Revision history for Net-FeedBurner

0.12 2007-04-30
 - General code cleanup
 - Replaced the locale_filter method with locale_url
 - Package and test cleanup
 - Moved what was example code living in unit tests into examples/

0.11 2006-09-07
 - Applied patch from Takatsugu Shigeta
 - Bumped version up
 - Added tests and documentation

0.8 2006-06-09
 - Cleaned and fixed bugs with add_feed and delete_feed
 - Added more (better) tests -- adding and removing
 - Extended test coverage to 88%

0.7 2006-06-09
 - Cleanup on error
 - Added helper function 'modify_feed_source'
 - Added more (better) tests
 - Extended test coverage to 78%

0.03 2006-04-26
 - Minor bug fixes
 - Added more tests ( see 12-functions.t )

0.02 2006-04-26
 - Forcing all connections to go over https

0.01 2006-04-26
 - First version, released on an unsuspecting world.