package Mojo::Command; use Mojo::Base -base; require Cwd; require File::Path; require File::Spec; require IO::File; use Carp 'croak'; use Mojo::Server; use Mojo::Template; use Mojo::Loader; use Mojo::Util qw/b64_decode camelize decamelize/; has hint => <<"EOF"; See '$0 help COMMAND' for more information on a specific command. EOF has description => 'No description.'; has message => <<"EOF"; usage: $0 COMMAND [OPTIONS] Tip: CGI, FastCGI and PSGI environments can be automatically detected very often and work without commands. These commands are currently available: EOF has namespaces => sub { ['Mojo::Command'] }; has quiet => 0; has renderer => sub { Mojo::Template->new }; has usage => "usage: $0\n"; # Cache my $CACHE = {}; sub chmod_file { my ($self, $path, $mod) = @_; chmod $mod, $path or croak qq/Can't chmod path "$path": $!/; $mod = sprintf '%lo', $mod; print " [chmod] $path $mod\n" unless $self->quiet; return $self; } sub chmod_rel_file { my ($self, $path, $mod) = @_; $self->chmod_file($self->rel_file($path), $mod); } sub class_to_file { my ($self, $class) = @_; $class =~ s/:://g; decamelize $class; return $class; } sub class_to_path { my ($self, $class) = @_; my $path = join '/', split /::/, $class; return "$"; } sub create_dir { my ($self, $path) = @_; # Exists if (-d $path) { print " [exist] $path\n" unless $self->quiet; return $self; } # Create File::Path::mkpath($path) or croak qq/Can't make directory "$path": $!/; print " [mkdir] $path\n" unless $self->quiet; return $self; } sub create_rel_dir { my ($self, $path) = @_; $self->create_dir($self->rel_dir($path)); } sub detect { my ($self, $guess) = @_; # PSGI (Plack only for now) return 'psgi' if defined $ENV{PLACK_ENV}; # CGI return 'cgi' if defined $ENV{PATH_INFO} || defined $ENV{GATEWAY_INTERFACE}; # No further detection if we have a guess return $guess if $guess; # FastCGI (detect absence of WINDIR for Windows and USER for UNIX) return 'fastcgi' if !defined $ENV{WINDIR} && !defined $ENV{USER}; # Nothing return; } sub get_all_data { my ($self, $class) = @_; $class ||= ref $self; # Refresh or use cached data my $d = do { no strict 'refs'; \*{"$class\::DATA"} }; return $CACHE->{$class} unless fileno $d; seek $d, 0, 0; my $content = join '', <$d>; close $d; # Ignore everything before __DATA__ (windows will seek to start of file) $content =~ s/^.*\n__DATA__\r?\n/\n/s; # Ignore everything after __END__ $content =~ s/\n__END__\r?\n.*$/\n/s; # Split my @data = split /^@@\s+(.+?)\s*\r?\n/m, $content; shift @data; # Find data my $all = $CACHE->{$class} = {}; while (@data) { my ($name, $content) = splice @data, 0, 2; b64_decode $content if $name =~ s/\s*\(\s*base64\s*\)$//; $all->{$name} = $content; } return $all; } sub get_data { my ($self, $data, $class) = @_; my $all = $self->get_all_data($class); return $all->{$data}; } # "You don’t like your job, you don’t strike. # You go in every day and do it really half-assed. That’s the American way." sub help { my $self = shift; print $self->usage; exit; } sub rel_dir { my ($self, $path) = @_; my @parts = split /\//, $path; return File::Spec->catdir(Cwd::getcwd(), @parts); } sub rel_file { my ($self, $path) = @_; my @parts = split /\//, $path; return File::Spec->catfile(Cwd::getcwd(), @parts); } sub render_data { my $self = shift; my $data = shift; $self->renderer->render($self->get_data($data), @_); } sub render_to_file { my $self = shift; my $data = shift; my $path = shift; $self->write_file($path, $self->render_data($data, @_)); return $self; } sub render_to_rel_file { my $self = shift; my $data = shift; my $path = shift; $self->render_to_file($data, $self->rel_dir($path), @_); } sub run { my ($self, $name, @args) = @_; # Application loader return Mojo::Server->new->app if defined $ENV{MOJO_APP_LOADER}; # Try to detect environment $name = $self->detect($name) unless $ENV{MOJO_NO_DETECT}; # Run command if ($name && $name =~ /^\w+$/ && ($name ne 'help' || $args[0])) { # Help my $help = $name eq 'help' ? 1 : 0; $name = shift @args if $help; $help = 1 if $ENV{MOJO_HELP}; # Try all namespaces my $module; for my $namespace (@{$self->namespaces}) { # Generate module my $camelized = $name; camelize $camelized; my $try = "$namespace\::$camelized"; # Load if (my $e = Mojo::Loader->load($try)) { # Module missing next unless ref $e; # Real error die $e; } # Module is a command next unless $try->can('new') && $try->can('run'); # Found $module = $try; last; } # Command missing die qq/Command "$name" missing, maybe you need to install it?\n/ unless $module; # Run my $command = $module->new; return $help ? $command->help : $command->run(@args); } # Test return $self if $ENV{HARNESS_ACTIVE}; # Try all namespaces my $commands = []; my $seen = {}; for my $namespace (@{$self->namespaces}) { # Search if (my $modules = Mojo::Loader->search($namespace)) { for my $module (@$modules) { # Load if (my $e = Mojo::Loader->load($module)) { die $e } # Seen my $command = $module; $command =~ s/^$namespace\:://; push @$commands, [$command => $module] unless $seen->{$command}; $seen->{$command} = 1; } } } # Print overview print $self->message; # Make list my $list = []; my $len = 0; foreach my $command (@$commands) { # Generate name my $name = $command->[0]; decamelize $name; # Add to list my $l = length $name; $len = $l if $l > $len; push @$list, [$name, $command->[1]->new->description]; } # Print list foreach my $command (@$list) { my $name = $command->[0]; my $description = $command->[1]; my $padding = ' ' x ($len - length $name); print " $name$padding $description"; } print $self->hint; return $self; } sub start { my $self = shift; # Executable $ENV{MOJO_EXE} ||= (caller)[1] if $ENV{MOJO_APP}; # Run my @args = @_ ? @_ : @ARGV; ref $self ? $self->run(@args) : $self->new->run(@args); } sub write_file { my ($self, $path, $data) = @_; # Directory my @parts = File::Spec->splitdir($path); pop @parts; my $dir = File::Spec->catdir(@parts); $self->create_dir($dir); # Write unbuffered croak qq/Can't open file "$path": $!