package Minion::Backend::Pg; use Mojo::Base 'Minion::Backend'; use Carp 'croak'; use Mojo::IOLoop; use Mojo::Pg 4.0; use Sys::Hostname 'hostname'; has 'pg'; sub broadcast { my ($self, $command, $args, $ids) = (shift, shift, shift || [], shift || []); return !!$self->pg->db->query( q{update minion_workers set inbox = inbox || $1::jsonb where (id = any ($2) or $2 = '{}')}, {json => [[$command, @$args]]}, $ids )->rows; } sub dequeue { my ($self, $id, $wait, $options) = @_; if ((my $job = $self->_try($id, $options))) { return $job } return undef if Mojo::IOLoop->is_running; my $db = $self->pg->db; $db->listen('minion.job')->on(notification => sub { Mojo::IOLoop->stop }); my $timer = Mojo::IOLoop->timer($wait => sub { Mojo::IOLoop->stop }); Mojo::IOLoop->start; $db->unlisten('*') and Mojo::IOLoop->remove($timer); undef $db; return $self->_try($id, $options); } sub enqueue { my ($self, $task, $args, $options) = (shift, shift, shift || [], shift || {}); my $db = $self->pg->db; return $db->query( "insert into minion_jobs (args, attempts, delayed, notes, parents, priority, queue, task) values (?, ?, (now() + (interval '1 second' * ?)), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) returning id", {json => $args}, $options->{attempts} // 1, $options->{delay} // 0, {json => $options->{notes} || {}}, $options->{parents} || [], $options->{priority} // 0, $options->{queue} // 'default', $task )->hash->{id}; } sub fail_job { shift->_update(1, @_) } sub finish_job { shift->_update(0, @_) } sub list_jobs { my ($self, $offset, $limit, $options) = @_; my $jobs = $self->pg->db->query( 'select id, args, attempts, array(select id from minion_jobs where parents @> ARRAY[]) as children, extract(epoch from created) as created, extract(epoch from delayed) as delayed, extract(epoch from finished) as finished, notes, parents, priority, queue, result, extract(epoch from retried) as retried, retries, extract(epoch from started) as started, state, task, count(*) over() as total, worker from minion_jobs as j where (id = any ($1) or $1 is null) and (queue = $2 or $2 is null) and (state = $3 or $3 is null) and (task = $4 or $4 is null) order by id desc limit $5 offset $6', @$options{qw(ids queue state task)}, $limit, $offset )->expand->hashes->to_array; my $total = @$jobs ? $jobs->[0]{total} : 0; delete $_->{total} for @$jobs; return {jobs => $jobs, total => $total}; } sub list_workers { my ($self, $offset, $limit, $options) = @_; my $workers = $self->pg->db->query( "select id, extract(epoch from notified) as notified, array( select id from minion_jobs where state = 'active' and worker = ) as jobs, host, pid, status, extract(epoch from started) as started, count(*) over() as total from minion_workers where (id = any (\$1) or \$1 is null) order by id desc limit \$2 offset \$3", $options->{ids}, $limit, $offset )->expand->hashes->to_array; my $total = @$workers ? $workers->[0]{total} : 0; delete $_->{total} for @$workers; return {total => $total, workers => $workers}; } sub lock { my ($self, $name, $duration, $options) = (shift, shift, shift, shift // {}); return !!$self->pg->db->query('select * from minion_lock(?, ?, ?)', $name, $duration, $options->{limit} || 1)->array->[0]; } sub new { my $self = shift->SUPER::new(pg => Mojo::Pg->new(@_)); my $db = Mojo::Pg->new(@_)->db; croak 'PostgreSQL 9.5 or later is required' if $db->dbh->{pg_server_version} < 90500; $db->disconnect; $self->pg->auto_migrate(1)->migrations->name('minion')->from_data; return $self; } sub note { my ($self, $id, $key, $value) = @_; return !!$self->pg->db->query( 'update minion_jobs set notes = jsonb_set(notes, ?, ?, true) where id = ?', [$key], {json => $value}, $id )->rows; } sub receive { my $array = shift->pg->db->query( "update minion_workers as new set inbox = '[]' from (select id, inbox from minion_workers where id = ? for update) as old where = and old.inbox != '[]' returning old.inbox", shift )->expand->array; return $array ? $array->[0] : []; } sub register_worker { my ($self, $id, $options) = (shift, shift, shift || {}); return $self->pg->db->query( q{insert into minion_workers (id, host, pid, status) values (coalesce($1, nextval('minion_workers_id_seq')), $2, $3, $4) on conflict(id) do update set notified = now(), status = $4 returning id}, $id, $self->{host} //= hostname, $$, {json => $options->{status} // {}} )->hash->{id}; } sub remove_job { !!shift->pg->db->query( "delete from minion_jobs where id = ? and state in ('inactive', 'failed', 'finished') returning 1", shift )->rows; } sub repair { my $self = shift; # Workers without heartbeat my $db = $self->pg->db; my $minion = $self->minion; $db->query( "delete from minion_workers where notified < now() - interval '1 second' * ?", $minion->missing_after ); # Jobs with missing worker (can be retried) my $fail = $db->query( "select id, retries from minion_jobs as j where state = 'active' and not exists (select 1 from minion_workers where id = j.worker)" )->hashes; $fail->each(sub { $self->fail_job(@$_{qw(id retries)}, 'Worker went away') }); # Old jobs with no unresolved dependencies $db->query( "delete from minion_jobs as j where finished <= now() - interval '1 second' * ? and not exists ( select 1 from minion_jobs where parents @> ARRAY[] and state != 'finished' ) and state = 'finished'", $minion->remove_after ); } sub reset { shift->pg->db->query( 'truncate minion_jobs, minion_locks, minion_workers restart identity'); } sub retry_job { my ($self, $id, $retries, $options) = (shift, shift, shift, shift || {}); return !!$self->pg->db->query( "update minion_jobs set attempts = coalesce(?, attempts), delayed = (now() + (interval '1 second' * ?)), priority = coalesce(?, priority), queue = coalesce(?, queue), retried = now(), retries = retries + 1, state = 'inactive' where id = ? and retries = ? returning 1", $options->{attempts}, $options->{delay} // 0, @$options{qw(priority queue)}, $id, $retries )->rows; } sub stats { my $self = shift; my $stats = $self->pg->db->query( "select count(*) filter (where state = 'inactive') as inactive_jobs, count(*) filter (where state = 'active') as active_jobs, count(*) filter (where state = 'failed') as failed_jobs, count(*) filter (where state = 'finished') as finished_jobs, count(*) filter (where state = 'inactive' and delayed > now()) as delayed_jobs, count(distinct worker) filter (where state = 'active') as active_workers, (select case when is_called then last_value else 0 end from minion_jobs_id_seq) as enqueued_jobs, (select count(*) from minion_workers) as inactive_workers, extract(epoch from now() - pg_postmaster_start_time()) as uptime from minion_jobs" )->hash; $stats->{inactive_workers} -= $stats->{active_workers}; return $stats; } sub unlock { !!shift->pg->db->query( 'delete from minion_locks where id = ( select id from minion_locks where expires > now() and name = ? order by expires limit 1 ) returning 1', shift )->rows; } sub unregister_worker { shift->pg->db->query('delete from minion_workers where id = ?', shift); } sub _try { my ($self, $id, $options) = @_; return $self->pg->db->query( "update minion_jobs set started = now(), state = 'active', worker = ? where id = ( select id from minion_jobs as j where delayed <= now() and id = coalesce(?, id) and (parents = '{}' or not exists ( select 1 from minion_jobs where id = any (j.parents) and state in ('inactive', 'active', 'failed') )) and queue = any (?) and state = 'inactive' and task = any (?) order by priority desc, id limit 1 for update skip locked ) returning id, args, retries, task", $id, $options->{id}, $options->{queues} || ['default'], [keys %{$self->minion->tasks}] )->expand->hash; } sub _update { my ($self, $fail, $id, $retries, $result) = @_; return undef unless my $row = $self->pg->db->query( "update minion_jobs set finished = now(), result = ?, state = ? where id = ? and retries = ? and state = 'active' returning attempts", {json => $result}, $fail ? 'failed' : 'finished', $id, $retries )->array; return 1 if !$fail || (my $attempts = $row->[0]) == 1; return 1 if $retries >= ($attempts - 1); my $delay = $self->minion->backoff->($retries); return $self->retry_job($id, $retries, {delay => $delay}); } 1; =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME Minion::Backend::Pg - PostgreSQL backend =head1 SYNOPSIS use Minion::Backend::Pg; my $backend = Minion::Backend::Pg->new('postgresql://postgres@/test'); =head1 DESCRIPTION L<Minion::Backend::Pg> is a backend for L<Minion> based on L<Mojo::Pg>. All necessary tables will be created automatically with a set of migrations named C<minion>. Note that this backend uses many bleeding edge features, so only the latest, stable version of PostgreSQL is fully supported. =head1 ATTRIBUTES L<Minion::Backend::Pg> inherits all attributes from L<Minion::Backend> and