Revision history for Perl extension Text::FixEOL.
1.00 2005.05.01 - First Release
1.01 2005.05.03 - Attempt to system to play nice with the Test::xxxx modules
and CPANPLUS. No functional changes.
1.02 2005.05.05 - Added more build tests and made various bug
fixes and tweaks. 100% code coverage for
tests reached. Added Test::Pod to tests.
Changed text in POD for licence to correctly
identify license as dual Artistic/GPL.
1.03 2005.06.17 - Removed NoWarnings test to improve ability to build on
older installations. Added pod coverage test. Made all
pod tests optional. No functional changes.
1.04 2005.09.09 - Tweaked POD tests. Tweaked META.yml. Extended license
statement and appended liability disclaimer. Appended GPL and
Artistic licenses to distribution. No functional changes.
1.05 2005.09.13 - Changed pod tests to be more CPANTS friendly.
Removed usage of 'warnings' pragma and 'our' for
Perl 5.005 compatibility.