package Mojolicious::Routes;
use Mojo::Base -base;

use Carp 'croak';
use Mojo::Cache;
use Mojo::Exception;
use Mojo::Loader;
use Mojo::Util 'camelize';
use Mojolicious::Routes::Match;
use Mojolicious::Routes::Pattern;
use Scalar::Util qw/blessed weaken/;

has [qw/block inline parent partial namespace/];
has cache => sub { Mojo::Cache->new };
has [qw/children conditions/] => sub { [] };
has controller_base_class => 'Mojolicious::Controller';
has [qw/dictionary shortcuts/] => sub { {} };
has hidden  => sub { [qw/new attr has/] };
has pattern => sub { Mojolicious::Routes::Pattern->new };

# "Yet thanks to my trusty safety sphere,
#  I sublibed with only tribial brain dablage."
  my $self = shift;

  # Method
  my ($package, $method) = our $AUTOLOAD =~ /^([\w\:]+)\:\:(\w+)$/;
  croak qq/Undefined subroutine &${package}::$method called/
    unless blessed $self && $self->isa(__PACKAGE__);

  # Call shortcut
  croak qq/Can't locate object method "$method" via package "$package"/
    unless my $shortcut = $self->shortcuts->{$method};
  return $self->$shortcut(@_);

sub DESTROY { }

sub new { shift->SUPER::new()->parse(@_) }

sub add_child {
  my ($self, $route) = @_;

  weaken $route->{parent};
  push @{$self->children}, $route;

  return $self;

sub add_condition {
  my ($self, $name, $cb) = @_;
  $self->dictionary->{$name} = $cb;
  return $self;

sub add_shortcut {
  my ($self, $name, $cb) = @_;
  $self->shortcuts->{$name} = $cb;
  return $self;

sub any {
  shift->_generate_route((ref $_[0] || '') eq 'ARRAY' ? shift : [], @_);

# "Hey. What kind of party is this? There's no booze and only one hooker."
sub auto_render {
  my ($self, $c) = @_;

  eval {
    my $stash = $c->stash;
    unless ($stash->{'mojo.rendered'} || $c->tx->is_websocket) {

      # Render template or not_found if the route never reached an action
      $c->render or ($stash->{'mojo.routed'} or $c->render_not_found);

  } or $c->render_exception($@);

  return 1;

sub bridge { shift->route(@_)->inline(1) }

# DEPRECATED in Smiling Face With Sunglasses!
sub del {
  warn <<EOF;
Mojolicious::Routes->del is DEPRECATED in favor of

sub delete { shift->_generate_route('delete', @_) }

sub detour {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self;

sub dispatch {
  my ($self, $c) = @_;

  # Path
  my $req  = $c->req;
  my $path = $c->stash->{path};
  if (defined $path) { $path = "/$path" if $path !~ m#^/# }
  else               { $path = $req->url->path->to_abs_string }

  # Match
  my $method = $req->method;
  my $websocket = $c->tx->is_websocket ? 1 : 0;
  my $m = Mojolicious::Routes::Match->new($method => $path, $websocket);

  # Cached
  my $cache = $self->cache;
  if ($cache && (my $cached = $cache->get("$method:$path:$websocket"))) {

  # Lookup
  else {
    $m->match($self, $c);

    # Endpoint found
    if ($cache && (my $endpoint = $m->endpoint)) {

      # Cache routes without conditions
        "$method:$path:$websocket" => {
          endpoint => $endpoint,
          stack    => $m->stack,
          captures => $m->captures
      ) unless $endpoint->has_conditions;

  # No match
  return unless $m && @{$m->stack};

  # Walk the stack
  return if $self->_walk_stack($c);

sub get { shift->_generate_route('get', @_) }

sub has_conditions {
  my $self = shift;
  return 1 if @{$self->conditions};
  return unless my $parent = $self->parent;
  return $parent->has_conditions;

sub has_custom_name { shift->{custom} }

sub has_websocket {
  my $self = shift;
  return 1 if $self->is_websocket;
  return unless my $parent = $self->parent;
  return $parent->is_websocket;

sub hide { push @{shift->hidden}, @_ }

sub is_endpoint {
  my $self = shift;
  return   if $self->inline;
  return 1 if $self->block;
  return !@{$self->children};

sub is_websocket { shift->{websocket} }

sub name {
  my $self = shift;

