package Git::Annex; # ABSTRACT: Perl interface to git-annex repositories # # Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Sean Whitton <> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at # your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. $Git::Annex::VERSION = '0.003'; use 5.028; use strict; use warnings; use Cwd; use File::chdir; use Git::Wrapper; use Git::Repository; use Try::Tiny; use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile rel2abs); use Storable; use Data::Compare; use List::Util qw(all); use Time::HiRes qw(stat time); use Git::Annex::BatchCommand; use IPC::System::Simple qw(capturex); sub new { my ($class, $toplevel) = @_; $toplevel = $toplevel ? rel2abs($toplevel) : getcwd; # if we're in a working tree, rise up to the root of the working # tree -- for flexibility, don't require that we're actually in a # git repo at all my $pid = fork; die "fork() failed: $!" unless defined $pid; if ($pid) { wait; chomp($toplevel = capturex "git", "-C", $toplevel, "rev-parse", "--show-toplevel") if $?; } else { close STDERR; my $output; try { $output = capturex "git", "-C", $toplevel, "rev-parse", "--is-inside-work-tree"; }; exit($output and $output =~ /true/); } bless { toplevel => $toplevel } => $class; } sub toplevel { shift->{toplevel} } sub git { my $self = shift; $self->{git} //= Git::Wrapper->new($self->toplevel); } # =attr repo # Returns an instance of L<Git::Repository> initialised in the repository. # =cut # has repo => ( # is => 'lazy', # # we don't know (here) whether our repo is bare or not, so we # # don't know whether to use the git_dir or work_tree arguments to # # Git::Repository::new, so we chdir and let call without arguments # default => sub { local $CWD = shift->toplevel; Git::Repository->new }); sub unused { my ($self, %opts) = @_; $opts{log} //= 0; my $used_refspec_config; try { ($used_refspec_config) = $self->git->config("annex.used-refspec") }; $opts{used_refspec} //= ($used_refspec_config // "+refs/heads/*:-refs/heads/synced/*"); my %unused_args; for (qw(from used_refspec)) { $unused_args{$_} = $opts{$_} if defined $opts{$_}; } $self->{_unused} //= retrieve $self->_unused_cache if -e $self->_unused_cache; # see if cache needs to be invalidated, whether or not we just # retrieved it if (defined $self->{_unused}) { my $git_annex_unused = $self->_git_path(qw(annex unused)); my $last_unused = (stat $git_annex_unused)[9]; my %branch_timestamps = map { split } $self->git->for_each_ref( { format => '%(refname:short) %(committerdate:unix)' }, "refs/heads/"); # we don't need to invalidate the cache if the git-annex # branch has changed, because the worst that can happen is we # try to drop a file which has already been dropped delete $branch_timestamps{'git-annex'}; $self->_clear_unused_cache unless $last_unused <= $self->{_unused}{timestamp} and Compare(\%unused_args, $self->{_unused}{unused_args}) and all { $_ < $last_unused } values %branch_timestamps; } # get the unused info if we couldn't load from the cache or had to # invalidate it unless (defined $self->{_unused}) { my ($bad, $tmp) = (0, 0); $self->{_unused}{unused_args} = \%unused_args; # make a copy of %unused_args because Git::Wrapper will remove # them from the hash for ($self->annex->unused({%unused_args})) { if ( /Some corrupted files have been preserved by fsck, just in case/ ) { ($bad, $tmp) = (1, 0); } elsif ( /Some partially transferred data exists in temporary files/) { ($bad, $tmp) = (0, 1); } elsif (/^ ([0-9]+) +([^ ]+)$/) { push @{ $self->{_unused}{unused} }, { number => $1, key => $2, bad => $bad, tmp => $tmp }; } } $self->_store_unused_cache; } # run any needed calls to git-log(1) if ($opts{log}) { my $changed = 0; foreach my $unused_file (@{ $self->{_unused}{unused} }) { next if defined $unused_file->{log_lines} or $unused_file->{bad} or $unused_file->{tmp}; $changed = 1; # We need the RUN here to avoid special postprocessing but # also to get the -c option passed -- unclear how to pass # short options to git itself, not the 'log' subcommand, # with Git::Wrapper except by using RUN (passing long # options to git itself is easy, per Git::Wrapper docs) @{ $unused_file->{log_lines} } = $self->git->RUN( "-c", "diff.renameLimit=3000", "log", { stat => 1, no_textconv => 1 }, "--color=always", "-S", $unused_file->{key}); } $self->_store_unused_cache