=head1 NAME

MoneyWorks.pm - Perl interface to MoneyWorks accounting software

=head1 VERSION



  use MoneyWorks ();
  # OO use:
  $m = new MoneyWorks::
    rego   => $registration_number,
    user   => $user,
    password => $password,
    file   => $filename,
    bin    => '/usr/bin/moneyworks',
    keep_alive => 0;  # default is 1
  $m->rego($rego); # change it
  $m->user($new_user); # etc.
  $m->version; # returns the MoneyWorks version
  $m->eval( $moneyworks_expression );
  $m->import( data => $string, map => $filepath );
  $m->import( data_file => $datafile, map => $filepath );
  # Not yet supported
  # $m->import( data => \@array_of_hashes, table => 'product' );
  my $hashref = $m->export(
    table => $table,
    fields => \@fields,  # optional; all fields by default
    search => $search,
    key => $key, # if key is omitted an array ref is returned

  # Ties (currently read-only):
  tie my %products, MoneyWorks =>
    file => 'moneyworks://localhost?doc=Acme%20Widgets.mwd5'
    table => 'Product'
    key    => 'Code';
  # Other constructor args (rego, etc.) are permitted.
  $description = $products{'CA100'}{Description};
  # etc.
  # Also:
  my $products = $m->tie('Product','Code');
  my $price = $products->{CA100}{SellPrice};
  # Utility functions:
  use MoneyWorks;
  $quoted = mw_cli_quote q/"'`abc/;
  $quoted = mw_str_quote q/"'`abc/;

=begin for-later

This will be added to the synopsis later if I can get it working:

  my $string = $m->report(
    report => $filepath,
    format => 'text', # or html or hash
    from   => $startdate,
    to     => $enddate,
=end for-later


This module provides a Perl interface to MoneyWorks Gold or MoneyWorks
Datacentre Client.

It uses the command line interface, either running individual commands
(with C<< keep_alive => 0 >>), or maintaining a single moneyworks

It is highly recommended that one read the L<moneyworks> manpage before
using this.


=head2 Constructor

 my $m = new MoneyWorks %args;

The C<%args> are as follows:


=item rego

Registration number

=item user

=item password

Log-in credentials for local files. For documents on servers, include the
credentials in the URL.

=item file

The company file to open. This can be a local file path or a moneyworks://
URL (see L<http://cognito.co.nz/support.faq.php?art=url>).

If you are using a moneyworks:// URL, you must include a port
number if running under a user without a preference file, such as www. If
there I<is> a preference file, MoneyWorks will assume the last used port
number. Always provide one to be on the safe side.

=item bin

The location of the MoneyWorks executable.

This module automatically tries to find it. You can override it with this
option. In Windows, you will almost always have to specify this explicitly,
since the executable needs to be copied and modified to work with stdio.

=item keep_alive

When this is set to a false value, every access to the database will 
require a separate
invocation of the moneyworks executable. If you are connecting to a server
(moneyworks:// URL), this means a new connection each time.

With C<keep_alive> set to a true value (the default), a MoneyWorks process 
will be kept 
running. This can
reduce overhead in the case of multiple database accesses. But be warned 
that only one instance of MoneyWorks can open a local file at a
time. Data access methods will die if the file is already open by another

=begin comment

=item timeout

This only applies if C<keep_alive> is true. If no command has been issued
for the number of seconds specified, a new moneyworks process will be

=end comment


=head2 Accessors

All the options to the constructor are also the names of accessor methods.
You can set these by passing an argument.

If there is a moneyworks process running, setting any of these will
terminate the process.

=head2 Methods for Data Access


=item version

Returns the MoneyWorks version number.

=item eval

Evaluates the MoneyWorks expression and returns the result. This method
also replaces line breaks with spaces, to make it easier to write long
expressions. (MoneyWorks expressions cannot contain line breaks.)

=item import ( data => $str, map => $file )

Import data into MoneyWorks. The C<$file> is the path to the import map
(usually in the plugins folder).