implements the following new ones. =head2 pg my $pg = $backend->pg; $backend = $backend->pg(Mojo::Pg->new); L<Mojo::Pg> object used to store all data. =head1 METHODS L<Minion::Backend::Pg> inherits all methods from L<Minion::Backend> and implements the following new ones. =head2 broadcast my $bool = $backend->broadcast('some_command'); my $bool = $backend->broadcast('some_command', [@args]); my $bool = $backend->broadcast('some_command', [@args], [$id1, $id2, $id3]); Broadcast remote control command to one or more workers. =head2 dequeue my $job_info = $backend->dequeue($worker_id, 0.5); my $job_info = $backend->dequeue($worker_id, 0.5, {queues => ['important']}); Wait a given amount of time in seconds for a job, dequeue it and transition from C<inactive> to C<active> state, or return C<undef> if queues were empty. These options are currently available: =over 2 =item id id => '10023' Dequeue a specific job. =item queues queues => ['important'] One or more queues to dequeue jobs from, defaults to C<default>. =back These fields are currently available: =over 2 =item args args => ['foo', 'bar'] Job arguments. =item id id => '10023' Job ID. =item retries retries => 3 Number of times job has been retried. =item task task => 'foo' Task name. =back =head2 enqueue my $job_id = $backend->enqueue('foo'); my $job_id = $backend->enqueue(foo => [@args]); my $job_id = $backend->enqueue(foo => [@args] => {priority => 1}); Enqueue a new job with C<inactive> state. These options are currently available: =over 2 =item attempts attempts => 25 Number of times performing this job will be attempted, with a delay based on L<Minion/"backoff"> after the first attempt, defaults to C<1>. =item delay delay => 10 Delay job for this many seconds (from now), defaults to C<0>. =item notes notes => {foo => 'bar', baz => [1, 2, 3]} Hash reference with arbitrary metadata for this job. =item parents parents => [$id1, $id2, $id3] One or more existing jobs this job depends on, and that need to have transitioned to the state C<finished> before it can be processed. =item priority priority => 5 Job priority, defaults to C<0>. Jobs with a higher priority get performed first. =item queue queue => 'important' Queue to put job in, defaults to C<default>. =back =head2 fail_job my $bool = $backend->fail_job($job_id, $retries); my $bool = $backend->fail_job($job_id, $retries, 'Something went wrong!'); my $bool = $backend->fail_job( $job_id, $retries, {whatever => 'Something went wrong!'}); Transition from C<active> to C<failed> state, and if there are attempts remaining, transition back to C<inactive> with a delay based on L<Minion/"backoff">. =head2 finish_job my $bool = $backend->finish_job($job_id, $retries); my $bool = $backend->finish_job($job_id, $retries, 'All went well!'); my $bool = $backend->finish_job( $job_id, $retries, {whatever => 'All went well!'}); Transition from C<active> to C<finished> state. =head2 list_jobs my $results = $backend->list_jobs($offset, $limit); my $results = $backend->list_jobs($offset, $limit, {state => 'inactive'}); Returns the information about jobs in batches. Meant to be overloaded in a subclass. # Check job state my $results = $backend->list_jobs(0, 1, {ids => [$job_id]}); my $state = $results->{jobs}[0]{state}; # Get job result my $results = $backend->list_jobs(0, 1, {ids => [$job_id]}); my $result = $results->{jobs}[0]{result}; These options are currently available: =over 2 =item ids ids => ['23', '24'] List only jobs with these ids. =item queue queue => 'important' List only jobs in this queue. =item state state => 'inactive' List only jobs in this state. =item task task => 'test' List only jobs for this task. =back These fields are currently available: =over 2 =item args args => ['foo', 'bar'] Job arguments. =item attempts attempts => 25 Number of times performing this job will be attempted. =item children children => ['10026', '10027', '10028'] Jobs depending on this job. =item created created => 784111777 Epoch time job was created. =item delayed delayed => 784111777 Epoch time job was delayed to. =item finished finished => 784111777 Epoch time job was finished. =item notes notes => {foo => 'bar', baz => [1, 2, 3]} Hash reference with arbitrary metadata for this job. =item parents parents => ['10023', '10024', '10025'] Jobs this job depends on. =item priority priority => 3 Job priority. =item queue