Revision history for API::GitForge

0.003     2020-03-10 09:21:28-07:00 America/Phoenix
    - API::GitForge::GitLab::_ensure_repo(): avoid an unnecessary API
    - API::GitForge::Role::GitForge::clean_repo(): try to unprotect
      fork branches before deleting them, if GitForge API library
      supports doing this.
    - API::GitForge::Role::GitForge::clean_repo(): push the gitforge
      branch using Git::Wrapper again.
      During early testing, this seemed to hang after pushing to
      GitLab installations, but it seems to work well now.

0.002     2020-03-09 12:17:47-07:00 America/Phoenix
    - Implement API::GitForge::GitLab::_ensure_repo().
    - Add git repo metadata to dist.ini.
    - Don't disable merge requests in GitLab clean forks.
      Otherwise we can't submit merge requests upstream.
    - Code cleanup.

0.001     2020-02-16 16:20:35-07:00 America/Phoenix
    - First public release.