1.0  2010-05-XX

     This is a fork from Claes Jakobsson's JavaScript module.
     Althought almost every area was revamped, we try hard to be fully backwards
     compatible, but you should read the documentation.

     The following are the most visible changes:

    - All that you cat expect to be passed by reference between both
      interpreters are now not "converted" but passed encapsulated in
      specialized classes and are "alive".
    - All Perl classes are exportable to javascript. Think (mouth-watering):

	var DBI = Sys.require('DBI');
	var handler = DBI.connect(...);

    - New "questions free" building mechanism.
      Makefile.pl now depends on ExtUtisl::PkgConfig.
    - Builds against SpiderMonkey 1.7.0 up to (unreleased) 1.8.5 (Gecko 1.9.3).
    - Improved exception handling.
    - Perl can access and manipulate javascript's 'this'.
    - Full support for utf8 even when SpiderMonkey wasn't compiled with support
      for it.
    - The code is modularized, some subsystems are only loaded on demand.
    - A command line 'jsp' javascript interpreter included for standalone js
    - Much bigger test battery. Grown from 311 to over 900 tests. 
    - Revised and extender documentation.
    - Many bugs fixed.
    - A few (we hope) new bugs.