package Mojo::UserAgent; use Mojo::Base -base; use Carp 'croak'; use Mojo::CookieJar; use Mojo::IOLoop; use Mojo::Log; use Mojo::Server::Daemon; use Mojo::Transaction::WebSocket; use Mojo::Transactor; use Mojo::URL; use Scalar::Util 'weaken'; use constant DEBUG => $ENV{MOJO_USERAGENT_DEBUG} || 0; # "You can't let a single bad experience scare you away from drugs." has [qw/app http_proxy https_proxy no_proxy on_start/]; has cert => sub { $ENV{MOJO_CERT_FILE} }; has cookie_jar => sub { Mojo::CookieJar->new }; has ioloop => sub { Mojo::IOLoop->new }; has keep_alive_timeout => 15; has key => sub { $ENV{MOJO_KEY_FILE} }; has log => sub { Mojo::Log->new }; has max_connections => 5; has max_redirects => sub { $ENV{MOJO_MAX_REDIRECTS} || 0 }; has name => 'Mojolicious (Perl)'; has transactor => sub { Mojo::Transactor->new }; has websocket_timeout => 300; # Make sure we leave a clean ioloop behind sub DESTROY { shift->_cleanup } # "Ah, alcohol and night-swimming. It's a winning combination." sub build_form_tx { shift->transactor->form(@_) } sub build_tx { shift->transactor->tx(@_) } sub build_websocket_tx { shift->transactor->websocket(@_) } # "The only thing I asked you to do for this party was put on clothes, # and you didn't do it." sub delete { my $self = shift; $self->start($self->build_tx('DELETE', @_)); } sub detect_proxy { my $self = shift; # Uppercase gets priority $self->http_proxy($ENV{HTTP_PROXY} || $ENV{http_proxy}); $self->https_proxy($ENV{HTTPS_PROXY} || $ENV{https_proxy}); if (my $no = $ENV{NO_PROXY} || $ENV{no_proxy}) { $self->no_proxy([split /,/, $no]); } return $self; } # "'What are you lookin at?' - the innocent words of a drunken child." sub get { my $self = shift; $self->start($self->build_tx('GET', @_)); } sub head { my $self = shift; $self->start($self->build_tx('HEAD', @_)); } sub need_proxy { my ($self, $host) = @_; return 1 unless my $no = $self->no_proxy; $host =~ /\Q$_\E$/ and return for @$no; return 1; } # "Olive oil? Asparagus? If your mother wasn't so fancy, # we could just shop at the gas station like normal people." sub post { my $self = shift; $self->start($self->build_tx('POST', @_)); } sub post_form { my $self = shift; $self->start($self->build_form_tx(@_)); } # "And I gave that man directions, even though I didn't know the way, # because that's the kind of guy I am this week." sub put { my $self = shift; $self->start($self->build_tx('PUT', @_)); } sub start { my ($self, $tx, $cb) = @_; # Blocking loop my $loop = $self->{loop} ||= $self->ioloop; # Non-blocking if ($cb) { # Start non-blocking warn "NEW NON-BLOCKING REQUEST\n" if DEBUG; $self->_switch_non_blocking unless $self->{nb}; return $self->_start($tx, $cb); } # Start blocking warn "NEW BLOCKING REQUEST\n" if DEBUG; $self->_switch_blocking if $self->{nb}; $self->_start($tx, sub { $tx = $_[1] }); # Start loop $loop->start; $loop->one_tick(0); return $tx; } # "It's like my dad always said: eventually, everybody gets shot." sub test_server { my ($self, $scheme) = @_; # New test server if ($scheme) { delete $self->{port}; delete $self->{server}; } # Start test server unless ($self->{port}) { my $loop = $self->{loop} || $self->ioloop; my $server = $self->{server} = Mojo::Server::Daemon->new(ioloop => $loop, silent => 1); my $port = $self->{port} = $loop->generate_port; die "Couldn't find a free TCP port for testing.