queue => 'important' Queue name. =item result result => 'All went well!' Job result. =item retried retried => 784111777 Epoch time job has been retried. =item retries retries => 3 Number of times job has been retried. =item started started => 784111777 Epoch time job was started. =item state state => 'inactive' Current job state, usually C<active>, C<failed>, C<finished> or C<inactive>. =item task task => 'foo' Task name. =item worker worker => '154' Id of worker that is processing the job. =back =head2 list_workers my $results = $backend->list_workers($offset, $limit); my $results = $backend->list_workers($offset, $limit, {ids => [23]}); Returns information about workers in batches. # Check worker host my $results = $backend->list_workers(0, 1, {ids => [$worker_id]}); my $host = $results->{workers}[0]{host}; These options are currently available: =over 2 =item ids ids => ['23', '24'] List only workers with these ids. =back These fields are currently available: =over 2 =item host host => 'localhost' Worker host. =item jobs jobs => ['10023', '10024', '10025', '10029'] Ids of jobs the worker is currently processing. =item notified notified => 784111777 Epoch time worker sent the last heartbeat. =item pid pid => 12345 Process id of worker. =item started started => 784111777 Epoch time worker was started. =item status status => {queues => ['default', 'important']} Hash reference with whatever status information the worker would like to share. =back =head2 lock my $bool = $backend->lock('foo', 3600); my $bool = $backend->lock('foo', 3600, {limit => 20}); Try to acquire a named lock that will expire automatically after the given amount of time in seconds. These options are currently available: =over 2 =item limit limit => 20 Number of shared locks with the same name that can be active at the same time, defaults to C<1>. =back =head2 new my $backend = Minion::Backend::Pg->new('postgresql://postgres@/test'); my $backend = Minion::Backend::Pg->new(Mojo::Pg->new); Construct a new L<Minion::Backend::Pg> object. =head2 note my $bool = $backend->note($job_id, foo => 'bar'); Change a metadata field for a job. =head2 receive my $commands = $backend->receive($worker_id); Receive remote control commands for worker. =head2 register_worker my $worker_id = $backend->register_worker; my $worker_id = $backend->register_worker($worker_id); my $worker_id = $backend->register_worker( $worker_id, {status => {queues => ['default', 'important']}}); Register worker or send heartbeat to show that this worker is still alive. These options are currently available: =over 2 =item status status => {queues => ['default', 'important']} Hash reference with whatever status information the worker would like to share. =back =head2 remove_job my $bool = $backend->remove_job($job_id); Remove C<failed>, C<finished> or C<inactive> job from queue. =head2 repair $backend->repair; Repair worker registry and job queue if necessary. =head2 reset $backend->reset; Reset job queue. =head2 retry_job my $bool = $backend->retry_job($job_id, $retries); my $bool = $backend->retry_job($job_id, $retries, {delay => 10}); Transition job back to C<inactive> state, already C<inactive> jobs may also be retried to change options. These options are currently available: =over 2 =item attempts attempts => 25 Number of times performing this job will be attempted. =item delay delay => 10 Delay job for this many seconds (from now), defaults to C<0>. =item priority priority => 5 Job priority. =item queue queue => 'important' Queue to put job in. =back =head2 stats my $stats = $backend->stats; Get statistics for jobs and workers. These fields are currently available: =over 2 =item active_jobs active_jobs => 100 Number of jobs in C<active> state. =item active_workers active_workers => 100 Number of workers that are currently processing a job. =item delayed_jobs delayed_jobs => 100 Number of jobs in C<inactive> state that are scheduled to run at specific time in the future. Note that this field is EXPERIMENTAL and might change without warning! =item enqueued_jobs enqueued_jobs => 100000 Rough estimate of how many jobs have ever been enqueued. Note that this field is EXPERIMENTAL and might change without warning! =item failed_jobs failed_jobs => 100 Number of jobs in C<failed> state. =item finished_jobs finished_jobs => 100 Number of jobs in C<finished> state. =item inactive_jobs