Revision history for Perl extension Tk::Getopt.

0.36  Wed Jun  9 23:55:51 CEST 1999
	- some bug fixes, e.g. regarding Tk::Tiler

0.35 Thu Jul  2 23:30:12 CEST 1998
	- buttons are placed with Tk::Tiler
	- some bug fixes

0.34  Wed Feb 11 02:24:26 CET 1998  
	- -opttable variant accepts aliases and is somewhat easier to
	- subtype => 'file' and choices => ['...'] may be used together
	- use FileSelect widget if FileDialog is not available
	- bug fixes
	- variable $x11_pass_through
	- buttons ordered in grid
	- new button apply
	- limited handling of CODE references in -getopt

0.32  Wed Nov 12 00:10:19 CET 1997
	- use FileDialog widget (subtype => 'file')
	- many bug fixes and optimizations

0.30  Wed Mar 12 14:01:56 MET 1997
	Too many to list. Here are the most important:
	- renamed to Tk::Getopt (former Tk::Options)
	- renamed process_options, do_options, options_editor
	- updated POD

0.10  Sat Feb 15 01:23:07 1997
	- original version