\n" unless $port; $self->{scheme} = $scheme ||= 'http'; $server->listen(["$scheme://*:$port"]); $server->prepare_ioloop; # Prepare application for testing delete $server->{app}; my $app = $self->app; ref $app ? $server->app($app) : $server->app_class($app); $self->log($server->app->log); } # Build absolute URL for test server return Mojo::URL->new->scheme($self->{scheme})->host('localhost') ->port($self->{port})->path('/'); } # "Are we there yet? # No # Are we there yet? # No # Are we there yet? # No # ...Where are we going?" sub websocket { my $self = shift; $self->start($self->build_websocket_tx(@_)); } # "Homer, it's easy to criticize. # Fun, too." sub _cache { my ($self, $name, $id) = @_; # Enqueue my $cache = $self->{cache} ||= []; if ($id) { # Limit keep alive connections my $max = $self->max_connections; while (@$cache > $max) { my $cached = shift @$cache; $self->_drop($cached->[1]); } push @$cache, [$name, $id] if $max; return $self; } # Dequeue my $loop = $self->{loop}; my $result; my @cache; for my $cached (@$cache) { # Search for name or id if (!$result && ($cached->[1] eq $name || $cached->[0] eq $name)) { my $id = $cached->[1]; # Drop corrupted connection if ($loop->test($id)) { $result = $id } else { $loop->drop($id) } } # Cache again else { push @cache, $cached } } $self->{cache} = \@cache; return $result; } sub _cleanup { my $self = shift; return unless my $loop = $self->{loop}; # Stop server delete $self->{port}; delete $self->{server}; # Clean up active connections warn "DROPPING ALL CONNECTIONS\n" if DEBUG; my $cs = $self->{cs} || {}; $loop->drop($_) for keys %$cs; # Clean up keep alive connections my $cache = $self->{cache} || []; for my $cached (@$cache) { $loop->drop($cached->[1]); } } sub _close { shift->_handle(pop, 1) } # "Where on my badge does it say anything about protecting people? # Uh, second word, chief." sub _connect { my ($self, $tx, $cb) = @_; # Keep alive connection weaken $self; my $loop = $self->{loop}; my $id = $tx->connection; my ($scheme, $address, $port) = $self->_info($tx); $id ||= $self->_cache("$scheme:$address:$port"); if ($id && !ref $id) { warn "KEEP ALIVE CONNECTION ($scheme:$address:$port)\n" if DEBUG; $self->{cs}->{$id} = {cb => $cb, tx => $tx}; $tx->kept_alive(1); $self->_connected($id); } # New connection else { # CONNECT request to proxy required unless (($tx->req->method || '') eq 'CONNECT') { return if $self->_proxy_connect($tx, $cb); } # Connect warn "NEW CONNECTION ($scheme:$address:$port)\n" if DEBUG; $id = $loop->connect( address => $address, port => $port, handle => $id, tls => $scheme eq 'https' ? 1 : 0, tls_cert => $self->cert, tls_key => $self->key, on_connect => sub { $self->_connected($_[1]) } ); $self->{cs}->{$id} = {cb => $cb, tx => $tx}; } # Callbacks $loop->on_close($id => sub { $self->_close(@_) }); $loop->on_error($id => sub { $self->_error(@_) }); $loop->on_read($id => sub { $self->_read(@_) }); return $id; } sub _connected { my ($self, $id) = @_; # Store connection information in transaction my $loop = $self->{loop}; my $tx = $self->{cs}->{$id}->{tx}; $tx->connection($id); my $local = $loop->local_info($id); $tx->local_address($local->{address}); $tx->local_port($local->{port}); my $remote = $loop->remote_info($id); $tx->remote_address($remote->{address}); $tx->remote_port($remote->{port}); $loop->connection_timeout($id => $self->keep_alive_timeout); # Write $self->_write($id); } # "Mrs. Simpson, bathroom is not for customers. # Please use the crack house across the street." sub _drop { my ($self, $id, $close) = @_; # Keep non-CONNECTed connection alive my $c = delete $self->{cs}->{$id}; my $tx = $c->{tx}; if (!$close && $tx && $tx->keep_alive && !$tx->error) { $self->_cache(join(':', $self->_info($tx)), $id) unless (($tx->req->method || '') =~ /^connect$/i && ($tx->res->code || '') eq '200'); return; } # Close connection $self->_cache($id); $self->{loop}->drop($id); } sub _error { my ($self, $loop, $id, $error) = @_; if (my $tx = $self->{cs}->{$id}->{tx}) { $tx->res->error($error) } $self->log->error($error); $self->_handle($id, $error); } # "Oh, I'm in no condition to drive. Wait a minute. # I don't have to listen to myself. I'm drunk." sub _finish { my ($self, $tx, $cb, $close) = @_; # Common errors my $res = $tx->res; unless ($res->error) { # Premature connection close if ($close && !