
- changed several doctypes to something more comprehensible
0.06 2005-04-08
- switched method names to StudlyCaps style instead of under_score,
because it was too tedious when reading/creating documentation
and XSUBs; provided aliases for KeyEvent, MouseEvent, and WebBrowser
because Torsten doesn't like StudlyCaps :) Otherwise, they should
be considered deprecated (not that anyone is actually using this
module yet).
- wrapped methods:
o Element: GetTagName, GetAttribute, GetElementsByTagName, ...
o Node: GetNode(Name|Value|Type), GetChildNodes, InsertBefore, ...
o NodeList: GetLength, Item
With these, you're now able to insert elements (e.g. text)
into the document (e.g. from within Gtk2::MozEmbed's new_window
signal handler).
- fixed Document::GetImplementation args
0.05 2005-04-07
- made typemaps for nsAString args (nsEmbedString),
which simplifies making XSUBs
- wrapped methods:
o Document: get_element_by_id/tag_name, create_element, ...
o EventTarget: add_event_listener, remove_event_listener,
o Window: get_document, get_frames, get_parent, get_top (not done)
o WindowCollection: get_length, item, named_item
0.04 2005-04-06
- added support for creating events
o wrapped the DocumentEvent class, namely its create_event method
o added MutationEvent; still need to wrap methods
o wrapped Init* methods: init_event, init_uievent, init_mouseevent,
init_keyevent, init_mutationevent
- added 'types' constants to Node class
- added WebBrowser; not sure if that will stay in Mozilla::DOM
or be in Gtk2::MozEmbed
- wrapped a couple Window methods: get_name, set_name, size_to_content
0.03 2005-04-05
- added typemapping support so that gtk_moz_embed_get_nsIWebBrowser
can be wrapped in Gtk2::MozEmbed, and thus nsIWebBrowser's
GetContentDOMWindow method can be wrapped
- wrapped the following nsIDOM* classes: UIEvent, AbstractView,
- copied documentation in place and added typemap conversions for:
EventTarget, EventListener, Window, WindowCollection, Document,
Node, NodeList, Element, EntityReference, Attr, ProcessingInstruction,
CDATASection, Comment, CharacterData, Text, DocumentFragment,
DocumentType, DOMImplementation
0.02 2005-04-03
- changed mozilla-gtkmozembed dependency to mozilla-xpcom
so that GtkMozEmbed is no longer required
- finished event class methods except for the "Init*" methods
o added get_type and get_time_stamp to the Event class
o added get_related_target to the MouseEvent class
- added `get_key_code' constants to the KeyEvent class
0.01 2005-04-02
- initial release, with much help from Torsten Schoenfeld
o wrappings for nsIDOMKeyEvent and nsIDOMMouseEvent