package Mango::Collection; use Mojo::Base -base; use Carp 'croak'; use Mango::BSON qw(bson_code bson_doc bson_oid); use Mango::Bulk; use Mango::Cursor; has [qw(db name)]; sub aggregate { my ($self, $pipeline) = (shift, shift); my $cb = ref $_[-1] eq 'CODE' ? pop : undef; my $command = bson_doc(aggregate => $self->name, pipeline => $pipeline, %{shift // {}}); $command->{cursor} //= {} unless $command->{explain}; # Blocking return $self->_aggregate($command, $self->db->command($command)) unless $cb; # Non-blocking return $self->db->command($command, sub { shift; $self->$cb(shift, $self->_aggregate($command, shift)) }); } sub build_index_name { join '_', keys %{$_[1]} } sub bulk { Mango::Bulk->new(collection => shift) } sub create { my $self = shift; my $cb = ref $_[-1] eq 'CODE' ? pop : undef; return $self->_command(bson_doc(create => $self->name, %{shift // {}}), $cb); } sub drop { $_[0]->_command(bson_doc(drop => $_[0]->name), $_[1]) } sub drop_index { my ($self, $name) = (shift, shift); return $self->_command(bson_doc(dropIndexes => $self->name, index => $name), shift); } sub ensure_index { my ($self, $spec) = (shift, shift); my $cb = ref $_[-1] eq 'CODE' ? pop : undef; my $doc = shift // {}; $doc->{name} //= $self->build_index_name($spec); $doc->{key} = $spec; # Non-blocking my $command = bson_doc createIndexes => $self->name, indexes => [$doc]; return $self->db->command($command => sub { shift; $self->$cb(shift) }) if $cb; # Blocking $self->db->command($command); } sub find { Mango::Cursor->new( collection => shift, query => shift // {}, fields => shift // {} ); } sub find_and_modify { my ($self, $opts) = (shift, shift); return $self->_command(bson_doc(findAndModify => $self->name, %$opts), shift, sub { shift->{value} }); } sub find_one { my ($self, $query) = (shift, shift); $query = {_id => $query} if ref $query eq 'Mango::BSON::ObjectID'; my $cb = ref $_[-1] eq 'CODE' ? pop : undef; # Non-blocking my $cursor = $self->find($query, @_)->limit(-1); return $cursor->next(sub { shift; $self->$cb(@_) }) if $cb; # Blocking return $cursor->next; } sub full_name { join '.', $_[0]->db->name, $_[0]->name } sub index_information { my ($self, $cb) = @_; # Non-blocking my $collection = $self->db->collection('system.indexes'); my $cursor = $collection->find({ns => $self->full_name})->fields({ns => 0}); return $cursor->all(sub { shift; $self->$cb(shift, _indexes(shift)) }) if $cb; # Blocking return _indexes($cursor->all); } sub insert { my ($self, $docs) = @_; $docs = [$docs] unless ref $docs eq 'ARRAY'; my $cb = ref $_[-1] eq 'CODE' ? pop : undef; # Make sure all documents have ids my @ids = map { $_->{_id} //= bson_oid } @$docs; my $command = bson_doc insert => $self->name, documents => $docs, ordered => \1, writeConcern => $self->db->build_write_concern; return $self->_command($command, $cb, sub { @ids > 1 ? \@ids : $ids[0] }); } sub map_reduce { my ($self, $map, $reduce) = (shift, shift, shift); my $cb = ref $_[-1] eq 'CODE' ? pop : undef; my $command = bson_doc mapreduce => $self->name, map => ref $map ? $map : bson_code($map), reduce => ref $reduce ? $reduce : bson_code($reduce), %{shift // {}}; # Blocking return $self->_map_reduce($self->db->command($command)) unless $cb; # Non-blocking return $self->db->command( $command => sub { shift; $self->$cb(shift, $self->_map_reduce(shift)) }); } sub options { my ($self, $cb) = @_; # Non-blocking my $query = {name => $self->full_name}; my $namespaces = $self->db->collection('system.namespaces'); return $namespaces->find_one($query => sub { shift; $self->$cb(@_) }) if $cb; # Blocking return $namespaces->find_one($query); } sub remove { my $self = shift; my $cb = ref $_[-1] eq 'CODE' ? pop : undef; my $query = shift // {}; my $flags = shift // {}; my $command = bson_doc delete => $self->name, deletes => [{q => $query, limit => $flags->{single} ? 1 : 0}], ordered => \1, writeConcern => $self->db->build_write_concern; return $self->_command($command, $cb); } sub save { my ($self, $doc, $cb) = @_; # New document return $self->insert($doc, $cb) unless $doc->{_id}; # Update non-blocking my @update = ({_id => $doc->{_id}}, $doc, {upsert => 1}); return $self->update(@update => sub { shift->$cb(shift, $doc->{_id}) }) if $cb; # Update blocking $self->update(@update); return $doc->{_id}; } sub stats { $_[0]->_command(bson_doc(collstats => $_[0]->name), $_[1]) } sub update { my ($self, $query, $update) = (shift, shift, shift); my $cb = ref $_[-1] eq 'CODE' ? pop : undef; my $flags = shift // {}; $update = { q => $query, u => $update, upsert => $flags->{upsert} ? \1 : \0, multi => $flags->{multi} ? \1 : \0 }; my $command = bson_doc update => $self->name, updates => [$update], ordered => \1, writeConcern => $self->db->build_write_concern; return $self->_command($command, $cb); } sub _aggregate { my ($self, $command, $doc) = @_; # Document (explain) return $doc if $command->{explain}; # Collection my $out = $command->{pipeline}[-1]{'$out'}; return $self->db->collection($out) if defined $out; # Cursor my $cursor = $doc->{cursor}; return Mango::Cursor->new(collection => $self, id => $cursor->{id}) ->add_batch($cursor->{firstBatch}); } sub _command { my ($self, $command, $cb, $return) = @_; $return ||= sub {shift}; # Non-blocking my $db = $self->db; my $protocol = $db->mango->protocol; return $db->command( $command => sub { my ($db, $err, $doc) = @_; $err ||= $protocol->write_error($doc); $self->$cb($err, $return->($doc)); } ) if $cb; # Blocking my $doc = $db->command($command); if (my $err = $protocol->write_error($doc)) { croak $err } return $return->($doc); } sub _indexes { my $indexes = bson_doc; if (my $docs = shift) { $indexes->{delete $_->{name}} = $_ for @$docs } return $indexes; } sub _map_reduce { my ($self, $doc) = @_; return $doc->{results} unless $doc->{result}; return $self->db->collection($doc->{result}); } 1; =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME Mango::Collection - MongoDB collection =head1 SYNOPSIS use Mango::Collection; my $collection = Mango::Collection->new(db => $db); my $cursor = $collection->find({foo => 'bar'}); =head1 DESCRIPTION L<Mango::Collection> is a container for MongoDB collections used by L<Mango::Database>. =head1 ATTRIBUTES L<Mango::Collection> implements the following attributes. =head2 db my $db = $collection->db; $collection = $collection->db(Mango::Database->new); L<Mango::Database> object this collection belongs to. =head2 name my $name = $collection->name; $collection = $collection->name('bar'); Name of this collection. =head1 METHODS L<Mango::Collection> inherits all methods from L<Mojo::Base> and implements the following new ones. =head2 aggregate my $cursor = $collection->aggregate( [{'$group' => {_id => undef, total => {'$sum' => '$foo'}}}]); my $collection = $collection->aggregate( [{'$match' => {'$gt' => 23}}, {'$out' => 'some_collection'}]); my $doc = $collection->aggregate( [{'$match' => {'$gt' => 23}}], {explain => bson_true}); Aggregate collection with aggregation framework, additional options will be passed along to the server verbatim. You can also append a callback to perform operation non-blocking. my $pipeline = [{'$group' => {_id => undef, total => {'$sum' => '$foo'}}}]; $collection->aggregate($pipeline => sub { my ($collection, $err, $cursor) = @_; ... }); Mojo::IOLoop->start unless Mojo::IOLoop->is_running; =head2 build_index_name my $name = $collection->build_index_name(bson_doc(foo => 1, bar => -1)); my $name = $collection->build_index_name({foo => 1}); Build name for index specification, the order of keys matters for compound indexes. =head2 bulk my $bulk = $collection->bulk; Build L<Mango::Bulk> object. my $bulk = $collection->bulk; $bulk->insert({foo => $_}) for 1 .. 10; $bulk->find({foo => 4})->update_one({'$set' => {bar => 'baz'}}); $bulk->find({foo => 7})->remove_one; my $results = $bulk->execute; =head2 create $collection->create; $collection->create({capped => bson_true, max => 5, size => 10000}); Create collection. You can also append a callback to perform operation non-blocking. $collection->create({capped => bson_true, max => 5, size => 10000} => sub { my ($collection, $err) = @_; ... }); Mojo::IOLoop->start unless Mojo::IOLoop->is_running; =head2 drop $collection->drop; Drop collection. You can also append a callback to perform operation non-blocking. $collection->drop(sub { my ($collection, $err) = @_; ... }); Mojo::IOLoop->start unless Mojo::IOLoop->is_running; =head2 drop_index $collection->drop_index('foo'); Drop index. You can also append a callback to perform operation non-blocking. $collection->drop_index(foo => sub { my ($collection, $err) = @_; ... }); Mojo::IOLoop->start unless Mojo::IOLoop->is_running; =head2 ensure_index $collection->ensure_index(bson_doc(foo => 1, bar => -1)); $collection->ensure_index({foo => 1}); $collection->ensure_index({foo => 1}, {unique => bson_true}); Make sure an index exists, the order of keys matters for compound indexes, additional options will be passed along to the server verbatim. You can also append a callback to perform operation non-blocking. $collection->ensure_index(({foo => 1}, {unique => bson_true}) => sub { my ($collection, $err) = @_; ... }); Mojo::IOLoop->start unless Mojo::IOLoop->is_running; =head2 find my $cursor = $collection->find; my $cursor = $collection->find({foo => 'bar'}); my $cursor = $collection->find({foo => 'bar'}, {foo => 1}); Build L<Mango::Cursor> object for query. # Exclude "_id" field from results my $docs = $collection->find({foo => 'bar'}, {_id => 0})->all; =head2 find_and_modify my $doc = $collection->find_and_modify( {query => {foo => 'bar'}, update => {'$set' => {foo => 'baz'}}}); Update document atomically. You can also append a callback to perform operation non-blocking. my $opts = {query => {foo => 'bar'}, update => {'$set' => {foo => 'baz'}}}; $collection->find_and_modify($opts => sub { my ($collection, $err, $doc) = @_; ... }); Mojo::IOLoop->start unless Mojo::IOLoop->is_running; =head2 find_one my $doc = $collection->find_one({foo => 'bar'}); my $doc = $collection->find_one({foo => 'bar'}, {foo => 1}); my $doc = $collection->find_one($oid, {foo => 1}); Find one document. You can also append a callback to perform operation non-blocking. $collection->find_one({foo => 'bar'} => sub { my ($collection, $err, $doc) = @_; ... }); Mojo::IOLoop->start unless Mojo::IOLoop->is_running; =head2 full_name my $name = $collection->full_name; Full name of this collection. =head2 index_information my $info = $collection->index_information; Get index information for collection. You can also append a callback to perform operation non-blocking. $collection->index_information(sub { my ($collection, $err, $info) = @_; ... }); Mojo::IOLoop->start unless Mojo::IOLoop->is_running; =head2 insert my $oid = $collection->insert({foo => 'bar'}); my $oids = $collection->insert([{foo => 'bar'}, {baz => 'yada'}]); Insert one or more documents into collection. You can also append a callback to perform operation non-blocking. $collection->insert({foo => 'bar'} => sub { my ($collection, $err, $oid) = @_; ... }); Mojo::IOLoop->start unless Mojo::IOLoop->is_running; =head2 map_reduce my $collection = $collection->map_reduce($map, $reduce, {out => 'foo'}); my $docs = $collection->map_reduce($map, $reduce, {out => {inline => 1}}); my $docs = $collection->map_reduce( bson_code($map), bson_code($reduce), {out => {inline => 1}}); Perform map/reduce operation on collection, additional options will be passed along to the server verbatim. You can also append a callback to perform operation non-blocking. $collection->map_reduce(($map, $reduce, {out => {inline => 1}}) => sub { my ($collection, $err, $docs) = @_; ... } ); Mojo::IOLoop->start unless Mojo::IOLoop->is_running; =head2 options my $doc = $collection->options; Get options for collection. You can also append a callback to perform operation non-blocking. $collection->options(sub { my ($collection, $err, $doc) = @_; ... }); Mojo::IOLoop->start unless Mojo::IOLoop->is_running; =head2 remove my $doc = $collection->remove; my $doc = $collection->remove({foo => 'bar'}); my $doc = $collection->remove({foo => 'bar'}, {single => 1}); Remove documents from collection. You can also append a callback to perform operation non-blocking. $collection->remove(({foo => 'bar'}, {single => 1}) => sub { my ($collection, $err, $doc) = @_; ... }); Mojo::IOLoop->start unless Mojo::IOLoop->is_running; These options are currently available: =over 2 =item single single => 1 Remove only one document. =back =head2 save my $oid = $collection->save({foo => 'bar'}); Save document to collection. You can also append a callback to perform operation non-blocking. $collection->save({foo => 'bar'} => sub { my ($collection, $err, $oid) = @_; ... }); Mojo::IOLoop->start unless Mojo::IOLoop->is_running; =head2 stats my $stats = $collection->stats; Get collection statistics. You can also append a callback to perform operation non-blocking. $collection->stats(sub { my ($collection, $err, $stats) = @_; ... }); Mojo::IOLoop->start unless Mojo::IOLoop->is_running; =head2 update my $doc = $collection->update({foo => 'bar'}, {foo => 'baz'}); my $doc = $collection->update({foo => 'bar'}, {foo => 'baz'}, {multi => 1}); Update document in collection. You can also append a callback to perform operation non-blocking. $collection->update(({foo => 'bar'}, {foo => 'baz'}, {multi => 1}) => sub { my ($collection, $err, $doc) = @_; ... }); Mojo::IOLoop->start unless Mojo::IOLoop->is_running; These options are currently available: =over 2 =item multi multi => 1 Update more than one document. =item upsert upsert => 1 Insert document if none could be updated. =back =head1 SEE ALSO L<Mango>, L<Mojolicious::Guides>, L<>. =cut