Revision history for org-daemon.

1.02	2016-06-13
	- new option --emacsclient-cmd
	- new option --move-button
	- keyboard shortcuts Ctrl-e and Ctrl-m
	- improved parsing for better display in overview listbox
	- workaround for Xquartz iconification problem
	- fix: encoding detection
	- more tests (for find_dates_in_org_file, with Time::Fake on travis)

1.01	2016-03-09
	- overview window implemented with Tk::HList
	- old Tk::Listbox implementation still available with
	  --overview-widget=listbox option

1.00	2016-03-05
	- first public CPAN release --- before it was available
	  in the repository
	  as scripts/org-daemon