$res->code) { $res->error('Premature connection close.') } # 400/500 elsif ($res->is_status_class(400) || $res->is_status_class(500)) { $res->error($res->message, $res->code); } } # Callback return unless $cb; $self->$cb($tx); } # "No children have ever meddled with the Republican Party and lived to tell # about it." sub _handle { my ($self, $id, $close) = @_; # Finish WebSocket my $c = $self->{cs}->{$id}; my $old = $c->{tx}; if ($old && $old->is_websocket) { $old->client_close; $self->{processing} -= 1; delete $self->{cs}->{$id}; $self->_drop($id, $close); } # Upgrade connection to WebSocket elsif ($old && (my $new = $self->_upgrade($id))) { # Finish transaction and parse leftovers $self->_finish($new, $c->{cb}); $new->client_read($old->res->leftovers); } # Finish normal connection else { $self->_drop($id, $close); return unless $old; if (my $jar = $self->cookie_jar) { $jar->extract($old) } $self->{processing} -= 1; # Redirect or callback $self->_finish($new || $old, $c->{cb}, $close) unless $self->_redirect($c, $old); } # Stop loop $self->{loop}->stop if !$self->{nb} && !$self->{processing}; } sub _info { my ($self, $tx) = @_; my $req = $tx->req; my $url = $req->url; my $scheme = $url->scheme || 'http'; my $host = $url->ihost; my $port = $url->port; if (my $proxy = $req->proxy) { $scheme = $proxy->scheme; $host = $proxy->ihost; $port = $proxy->port; } $port ||= $scheme eq 'https' ? 443 : 80; return $scheme, $host, $port; } # "Hey, Weener Boy... where do you think you're going?" sub _proxy_connect { my ($self, $old, $cb) = @_; # Start CONNECT request return unless my $new = $self->transactor->proxy_connect($old); $self->_start( $new => sub { my ($self, $tx) = @_; # CONNECT failed unless (($tx->res->code || '') eq '200') { $old->req->error('Proxy connection failed.'); return $self->_finish($old, $cb); } # TLS upgrade if ($tx->req->url->scheme eq 'https') { # Connection from keep alive cache return unless my $old_id = $tx->connection; # Start TLS my $new_id = $self->{loop}->start_tls($old_id); $old->req->proxy(undef); delete $self->{cs}->{$old_id}; $tx->connection($new_id); } # Share connection and start real transaction $old->connection($tx->connection); $self->_start($old, $cb); } ); return 1; } sub _read { my ($self, $loop, $id, $chunk) = @_; warn "< $chunk\n" if DEBUG; # Corrupted connection return unless my $c = $self->{cs}->{$id}; return $self->_drop($id) unless my $tx = $c->{tx}; # Read $tx->client_read($chunk); # Finish if ($tx->is_done) { $self->_handle($id) } # Write elsif ($c->{tx}->is_writing) { $self->_write($id) } } sub _redirect { my ($self, $c, $old) = @_; # Build followup transaction return unless my $new = $self->transactor->redirect($old); # Max redirects my $redirects = $c->{redirects} || 0; my $max = $self->max_redirects; return unless $redirects < $max; # Start redirected request return 1 unless my $id = $self->_start($new, $c->{cb}); $self->{cs}->{$id}->{redirects} = $redirects + 1; return 1; } # "It's great! We can do *anything* now that Science has invented Magic." sub _start { my ($self, $tx, $cb) = @_; # Embedded server if ($self->app) { my $req = $tx->req; my $url = $req->url->to_abs; $req->url($url->base($self->test_server)->to_abs) unless $url->host; } # Proxy $self->detect_proxy if $ENV{MOJO_PROXY}; my $req = $tx->req; my $url = $req->url; my $scheme = $url->scheme || ''; if ($self->need_proxy($url->host)) { # HTTP proxy if (my $proxy = $self->http_proxy) { $req->proxy($proxy) if !$req->proxy && $scheme eq 'http'; } # HTTPS proxy if (my $proxy = $self->https_proxy) { $req->proxy($proxy) if !