  # Custom names get precedence
  if (@_) {
    if (defined(my $name = shift)) {
      $self->{name}   = $name;
      $self->{custom} = 1;
    return $self;

  return $self->{name};

sub over {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self unless @_;
  my $conditions = ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? $_[0] : [@_];

  # Routes with conditions can't be cached
  push @{$self->conditions}, @$conditions;
  my $root = my $parent = $self;
  while ($parent = $parent->parent) { $root = $parent }

  return $self;

sub parse {
  my $self = shift;

  # Pattern does the real work

  # Default name
  my $name = $self->pattern->pattern // '';
  $name =~ s/\W+//g;
  $self->{name}   = $name;
  $self->{custom} = 0;

  return $self;

sub post { shift->_generate_route('post', @_) }

sub put { shift->_generate_route('put', @_) }

sub render {
  my ($self, $path, $values) = @_;

  # Path prefix
  my $prefix = $self->pattern->render($values);
  $path = $prefix . $path unless $prefix eq '/';

  # Make sure there is always a root
  $path = '/' if !$path && !$self->parent;

  # Format
  if ((my $format = $values->{format}) && !$self->parent) {
    $path .= ".$format" unless $path =~ m#\.[^/]+$#;

  # Parent
  $path = $self->parent->render($path, $values) if $self->parent;

  return $path;

sub route {
  my $self  = shift;
  my $route = $self->new(@_);
  return $route;

sub to {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self unless @_;

  # Single argument
  my ($shortcut, $defaults);
  if (@_ == 1) {

    # Hash
    $defaults = shift if ref $_[0] eq 'HASH';
    $shortcut = shift if $_[0];

  # Multiple arguments
  else {

    # Odd
    if (@_ % 2) {
      $shortcut = shift;
      $defaults = {@_};

    # Even
    else {

      # Shortcut and defaults
      if (ref $_[1] eq 'HASH') {
        $shortcut = shift;
        $defaults = shift;

      # Just defaults
      else { $defaults = {@_} }

  # Shortcut
  if ($shortcut) {

    # App
    if (ref $shortcut || $shortcut =~ /^[\w\:]+$/) {
      $defaults->{app} = $shortcut;

    # Controller and action
    elsif ($shortcut =~ /^([\w\-]+)?\#(\w+)?$/) {
      $defaults->{controller} = $1 if defined $1;
      $defaults->{action}     = $2 if defined $2;

  # Defaults
  my $pattern = $self->pattern;
  my $old     = $pattern->defaults;
  $pattern->defaults({%$old, %$defaults}) if $defaults;

  return $self;

sub to_string {
  my $self = shift;
  my $pattern = $self->parent ? $self->parent->to_string : '';
  $pattern .= $self->pattern->pattern if $self->pattern->pattern;
  return $pattern;

sub under { shift->_generate_route('under', @_) }

sub via {
  my $self = shift;

  # Restrict methods
  if (@_) {
    my $methods = [map { lc $_ } @{ref $_[0] ? $_[0] : [@_]}];
    $self->{via} = $methods if @$methods;
    return $self;

  return $self->{via};

sub waypoint { shift->route(@_)->block(1) }

sub websocket {
  my $self  = shift;
  my $route = $self->get(@_);
  $route->{websocket} = 1;
  return $route;

sub _dispatch_callback {
  my ($self, $c, $field, $staging) = @_;

  # Routed
  $c->app->log->debug(qq/Dispatching callback./);

  # Dispatch
  my $continue;
  return Mojo::Exception->new($@)
    unless eval { $continue = $field->{cb}->($c); 1 };
  return 1 if !$staging || $continue;

sub _dispatch_controller {
  my ($self, $c, $field, $staging) = @_;

