Revision history for App::MFILE

0.147  2014-08-07 15:57 CEST
- split off from App::Dochazka::REST into a separate distro

0.148  2014-08-08 08:59 CEST
- t/100-model-shared.t: add unit testing script for Model/
- t/: add stub testing scripts for other modules in Model/
- ../release: adapt scripts

0.149  2014-08-08 10:11 CEST
- test release script
- t/: add some tests

0.150  2014-08-08 10:58 CEST
- Model/ make_accessor now takes an optional TYPE argument, 
  which must be a type constant from Params::Validate; so the accessors
  are no longer hardcoded to take only SCALAR values
- t/: add some tests

0.151  2014-08-08 11:03 CEST
- Build.PL: fix requires and build_requires

0.152  2014-08-08 11:35 CEST
- Build.PL: add 'dist_abstract' line

0.153  2014-08-08 11:40 CEST
- testing release script

0.154  2014-08-08 12:13 CEST
- Build.PL: more adjustments of build_requires, requires, release scripts

0.155  2014-08-08 12:14 CEST
- add a sleep to release script to allow NFS to settle

0.156  2014-08-10 18:40 CEST
- Model/ add 'priv' and 'schedule' accessors
- t/: update to current state

0.157  2014-08-10 22:07 CEST
- add Session class to the data model

0.158  2014-08-15 15:59 CEST
- rename Model/ to and refactor
- bring in from App-Dochazka-CLI (LWP and session code will be used 
  by both ::CLI and ::WWW)

0.159  2014-08-16 07:53 CEST
- wholesale refactor

0.160  2014-08-16 10:11 CEST
- fix multiple bugs

0.161  2014-08-21 12:42 CEST
- MANIFEST: add missing

0.162  2014-08-24 20:22 CEST
- minor cleanup

0.163  2014-08-28 11:59 CEST
->rest_req: encode/decode UTF-8 when encoding/decoding JSON

0.164  2014-08-29 13:19 CEST
- make 'rest_req' return hashref with the HTTP::Response object
  from the REST server (stripped of the body), along with JSON body as

0.165  2014-09-01 07:53 CEST
- Unicode hell

0.166  2014-09-01 16:41 CEST
- Unicode hell

0.167  2014-09-02 17:55 CEST
- run 'encode_utf8' on the path before calling LWP::UserAgent with it

0.168  2014-09-03 17:31 CEST
- use Encode->encode_utf8 to encode the JSON string instead of 

0.169  2014-09-10 14:58 CEST
- change name to App::MFILE

0.170  2014-09-10 15:01 CEST
- ../release/: fix current_version.plx which still had references to

0.171  2014-09-10 16:33 CEST
- Build.PL: add App::CELL dependency

0.172  2014-09-11 09:36 CEST
- Build.PL: update dependencies

0.173  2015-08-07 13:05 CEST
- migrate to GitHub
- Set version in top-level module only

0.174 2016-09-04 10:58 CEST
- convert to global release scripting

0.175 2016-09-04 11:06 CEST
- MANIFEST.SKIP: add several missing files
- Merge README files and convert them to reStructuredText

0.176 2016-09-04 11:19 CEST
- fix module name in POD
- README.rst: slightly saner description

0.177 2016-09-04 21:24 CEST
- tests: drop t/boilerplate.t
- Add .travis.yml file
- Changes: fix heading
- README.rst: add Travis CI badges