$req->proxy && $scheme eq 'https'; } } # We identify ourselves my $headers = $req->headers; $headers->user_agent($self->name) unless $headers->user_agent; # Inject cookies if (my $jar = $self->cookie_jar) { $jar->inject($tx) } # Connect if (my $start = $self->on_start) { $self->$start($tx) } return unless my $id = $self->_connect($tx, $cb); weaken $self; $tx->on_resume(sub { $self->_write($id) }); $self->{processing} ||= 0; $self->{processing} += 1; return $id; } sub _switch_blocking { my $self = shift; # Can't switch while processing non-blocking requests croak 'Non-blocking requests in progress' if $self->{processing}; warn "SWITCHING TO BLOCKING MODE\n" if DEBUG; # Normal loop $self->_cleanup; $self->{loop} = $self->ioloop; $self->{nb} = 0; } sub _switch_non_blocking { my $self = shift; # Can't switch while processing blocking requests croak 'Blocking request in progress' if $self->{processing}; warn "SWITCHING TO NON-BLOCKING MODE\n" if DEBUG; # Global loop $self->_cleanup; $self->{loop} = Mojo::IOLoop->singleton; $self->{nb} = 1; } # "Once the government approves something, it's no longer immoral!" sub _upgrade { my ($self, $id) = @_; # No upgrade request my $c = $self->{cs}->{$id}; my $old = $c->{tx}; return unless $old->req->headers->upgrade; # Handshake failed my $res = $old->res; return unless ($res->code || '') eq '101'; # Upgrade to WebSocket transaction my $new = Mojo::Transaction::WebSocket->new(handshake => $old, masked => 1); $new->kept_alive($old->kept_alive); $res->error('WebSocket challenge failed.') and return unless $new->client_challenge; $c->{tx} = $new; $self->{loop}->connection_timeout($id, $self->websocket_timeout); weaken $self; $new->on_resume(sub { $self->_write($id) }); return $new; } sub _write { my ($self, $id) = @_; # Get chunk return unless my $c = $self->{cs}->{$id}; return unless my $tx = $c->{tx}; return unless $tx->is_writing; my $chunk = $tx->client_write; # More to write my $cb; if ($tx->is_writing) { weaken $self; $cb = sub { $self->_write($id) }; } # Write $self->{loop}->write($id, $chunk, $cb); warn "> $chunk\n" if DEBUG; # Finish $self->_handle($id) if $tx->is_done; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Mojo::UserAgent - Async IO HTTP 1.1 And WebSocket User Agent =head1 SYNOPSIS use Mojo::UserAgent; my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new; # Grab the latest Mojolicious release :) my $latest = ''; print $ua->max_redirects(3)->get($latest)->res->body; # Quick JSON request my $trends = ''; print $ua->get($trends)->res->json->{trends}->[0]->{name}; # Extract data from HTML and XML resources print $ua->get('')->res->dom->html->head->title->text; # Scrape the latest headlines from a news site my $news = ''; $ua->max_redirects(3); $ua->get($news)->res->dom('h3.story-item-title > a[href]')->each( my $e = shift; print "$e->{href}:\n"; print $e->text, "\n"; }); # Form post with exception handling my $cpan = ''; my $search = {q => 'mojo'}; my $tx = $ua->post_form($cpan => $search); if (my $res = $tx->success) { print $res->body } else { my ($message, $code) = $tx->error; print "Error: $message"; } # TLS certificate authentication $ua->cert('tls.crt')->key('tls.key')->get(''); # Websocket request $ua->websocket('ws://' => sub { my $tx = pop; $tx->on_finish(sub { Mojo::IOLoop->stop }); $tx->on_message(sub { my ($tx, $message) = @_; print "$message\n"; $tx->finish; }); $tx->send_message('hi there!'); }); Mojo::IOLoop->start; =head1 DESCRIPTION L<Mojo::UserAgent> is a full featured async io HTTP 1.1 and WebSocket user agent with C<IPv6>, C<TLS>, C<epoll> and C<kqueue> support. Optional modules L<IO::KQueue>, L<IO::Epoll>, L<IO::Socket::IP> and L<IO::Socket::SSL> are supported transparently and used if installed. =head1 ATTRIBUTES L<Mojo::UserAgent> implements the following attributes. =head2 C<app> my $app = $ua->app; $ua = $ua->app(MyApp->new); A Mojo application to associate this user agent with. If set, local requests will be processed in this application. =head2 C<cert> my $cert = $ua->cert; $ua = $ua->cert('tls.crt'); Path to TLS certificate file, defaults to the value of C<MOJO_CERT_FILE>. =head2 C<cookie_jar> my $cookie_jar = $ua->cookie_jar; $ua = $ua->cookie_jar(Mojo::CookieJar->new); Cookie jar to use for this user agents requests, by default a L<Mojo::CookieJar> object. =head2 C<http_proxy> my $proxy = $ua->http_proxy; $ua = $ua->http_proxy('http://sri:secret@'); Proxy server to use for HTTP and WebSocket requests. =head2 C<https_proxy> my $proxy = $ua->https_proxy; $ua = $ua->https_proxy('http://sri:secret@'); Proxy server to use for HTTPS and WebSocket requests. =head2 C<ioloop> my $loop = $ua->ioloop; $ua = $ua->ioloop(Mojo::IOLoop->new); Loop object to use for blocking io operations, by default a L<Mojo::IOLoop> object will be used. =head2 C<keep_alive_timeout> my $keep_alive_timeout = $ua->keep_alive_timeout; $ua = $ua->keep_alive_timeout(15); Maximum amount of time in seconds a connection can be inactive before being dropped, defaults to C<15>. =head2 C<key> my $key = $ua->key; $ua = $ua->key('tls.crt'); Path to TLS key file, defaults to the value of C<MOJO_KEY_FILE>. =head2 C<log> my $log = $ua->log; $ua = $ua->log(Mojo::Log->new); A L<Mojo::Log> object used for logging, by default the application log will be used. =head2 C<max_connections> my $max_connections = $ua->max_connections; $ua = $ua->max_connections(5); Maximum number of keep alive connections that the user agent will retain before it starts closing the oldest cached ones, defaults to C<5>. =head2 C<max_redirects> my $max_redirects = $ua->max_redirects; $ua = $ua->max_redirects(3); Maximum number of redirects the user agent will follow before it fails, defaults to the value of C<MOJO_MAX_REDIRECTS> or C<0>. =head2 C<name> my $name = $ua->name; $ua = $ua->name('Mojolicious'); Value for C<User-Agent> request header, defaults to C<Mojolicious (Perl)>. =head2 C<no_proxy> my $no_proxy = $ua->no_proxy; $ua = $ua->no_proxy(['localhost', '']); Domains that don't require a proxy server to be used. Note that this attribute is EXPERIMENTAL and might change without warning! =head2 C<on_start> my $cb = $ua->on_start; $ua = $ua->on_start(sub {...}); Callback to be invoked whenever a new transaction is about to start, this includes automatically prepared proxy C<CONNECT> requests and followed redirects. $ua->on_start(sub { my ($ua, $tx) = @_; $tx->req->headers->header('X-Bender', 'Bite my shiny metal ass!'); }); =head2 C<transactor> my $t = $ua->transactor; $ua = $ua->transactor(Mojo::Transactor->new); Transaction builder, by default a L<Mojo::Transactor> object. Note that this attribute is EXPERIMENTAL and might change without warning! =head2 C<websocket_timeout> my $websocket_timeout = $ua->websocket_timeout; $ua = $ua->websocket_timeout(300); Maximum amount of time in seconds a WebSocket connection can be inactive before being dropped, defaults to C<300>. =head1 METHODS L<Mojo::UserAgent> inherits all methods from L<Mojo::Base> and implements the following new ones. =head2 C<build_form_tx> my $tx = $ua->build_form_tx('' => {test => 123}); Alias for the C<form> method in L<Mojo::Transactor>. =head2 C<build_tx> my $tx = $ua->build_tx(GET => ''); Alias for the C<tx> method in L<Mojo::Transactor>. =head2 C<build_websocket_tx> my $tx = $ua->build_websocket_tx('ws://localhost:3000'); Alias for the C<websocket> method in L<Mojo::Transactor>. =head2 C<delete> my $tx = $ua->delete(''); my $tx = $ua->delete('' => {Accept => '*/*'}; my $tx = $ua->delete('' => {Accept => '*/*'} => 'Hi!'); Perform blocking HTTP C<DELETE> request and return resulting L<Mojo::Transaction::HTTP> object. You can also append a callback to perform requests non-blocking. $ua->delete('' => sub { print pop->res->body; Mojo::IOLoop->stop; }); Mojo::IOLoop->start; =head2 C<detect_proxy> $ua = $ua->detect_proxy; Check