package HTML::DOM::DocumentFragment; use strict; use HTML::DOM::Node 'DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE'; our @ISA = 'HTML::DOM::Node'; our $VERSION = '0.012'; sub new { SUPER::new{shift} '~frag'; } sub nodeName {'#document-fragment'} *nodeType = \& DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE; 1; __END__ =head1 NAME HTML::DOM::DocumentFragment - A boring class that's rarely used. =head1 DESCRIPTION This class implements the DocumentFragment interface described in the W3C's DOM spec. It inherits from L<HTML::DOM::Node>. =head1 METHODS =head2 HTML::DOM::DocumentFragment's Own Methods =over 4 =item nodeName This returns '#document-fragment'. =item nodeType This returns the constant HTML::DOM::Node::DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE. =back =head2 Inherited Methods =over 4 =item nodeValue =item parentNode =item childNodes =item firstChild =item lastChild =item previousSibling =item nextSibling =item attributes =item ownerDocument =item insertBefore =item replaceChild =item removeChild =item appendChild =item hasChildNodes =item cloneNode =back =cut =head1 SEE ALSO L<HTML::DOM> L<HTML::DOM::Node>