Revision history for Archer

0.16 2013-07-25T06:32:29Z
    - fix asset_dir resolving in ConfigLoader
    - restore ShareDir missing in 0.14 and move asset/ to share/asset for Minilla friendly.
    - add error message of Archer::Util.

0.15 2013-06-18T02:20:51Z
    - fix dependencies
    - fix tests for perl5.17 or higher

0.14 2013-06-17T12:06:02Z
    - Switch to Minilla
    - Fixup dependencies
    - move script files to bin
    - fix typo in documents

    - add 'ready' phase.
    - appropriately handling when specified several values in --skip and --with.
    - remove old descriptions.
    - refactor tests.

    - add validate feature in Plugin::Exec::Local.
    - depend to Test::More 0.98.

    - add install_script `archer`
    - fix shebang in and arher
    - set default assets path to share_dir


    - hide from pause SVN::Agent


    - add feature to specify multi roles in config.yaml
    - use IO::Prompt::Simple instead of IO::Prompt, because IO::Prompt doesn't work in perl-5.14 after.
    - add feature to specify role in command line option
    - role support in Archer::Schell


    commit 239829c5d2fd0a15abdbecbe593146c466905c3c
    Author: Masayuki Matsuki <>
    Date:   Wed Dec 14 19:13:15 2011 +0900

    stringify $rsync->out and $rsync->err for log.

    File::Rsync::out and File::Rsync::err retruns array in array context,
    and retruns array ref in scalar context.

    lib/Archer/Plugin/ |    4 ++--
    1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)


    * b3ab89f re-packaging
    * 5fbafad use_test_base sucks
    * 08c7ad2  shellモードの {on,with} ... do ... 形式と !task {on,with} ...形式が動くよ うにした。 テストコードも追加。
    * dd059b7 'role' should be here :p
    * 97e332b ネストしたforループの罠にハマった
    * 2dcb78c fixed log level.
    * 2277280 added with option for do deploy with skip_default tasks.
    * 9cc7ea9 added skip_default setting for none-always-need task.
    * 7cc348c not $plugin but $args.
    * 62d4b85 fixed indent.
    * afbe53f added --log_level option for debuging setting.
    * 6e6a6ef added only feature.
    * 2fc1822 Added project filter for project only task. Tweaked info message.


    - added YAML::Syck support
    - specify assets path in config.yaml


    - Plugin::Flock: added
    - Plugin::Confirm: support timeout
    - Plugin::Exec::Remote: do not use sudo when does not specify user name in configuration(by mizzy++)
    - fixed some test problem.


    - fixed test script.
    - no feature changes.


    - fixed test.
    - no feature changes.


    - initial cpan release.

0.01  Fri Oct  6 12:38:02 2006
       Initial release.