0.03  2005-10-02
  - Ported half of the tests from Win32::IE::Mechanize, uncovering
    many bugs (NOTE: tests will definitely fail now):
    o  Mechanize.pm:
       - reload (GUI not fully loading)
       - links (wrong element order)
    o  Form.pm:
       - inputs (GUI not fully loading)
       - enctype and method now return default values if not present
       - attr, enctype and method return default values if not present
       - tick (wasn't working)
    o  Input.pm:
       - radio_value (GUI not fully loading, other problems)
    o  Link.pm:
       - name (failed for <area>)
  - Put 'width', 'height', and 'visible' options in Mechanize->new
    (not in set_property, though)
  - Added `debug' option to Mechanize->new, which gives tracing info
    (in principle)

0.02  2005-10-01
  - Fixed several methods that weren't allowing the GUI to run
    o  Form.pm: submit, reset
    o  Input.pm: click
    o  Link.pm: click
    Thanks to Uwe Voelker for reporting it and for example code.

0.01  2005-09-25
  - Initial release, ported from Win32::IE::Mechanize.