Revision history for Perl extension Apache::AuthNetLDAP.
0.01 Wed Aug 16 09:07:59 2000
- original version; created by h2xs 1.19
0.20 Mon Jun 10 06:33:30 2003
- Makefile.PL updated to prompt for automatic downloading of module dependencies.
- using ExtUtils::AutoInstall Makefile now prompts for prereqs Net::LDAP and mod_perl
- modified to work with both mod_perl 1 and mod_perl-1.99 or greater
0.21 Tue Jun 11 06:33:30 2003
- Move $VERSION number variable above the BEGIN block so that PAUSE will
recognize the $VERSION number of the module
0.22 Wed Jun 12 06:33:30 2003
- Try to fix the "extended" text in the documentation of module
0.23 Wed Jun 12 06:33:30 2003
- Fix the chmod on the files so that the installation will be able to manipulate
the files.
0.24 Sat Jun 21 06:33:30 2003
- Fix the Makefile.PL, to make sure that the module can not be made
without Net::LDAP