inactive_jobs => 100 Number of jobs in C<inactive> state. =item inactive_workers inactive_workers => 100 Number of workers that are currently not processing a job. =item uptime uptime => 1000 Uptime in seconds. =back =head2 unlock my $bool = $backend->unlock('foo'); Release a named lock. =head2 unregister_worker $backend->unregister_worker($worker_id); Unregister worker. =head1 SEE ALSO L<Minion>, L<Mojolicious::Guides>, L<>. =cut __DATA__ @@ minion -- 1 up create table if not exists minion_jobs ( id bigserial not null primary key, args json not null, created timestamp with time zone not null, delayed timestamp with time zone not null, finished timestamp with time zone, priority int not null, result json, retried timestamp with time zone, retries int not null, started timestamp with time zone, state text not null, task text not null, worker bigint ); create table if not exists minion_workers ( id bigserial not null primary key, host text not null, pid int not null, started timestamp with time zone not null ); -- 1 down drop table if exists minion_jobs; drop table if exists minion_workers; -- 2 up alter table minion_jobs alter column created set default now(); alter table minion_jobs alter column state set default 'inactive'; alter table minion_jobs alter column retries set default 0; alter table minion_workers add column notified timestamp with time zone not null default now(); alter table minion_workers alter column started set default now(); -- 4 up alter table minion_jobs add column queue text not null default 'default'; -- 5 up alter table minion_jobs add column attempts int not null default 1; -- 7 up create type minion_state as enum ('inactive', 'active', 'failed', 'finished'); alter table minion_jobs alter column state set default 'inactive'::minion_state; alter table minion_jobs alter column state type minion_state using state::minion_state; alter table minion_jobs alter column args type jsonb using args::jsonb; alter table minion_jobs alter column result type jsonb using result::jsonb; -- 7 down alter table minion_jobs alter column state type text using state; alter table minion_jobs alter column state set default 'inactive'; drop type if exists minion_state; -- 8 up alter table minion_jobs add constraint args check(jsonb_typeof(args) = 'array'); -- 9 up create or replace function minion_jobs_notify_workers() returns trigger as $$ begin if new.delayed <= now() then notify "minion.job"; end if; return null; end; $$ language plpgsql; set client_min_messages to warning; drop trigger if exists minion_jobs_insert_trigger on minion_jobs; drop trigger if exists minion_jobs_notify_workers_trigger on minion_jobs; set client_min_messages to notice; create trigger minion_jobs_notify_workers_trigger after insert or update of retries on minion_jobs for each row execute procedure minion_jobs_notify_workers(); -- 9 down drop trigger if exists minion_jobs_notify_workers_trigger on minion_jobs; drop function if exists minion_jobs_notify_workers(); -- 10 up alter table minion_jobs add column parents bigint[] not null default '{}'; -- 11 up create index on minion_jobs (state, priority desc, id); -- 12 up alter table minion_workers add column inbox jsonb check(jsonb_typeof(inbox) = 'array') not null default '[]'; -- 15 up alter table minion_workers add column status jsonb check(jsonb_typeof(status) = 'object') not null default '{}'; -- 16 up create index on minion_jobs using gin (parents); create table if not exists minion_locks ( id bigserial not null primary key, name text not null, expires timestamp with time zone not null ); -- 16 down drop table if exists minion_locks; -- 17 up alter table minion_jobs add column notes jsonb check(jsonb_typeof(notes) = 'object') not null default '{}'; alter table minion_locks set unlogged; create index on minion_locks (name, expires); -- 18 up create or replace function minion_lock(text, int, int) returns bool as $$ declare new_expires timestamp with time zone = now() + (interval '1 second' * $2); begin lock table minion_locks in exclusive mode; delete from minion_locks where expires < now(); if (select count(*) >= $3 from minion_locks where name = $1) then return false; end if; if new_expires > now() then insert into minion_locks (name, expires) values ($1, new_expires); end if; return true; end; $$ language plpgsql; -- 18 down drop function if exists minion_lock(text, int, int);