  # Class and method
  return 1
    unless my $app = $field->{app} || $self->_generate_class($field, $c);
  my $method = $self->_generate_method($field, $c);
  my $dispatch = ref $app || $app;
  $dispatch .= "->$method" if $method;
  $c->app->log->debug(qq/Dispatching "$dispatch"./);

  # Load class
  if (!ref $app && !$self->{loaded}->{$app}) {
    if (my $e = Mojo::Loader->load($app)) {

      # Doesn't exist
      unless (ref $e) {
        $c->app->log->debug("$app does not exist, maybe a typo?");

      # Error
      return $e;

    # Check for controller and application
      unless $app->isa($self->controller_base_class) || $app->isa('Mojo');

  # Dispatch
  my $continue;
  my $success = eval {
    $app = $app->new($c) unless ref $app;

    # Action
    if ($method) {

      # Call action
      my $stash = $c->stash;
      if ($app->can($method)) {
        $stash->{'mojo.routed'}++ unless $staging;
        $continue = $app->$method;

      # Render
      else {
          qq/Action "$dispatch" not found, assuming template without action./
        $self->auto_render($app) unless $staging;

      # Merge stash
      my $new = $app->stash;
      @{$stash}{keys %$new} = values %$new;

    # Handler
    else {

      # Connect routes
      if ($app->can('routes')) {
        my $r = $app->routes;
        unless ($r->parent) {
          weaken $r->{parent};



  # Controller error
  unless ($success) {
    my $e = Mojo::Exception->new($@);
    $app->render_exception($e) if $app->can('render_exception');
    return $e;

  return 1 if !$staging || $continue;

sub _generate_class {
  my ($self, $field, $c) = @_;

  # Class
  my $class = $field->{class};
  my $controller = $field->{controller} || '';
  $class = camelize $controller unless $class;

  # Namespace
  my $namespace = $field->{namespace};
  return unless $class || $namespace;
  $namespace //= $self->namespace;
  $class = length $class ? "${namespace}::$class" : $namespace
    if length $namespace;

  # Invalid
  return unless $class =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9_:]+$/;

  return $class;

sub _generate_method {
  my ($self, $field, $c) = @_;

  # Prepare hidden
  unless ($self->{hiding}) {
    $self->{hiding} = {};
    $self->{hiding}->{$_}++ for @{$self->hidden};

  # Hidden
  return unless my $method = $field->{method} || $field->{action};
  if ($self->{hiding}->{$method} || index($method, '_') == 0) {
    $c->app->log->debug(qq/Action "$method" is not allowed./);

  # Invalid
  unless ($method =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9_:]+$/) {
    $c->app->log->debug(qq/Action "$method" is invalid./);

  return $method;

sub _generate_route {
  my ($self, $methods, @args) = @_;

  # Route information
  my ($cb, $constraints, $defaults, $name, $pattern);
  my $conditions = [];
  while (defined(my $arg = shift @args)) {

    # First scalar is the pattern
    if (!ref $arg && !$pattern) { $pattern = $arg }

    # Scalar
    elsif (!ref $arg && @args) {
      push @$conditions, $arg, shift @args;

    # Last scalar is the route name
    elsif (!ref $arg) { $name = $arg }

    # Callback
    elsif (ref $arg eq 'CODE') { $cb = $arg }

    # Constraints
    elsif (ref $arg eq 'ARRAY') { $constraints = $arg }

    # Defaults
    elsif (ref $arg eq 'HASH') { $defaults = $arg }

  # Defaults
  $constraints ||= [];
  $defaults    ||= {};
  $defaults->{cb} = $cb if $cb;

  # Create bridge
  return $self->bridge($pattern, {@$constraints})->over($conditions)
    if !ref $methods && $methods eq 'under';

  # Create route
  my $route =
    $self->route($pattern, {@$constraints})->over($conditions)->via($methods)

  return $route;

# "Stop being such a spineless jellyfish!
#  You know full well I'm more closely related to the sea cucumber.
#  Not where it counts."
sub _walk_stack {
  my ($self, $c) = @_;

