0.23 2007-09-04
- moved ExampleFrameListener and ExampleApplication packages from
  examples/tute5.pl out under Ogre/ , so they can be used by other
- added tute3.pl example, which implements OGRE's "Basic Tutorial 3"
- fixed unbuffered input
- wrapped a lot of SceneManager

0.22 2007-09-02
- added tute5.pl, which implements OGRE's "Basic Tutorial 5"

0.21 2007-09-01
- added WindowEventListener functionality, though not "tested" yet
  (working on another example)

0.20 2007-08-30
- added ninja.pl example, along with necessary wrappers
  to get it to work (you also need to install OIS,
  which I just uploaded to CPAN)
- also added listeningninja.pl example, along with
  FrameListener functionality
- wrapped several other classes, but not fully yet;
  will have another example next release

0.1  2007-08-26
(Note: I accidentally put version 0.1 instead of 0.01)
- first release, minimal wrapping
- includes robot.pl example