The return value is a hash ref containing the the number of records created 
and updated (except
for User, Contact and Build files, which will always report zero).

Note that field values cannot contain line breaks. (A line break indicates
a new record.) But you can use vertical tabs (control-K) (which is
precisely how MoneyWorks exports them).

=item import ( data_file => $datafile, map => $file )

Like the above, but with a file name instead of the actual data.

=begin comment

=item import ( data => \@data, table => $table )

In this form, you can pass an array of hashes and specify into which table
it is to be imported. The keys of the hashes are the names of fields and
must match the capitalisation given in the MoneyWorks manual.

This only applies to Product, Name, ...

=end comment

=item export ( %options )

Retrieve data from MoneyWorks. C<%options> are as follows:

  table   The name of the table (aka 'file')
  fields  Array ref of field names to retrieve (optional)
  search  Search string (filter) in MoneyWorks 'Calculations and
          Things' syntax
  key     Which field to use as a hash key for each record (the
          key does not need to be included in the list of fields)

If C<fields> is omitted, all fields are returned.

If C<key> is not specified, this method returns an array ref of hash refs;
otherwise it returns a hash ref of hash refs.

=begin for-later

I can’t actually get doreport to work from the command line right now.

=item report ( %options )

Run a MoneyWorks report. The C<%options> are:

  report   File name
  format  'text', 'html', or 'hash': The first two are default
           MoneyWorks report formats. The last is a Perl data struc-
           ture that is the result of parsing the text output.
  from     Starting date
  to       Ending date

=end for-later

=item command ( $command )

Issues a MoneyWorks command and returns the result as a string.

=begin comment

 in scalar context, or a
hash of headers followed by the result in list context.

=end comment


=head2 Methods Pertaining to the Child Process

These methods only apply in keep-alive mode.


=item pid

Returns the process ID of the MoneyWorks process, if there is one.

=item close

This method terminates the process
if it is running.


=head2 Ties

You can tie a hash to a MoneyWorks table like this:

  tie my %products, MoneyWorks =>
    file => $filename,
    table => "Product",
    key    => "Code";

Other options from the constructor are permitted. S<C<< keep_alive => 0 >>>
is I<not> recommended, as it would be very inefficient.

You can also create a tie from an existing object by simply calling the
C<tie> method with the table and and the key as its arguments. It returns a
to a tied hash.

=head2 Utility Functions

These are exported by default. You can C<use MoneyWorks ();> to load the
module without exporting them. Or you can have just one of them exported by
naming it explicitly.


=item mw_cli_quote

This quotes its argument for use on the command line or with the C<command>
method. It picks whatever ASCII delimiter is available, starting with chr
127 and working backwards.

=item mw_str_quote

This functions quotes its arguments for use as a string in MoneyWorks
expressions. It escapes characters as necessary and chooses either " or `
as the delimiter.



You may see these messages if you have warnings enabled.


=item Command contains null chars

If you have warnings enabled and you (directly or indirectly) pass a string
to the C<command> method that contains null characters, you will see this
message. Null bytes confuse MoneyWorks and cause the input and output to
get out of sync, so the module strips them and warns if it finds them.

=item Argument to mw_cli_quote contains line breaks

Commands cannot contain line breaks. C<mw_cli_quote> is not capable of
escaping them, so it warns.



There is no easy way to edit individual fields in MoneyWorks' databases;
you have to create a custom import map. Another way is to evaluate an
expression containing the undocumented Replace() function. The syntax is
Replace("table.field", "search expression", "replacement expression").

The tie interface does not work with the C<keys> and C<each> functions. It
would be very hard to implement this efficiently.

=head1 BUGS

None have been reported yet, but I've left some room for them:

=over 4

=item *

=item *

=item *



L<perl> 5.6 or higher


L<MoneyWorks Gold or Datacentre Client (http://cognito.co.nz/)|http://cognito.co.nz/>


Copyright (C) 2009, Father Chrysostomos (sprout at, um, cpan dot org)

This program is free software; you may redistribute or modify it (or both)
under the same terms as perl.