  # Stacktrace
  local $SIG{__DIE__} =
    sub { ref $_[0] ? CORE::die($_[0]) : Mojo::Exception->throw(@_) };

  # Walk the stack
  my $stack   = $c->match->stack;
  my $stash   = $c->stash;
  my $staging = @$stack;
  $stash->{'mojo.captures'} ||= {};
  for my $field (@$stack) {

    # Merge in captures
    my @keys = keys %$field;
    @{$stash}{@keys} = @{$stash->{'mojo.captures'}}{@keys} = values %$field;

    # Dispatch
    my $e =
      ? $self->_dispatch_callback($c, $field, $staging)
      : $self->_dispatch_controller($c, $field, $staging);

    # Exception
    if (ref $e) {
      return 1;

    # Break the chain
    return 1 if $staging && !$e;



=head1 NAME

Mojolicious::Routes - Always find your destination with routes


  use Mojolicious::Routes;

  # New routes tree
  my $r = Mojolicious::Routes->new;

  # Normal route matching "/articles" with parameters "controller" and
  # "action"
  $r->route('/articles')->to(controller => 'article', action => 'list');

  # Route with a placeholder matching everything but "/" and "."
  $r->route('/:controller')->to(action => 'list');

  # Route with a placeholder and regex constraint
  $r->route('/articles/:id', id => qr/\d+/)
    ->to(controller => 'article', action => 'view');

  # Route with an optional parameter "year"
    ->to(controller => 'archive', action => 'list', year => undef);

  # Nested route for two actions sharing the same "controller" parameter
  my $books = $r->route('/books/:id')->to(controller => 'book');
  $books->route('/edit')->to(action => 'edit');
  $books->route('/delete')->to(action => 'delete');

  # Bridges can be used to chain multiple routes
  $r->bridge->to(controller => 'foo', action =>'auth')
    ->route('/blog')->to(action => 'list');

  # Waypoints are similar to bridges and nested routes but can also match
  # if they are not the actual endpoint of the whole route
  my $b = $r->waypoint('/books')->to(controller => 'books', action => 'list');
  $b->route('/:id', id => qr/\d+/)->to(action => 'view');

  # Simplified Mojolicious::Lite style route generation is also possible
  $r->get('/')->to(controller => 'blog', action => 'welcome');
  my $blog = $r->under('/blog');
  $blog->get(sub { shift->render(text => 'Go away!') });


L<Mojolicious::Routes> is a very powerful implementation of the famous routes
pattern and the core of the L<Mojolicious> web framework.
See L<Mojolicious::Guides::Routing> for more.


L<Mojolicious::Routes> implements the following attributes.

=head2 C<block>

  my $block = $r->block;
  $r        = $r->block(1);

Allow this route to match even if it's not an endpoint, used for waypoints.

=head2 C<children>

  my $children = $r->children;
  $r           = $r->children([Mojolicious::Routes->new]);

The children of this routes object, used for nesting routes.

=head2 C<cache>

  my $cache = $r->cache;
  $r        = $r->cache(Mojo::Cache->new);

Routing cache, defaults to a L<Mojo::Cache> object.
Note that this attribute is EXPERIMENTAL and might change without warning!

=head2 C<conditions>

  my $conditions  = $r->conditions;
  $r              = $r->conditions([foo => qr/\w+/]);

Contains condition parameters for this route, used for C<over>.

=head2 C<controller_base_class>

  my $base = $r->controller_base_class;
  $r       = $r->controller_base_class('Mojolicious::Controller');

Base class used to identify controllers, defaults to

=head2 C<dictionary>

  my $dictionary = $r->dictionary;
  $r             = $r->dictionary({foo => sub {...}});

Contains all available conditions for this route.

=head2 C<hidden>

  my $hidden = $r->hidden;
  $r         = $r->hidden([qw/new attr tx render req res stash/]);

Controller methods and attributes that are hidden from routes.

=head2 C<inline>

  my $inline = $r->inline;
  $r         = $r->inline(1);

Allow C<bridge> semantics for this route.

=head2 C<namespace>

  my $namespace = $r->namespace;
  $r            = $r->namespace('Foo::Bar::Controller');

Namespace to search for controllers.