/ unless my $file = IO::File->new("> $path"); $file->syswrite($data); print " [write] $path\n" unless $self->quiet; return $self; } sub write_rel_file { my ($self, $path, $data) = @_; $self->write_file($self->rel_file($path), $data); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Mojo::Command - Command Base Class =head1 SYNOPSIS # Camel case command name package Mojo::Command::Mycommand; # Subclass use Mojo::Base 'Mojo::Command'; # Take care of command line options use Getopt::Long 'GetOptions'; # Short description has description => <<'EOF'; My first Mojo command. EOF # Short usage message has usage => <<"EOF"; usage: $0 mycommand [OPTIONS] These options are available: --something Does something. EOF # <suitable Futurama quote here> sub run { my $self = shift; # Handle options local @ARGV = @_ if @_; GetOptions('something' => sub { $something = 1 }); # Magic here! :) } =head1 DESCRIPTION L<Mojo::Command> is an abstract base class for L<Mojo> commands. See L<Mojolicious::Commands> for a list of commands that are available by default. =head1 ATTRIBUTES L<Mojo::Command> implements the following attributes. =head2 C<description> my $description = $command->description; $command = $command->description('Foo!'); Short description of command, used for the command list. =head2 C<hint> my $hint = $commands->hint; $commands = $commands->hint('Foo!'); Short hint shown after listing available commands. =head2 C<message> my $message = $commands->message; $commands = $commands->message('Hello World!'); Short usage message shown before listing available commands. =head2 C<namespaces> my $namespaces = $commands->namespaces; $commands = $commands->namespaces(['Mojolicious::Commands']); Namespaces to search for available commands, defaults to L<Mojo::Command>. =head2 C<quiet> my $quiet = $command->quiet; $command = $command->quiet(1); Limited command output. =head2 C<usage> my $usage = $command->usage; $command = $command->usage('Foo!'); Usage information for command, used for the help screen. =head1 METHODS L<Mojo::Command> inherits all methods from L<Mojo::Base> and implements the following new ones. =head2 C<chmod_file> $command = $command->chmod_file('/foo/bar.txt', 0644); Portably change mode of a file. =head2 C<chmod_rel_file> $command = $command->chmod_rel_file('foo/bar.txt', 0644); Portably change mode of a relative file. =head2 C<class_to_file> my $file = $command->class_to_file('Foo::Bar'); Convert a class name to a file. FooBar -> foo_bar =head2 C<class_to_path> my $path = $command->class_to_path('Foo::Bar'); Convert class name to path. Foo::Bar -> Foo/ =head2 C<create_dir> $command = $command->create_dir('/foo/bar/baz'); Portably create a directory. =head2 C<create_rel_dir> $command = $command->create_rel_dir('foo/bar/baz'); Portably create a relative directory. =head2 C<detect> my $env = $commands->detect; my $env = $commands->detect($guess); Try to detect environment. =head2 C<get_all_data> my $all = $command->get_all_data; my $all = $command->get_all_data('Some::Class'); Extract all embedded files from the C<DATA> section of a class. =head2 C<get_data> my $data = $command->get_data('foo_bar'); my $data = $command->get_data('foo_bar', 'Some::Class'); Extract embedded file from the C<DATA> section of a class. =head2 C<help> $command->help; Print usage information for command. =head2 C<rel_dir> my $path = $command->rel_dir('foo/bar'); Portably generate an absolute path from a relative UNIX style path. =head2 C<rel_file> my $path = $command->rel_file('foo/bar.txt'); Portably generate an absolute path from a relative UNIX style path. =head2 C<render_data> my $data = $command->render_data('foo_bar', @arguments); Render a template from the C<DATA> section of the command class. =head2 C<render_to_file> $command = $command->render_to_file('foo_bar', '/foo/bar.txt'); Render a template from the C<DATA> section of the command class to a file. =head2 C<render_to_rel_file> $command = $command->render_to_rel_file('foo_bar', 'foo/bar.txt'); Portably render a template from the C<DATA> section of the command class to a relative file. =head2 C<run> $commands->run; $commands->run(@ARGV); Load and run commands. =head2 C<start> Mojo::Command->start; Mojo::Command->start(@ARGV); Start the command line interface. =head2 C<write_file> $command = $command->write_file('/foo/bar.txt', 'Hello World!'); Portably write text to a file. =head2 C<write_rel_file> $command = $command->write_rel_file('foo/bar.txt', 'Hello World!'); Portably write text to a relative file. =head1 SEE ALSO L<Mojolicious>, L<Mojolicious::Guides>, L<>. =cut