environment variables C<HTTP_PROXY>, C<http_proxy>, C<HTTPS_PROXY>, C<https_proxy>, C<NO_PROXY> and C<no_proxy> for proxy information. =head2 C<get> my $tx = $ua->get(''); my $tx = $ua->get('' => {Accept => '*/*'}); my $tx = $ua->get('' => {Accept => '*/*'} => 'Hi!'); Perform blocking HTTP C<GET> request and return resulting L<Mojo::Transaction::HTTP> object. You can also append a callback to perform requests non-blocking. $ua->get('' => sub { print pop->res->body; Mojo::IOLoop->stop; }); Mojo::IOLoop->start; =head2 C<head> my $tx = $ua->head(''); my $tx = $ua->head('' => {Accept => '*/*'}); my $tx = $ua->head('' => {Accept => '*/*'} => 'Hi!'); Perform blocking HTTP C<HEAD> request and return resulting L<Mojo::Transaction::HTTP> object. You can also append a callback to perform requests non-blocking. $ua->head('' => sub { print pop->res->body; Mojo::IOLoop->stop; }); Mojo::IOLoop->start; =head2 C<need_proxy> my $need_proxy = $ua->need_proxy(''); Check if request for domain would use a proxy server. Note that this method is EXPERIMENTAL and might change without warning! =head2 C<post> my $tx = $ua->post(''); my $tx = $ua->post('' => {Accept => '*/*'}); my $tx = $ua->post('' => {Accept => '*/*'} => 'Hi!'); Perform blocking HTTP C<POST> request and return resulting L<Mojo::Transaction::HTTP> object. You can also append a callback to perform requests non-blocking. $ua->post('' => sub { print pop->res->body; Mojo::IOLoop->stop; }); Mojo::IOLoop->start; =head2 C<post_form> my $tx = $ua->post_form('' => {test => 123}); my $tx = $ua->post_form( '' 'UTF-8', {test => 123} ); my $tx = $ua->post_form( '', {test => 123}, {Accept => '*/*'} ); my $tx = $ua->post_form( '', 'UTF-8', {test => 123}, {Accept => '*/*'} ); my $tx = $ua->post_form( '', {file => {file => '/foo/bar.txt'}} ); my $tx= $ua->post_form( '', {file => {content => 'lalala'}} ); my $tx = $ua->post_form( '', {myzip => {file => $asset, filename => ''}} ); Perform blocking HTTP C<POST> request with form data and return resulting L<Mojo::Transaction::HTTP> object. You can also append a callback to perform requests non-blocking. $ua->post_form('' => {q => 'test'} => sub { print pop->res->body; Mojo::IOLoop->stop; }); Mojo::IOLoop->start; =head2 C<put> my $tx = $ua->put(''); my $tx = $ua->put('' => {Accept => '*/*'}); my $tx = $ua->put('' => {Accept => '*/*'} => 'Hi!'); Perform blocking HTTP C<PUT> request and return resulting L<Mojo::Transaction::HTTP> object. You can also append a callback to perform requests non-blocking. $ua->put('' => sub { print pop->res->body; Mojo::IOLoop->stop; }); Mojo::IOLoop->start; =head2 C<start> $ua = $ua->start($tx); Process blocking transaction. You can also append a callback to perform transactions non-blocking. $ua->start($tx => sub { print pop->res->body; Mojo::IOLoop->stop; }); Mojo::IOLoop->start; =head2 C<test_server> my $url = $ua->test_server; my $url = $ua->test_server('http'); my $url = $ua->test_server('https'); Starts a test server for C<app> if necessary and returns absolute L<Mojo::URL> object for it. Note that this method is EXPERIMENTAL and might change without warning! =head2 C<websocket> $ua->websocket('ws://localhost:3000' => sub {...}); $ua->websocket( 'ws://localhost:3000' => {'User-Agent' => 'Agent 1.0'} => sub {...} ); Open a non-blocking WebSocket connection with transparent handshake. $ua->websocket('ws://localhost:3000/echo' => sub { my $tx = pop; $tx->on_finish(sub { Mojo::IOLoop->stop }); $tx->on_message(sub { my ($tx, $message) = @_; print "$message\n"; }); $tx->send_message('Hi!'); }); Mojo::IOLoop->start; =head1 DEBUGGING You can set the C<MOJO_USERAGENT_DEBUG> environment variable to get some advanced diagnostics information printed to C<STDERR>. MOJO_USERAGENT_DEBUG=1 =head1 SEE ALSO L<Mojolicious>, L<Mojolicious::Guides>, L<>. =cut