package Mojolicious::Plugin; use Mojo::Base -base; # "This is Fry's decision. # And he made it wrong, so it's time for us to interfere in his life." sub register { } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Mojolicious::Plugin - Plugin Base Class =head1 SYNOPSIS use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Plugin'; =head1 DESCRIPTION L<Mojolicious::Plugin> is an abstract base class for L<Mojolicious> plugins. See L<Mojolicious::Plugins> for more information. =head1 METHODS L<Mojolicious::Plugin> inherits all methods from L<Mojo::Base> and implements the following new ones. =head2 C<register> $plugin->register; This method will be called by L<Mojolicious::Plugins> at startup time, your plugin should use this to hook into the application. For instace by adding handlers and helpers to the renderer or using the C<add_hooks> method of L<Mojolicious::Plugins> to hook into the request flow. =head1 SEE ALSO L<Mojolicious>, L<Mojolicious::Guides>, L<>. =cut