Revision history for Chart::GGPlot
0.002002 2023-01-27
- gradient_n_pal now interpolates in the CIELab space. (gh-12)
- improve rgb 0-1 to rgb 255 conversion.
0.002001 2022-09-02
- Adapt to changes in PDL to avoid exception computing date time scales.
(Thanks pablrod !)
0.002000 2022-01-04
- Require Data::Frame 0.006002.
- PDL-compatibility fixes.
0.0016 2021-07-01
- Add geom_text() for text annotations.
- Bump Alt::Data::Frame::ButMore requirement to 0.0058.
- Remove MooseX::Aliases and Math::Interpolate from deps.
0.0011 2020-11-04
- Use Chart::Plotly::Image to generate static images for Plotly Backend.
- Speedup boxplot rendering.
- Bump MooseX::MungeHas version requirement.
0.0009 2020-02-24
- For plotly backend's show() in browser method, use fluid layout by
default. Also allows specifying width and height.
0.0007 2019-09-15
- Bump Alt::Data::Frame::ButMore requirement, to drop use of
- New feature: geom_col().
- Add JSON::XS to runtime requires.
0.0005 2019-06-09
- New feature: experimental support of geom_smooth(). At present loess
(locally weighted estimated scatterplot smoothing) and simple linear
regression are supported.
- New feature: experimental support of geom_polygon().
- New feature: experimental support for geom_rect(), geom_tile(), and
- New feature: Layer's show_legend attribute now really has effect.
- Bug fix: Fixed alpha handling in the plotly backend.
- Bug fix: Now Chart::GGPlot::Stat would not die when generate data for
data with more points for stat then for raw data.
- Bug fix: Fixed Chart::GGPlot::Util::match() for cases where its second
argument has BAD values.
- Make sure Chart::GGPlot::Util::seq_n() return piddle's last element
always be same as its $to argument.
- Plotly backend: legend title now aligns left and supports newlines in
legend title text.
- Plotly backend: now hovertext is shown for scattergl plots.
0.0003 2019-05-04
- New feature: basic support of geom_boxplot()
- New feature: coord_flip()
- coord_cartesian() now really supports :$xlim, :$ylim arguments.
- Add a Chart::GGPlot::Plot::iplot() method for convenience of plotting
in Jupyter Notebook.
- Chart::GGPlot::Util::dollar() behavior is now more consistant. Hope
this can fix a unit test failure in some special environments.
(github #6)
- Performance improvements: Together with improments in
Alt::Data::Frame::ButMore, now for an extreme case of "diamonds" scatter
example, which is quite slow among the examples, it's become 3x faster
compared to before to run in exporting-to-png mode.
- Some doc improvements.
0.0001 2019-03-18
- First release.