Revision history for Perl extension Apache::AuthExpire
0.38 Tuesday July 15 2003
- replaced Apache::Constants::OK with OK for modperl1
0.37 Thursday June 19 2003
- Ported to work with modperl 1 and 2
- Rewrote Makefile.PL to check for install of
modperl. (Uses ExtUtils::AutoInstall)
- Updated the README to include new information
0.36 Friday September 7 2001
- Bug fix in $log->debug() statements
- Bug fix in $time_to_die set
- Fixed fix in time compare
- Fixed bug relating to pages with many subrequests
0.34 Friday September 7 12:50:00 2001
- Bug fix in time compare
0.33 Thurs Sep 6 21:00:00 2001
- Updated documentation
- Improved logging facilities (uses Apache::Log)
- Improved logging facilities (uses Apache::Log)
0.31 Thurs Aug 30 18:35:00 2001
- Updated documentation, fixed pod
0.30 Wed Jun 14 18:00:00 2000
- time files now generated using the $r->server_root_relative() method
- removed some useless debugging reporting
- updated README with TODO list
- inserted call for Apache::src module for future use
0.25 Wed Jun 14 15:20:00 2000
- updated version; modified by hand
- updated $r-dir_config entry for 'TIMEOUT_DEBUG'.
- cleaned up regexp that munges realm names to prevent a realm from being interpretted as a directory
- updated README to give credit to plaid from
0.21 Tue Jun 13 11:32:19 2000
- first release version; created by h2xs 1.20 with options
-AX -n Apache::AuthExpire