Revision history for App-TimeClock
0.01 2012-03-15 22:20
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.
0.02 2012-03-16 11:07
Added description of .timelogrc configuration file.
Fixed a few links in the documentation.
0.03 2012-03-16 16:02
ConsolePrinter: Added a blank line before printing the header. Added --version option that will print the version number.
Switched to GPL v3.
Updated documentation.
0.04 2012-11-28 10:33
ConsolePrinter: Fixed bug that would cause columns not to align when task descriptions contained utf8 characters.
ConsolePrinter: Fixed divions by zero bug (if worked less that a day).
Build.PL: Fixed license value in Build file.
Added more test files.