if $changed; } return $self->{_unused}{unused}; } sub _unused_cache { my $self = shift; $self->{_unused_cache} //= $self->_git_path(qw(annex unused_info)); } sub _store_unused_cache { my $self = shift; $self->{_unused}{timestamp} = time; store $self->{_unused}, $self->_unused_cache; } sub _clear_unused_cache { my $self = shift; delete $self->{_unused}; unlink $self->_unused_cache; } sub abs_contentlocation { my ($self, $key) = @_; my $contentlocation; try { ($contentlocation) = $self->annex->contentlocation($key) }; $contentlocation ? rel2abs($contentlocation, $self->toplevel) : undef; } sub batch { Git::Annex::BatchCommand->new(@_) } sub _git_path { my ($self, @input) = @_; my ($path) = $self->git->rev_parse({ git_path => 1 }, catfile @input); rel2abs $path, $self->toplevel; } package Git::Annex::Wrapper { $Git::Annex::Wrapper::VERSION = '0.003'; AUTOLOAD { my $self = shift; (my $subcommand = our $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/.+:://; return if $subcommand eq "DESTROY"; $subcommand =~ tr/_/-/; $$self->git->RUN("annex", $subcommand, @_); } } # credits to Git::Wrapper's author for the idea of accessing # subcommands in this way; I've just extended that idea to # subsubcommands of git sub annex { my $self = shift; $self->{annex} //= bless \$self => "Git::Annex::Wrapper"; } 1; __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME Git::Annex - Perl interface to git-annex repositories =head1 VERSION version 0.003 =head1 SYNOPSIS my $annex = Git::Annex->new("/home/spwhitton/annex"); # run `git annex unused` and then `git log` to get information about # unused git annex keys my $unused_files = $self->unused(used_refspec => "+refs/heads/master", log => 1); for my $unused_file (@$unused_files) { say "unused file " . $unused_file->{key} . ":"; say ""; say " $_" for $unused_file->{log_lines}; say ""; say "you can drop it with: `git annex dropunused " . $unused_file->{number} . "`"; say ""; } # embedded Git::Wrapper instance with shortcut to access annex subcommands say for $annex->annex->find(qw(--not --in here)); $annex->annex->copy(qw(-t cloud --in here --and --lackingcopies=1)); =head1 DESCRIPTION An instance of the Git::Annex class represents a git repository in which C<git annex init> has been run. This module provides some useful methods for working with such repositories from Perl. See L<> for more information on git-annex. =head1 ATTRIBUTES =head2 toplevel The root of the repository. =head2 git An instance of L<Git::Wrapper> initialised in the repository. =head2 annex Gives access to git-annex subcommands in the same way that Git::Annex::git gives access to git subcommands. So $self->git->annex("contentlocation", $key); may be written $self->annex->contentlocation($key); =head1 METHODS =head2 new($dir) Instantiate an object representing a git-annex located in C<$dir>. =head2 unused(%opts) Runs C<git annex unused> and returns a hashref containing information on unused files. The information is cached inside the C<.git/annex> directory. This means that a user can keep running your script without repeatedly executing expensive C<git annex> and C<git log> commands. Optional arguments: =over =item log If true, run C<git log --stat -S> on each unused file, to see what filenames the unused data had if and when it was used data in the annex. Defaults to false, but if there is log data in the cache it will always be returned. =item from Corresponds to the C<--from> option to C<git annex unused>. =item used_refspec Corresponds to the C<--used-refspec> option to C<git annex unused>. Defaults to the C<annex.used-refspec> git config key if set, or C<+refs/heads/*:-refs/heads/synced/*>. =back =head2 abs_contentlocation($key) Returns an absolute path to the content for git-annex key C<$key>. =head2 batch($cmd, @args) Instantiate a C<Git::Annex::BatchCommand> object by starting up a git-annex C<--batch> command. my $batch = $annex->batch("find", "--in=here"); say "foo/bar annexed content is present in this repo" if $batch->say("foo/bar"); # kill the batch process: undef $batch; =head1 AUTHOR Sean Whitton <> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2019-2020 by Sean Whitton <>. This is free software, licensed under: The GNU General Public License, Version 3, June 2007 =cut