=head2 C<parent>

  my $parent = $r->parent;
  $r         = $r->parent(Mojolicious::Routes->new);

The parent of this route, used for nesting routes.

=head2 C<partial>

  my $partial = $r->partial;
  $r          = $r->partial(1);

Route has no specific end, remaining characters will be captured in C<path>.

=head2 C<pattern>

  my $pattern = $r->pattern;
  $r          = $r->pattern(Mojolicious::Routes::Pattern->new);

Pattern for this route, defaults to a L<Mojolicious::Routes::Pattern> object.

=head2 C<shortcuts>

  my $shortcuts = $r->shortcuts;
  $r            = $r->shortcuts({foo => sub {...}});

Contains all additional route shortcuts available for this route.

=head1 METHODS

L<Mojolicious::Routes> inherits all methods from L<Mojo::Base> and implements
the following ones.

=head2 C<new>

  my $r = Mojolicious::Routes->new;
  my $r = Mojolicious::Routes->new('/:controller/:action');

Construct a new route object.

=head2 C<add_child>

  $r = $r->add_child(Mojolicious::Route->new);

Add a new child to this route.

=head2 C<add_condition>

  $r = $r->add_condition(foo => sub {...});

Add a new condition for this route.

=head2 C<add_shortcut>

  $r = $r->add_shortcut(foo => sub {...});

Add a new shortcut for this route.

=head2 C<any>

  my $any = $route->any('/:foo' => sub {...});
  my $any = $route->any([qw/get post/] => '/:foo' => sub {...});

Generate route matching any of the listed HTTP request methods or all.
See also the L<Mojolicious::Lite> tutorial for more argument variations.

=head2 C<auto_render>


Automatic rendering.

=head2 C<bridge>

  my $bridge = $r->bridge;
  my $bridge = $r->bridge('/:controller/:action');

Add a new bridge to this route as a nested child.

=head2 C<delete>

  my $del = $route->delete('/:foo' => sub {...});

Generate route matching only C<DELETE> requests.
See also the L<Mojolicious::Lite> tutorial for more argument variations.

=head2 C<detour>

  $r = $r->detour(action => 'foo');
  $r = $r->detour({action => 'foo'});
  $r = $r->detour('controller#action');
  $r = $r->detour('controller#action', foo => 'bar');
  $r = $r->detour('controller#action', {foo => 'bar'});
  $r = $r->detour($app);
  $r = $r->detour($app, foo => 'bar');
  $r = $r->detour($app, {foo => 'bar'});
  $r = $r->detour('MyApp');
  $r = $r->detour('MyApp', foo => 'bar');
  $r = $r->detour('MyApp', {foo => 'bar'});

Set default parameters for this route and allow partial matching to simplify
application embedding.

=head2 C<dispatch>

  my $success = $r->dispatch(Mojolicious::Controller->new);

Match routes and dispatch.

=head2 C<get>

  my $get = $route->get('/:foo' => sub {...});

Generate route matching only C<GET> requests.
See also the L<Mojolicious::Lite> tutorial for more argument variations.

=head2 C<has_conditions>

  my $success = $r->has_conditions;

Returns true if this route contains conditions.
Note that this method is EXPERIMENTAL and might change without warning!

=head2 C<has_custom_name>

  my $success = $r->has_custom_name;

Returns true if this route has a custom user defined name.
Note that this method is EXPERIMENTAL and might change without warning!

=head2 C<has_websocket>

  my $success = $r->has_websocket;

Returns true if this route has a WebSocket ancestor.
Note that this method is EXPERIMENTAL and might change without warning!

=head2 C<hide>

  $r = $r->hide('new');

Hide controller method or attribute from routes.

=head2 C<is_endpoint>

  my $success = $r->is_endpoint;

Returns true if this route qualifies as an endpoint.

=head2 C<is_websocket>

  my $success = $r->is_websocket;

Returns true if this route is a WebSocket.
Note that this method is EXPERIMENTAL and might change without warning!

=head2 C<name>

  my $name = $r->name;
  $r       = $r->name('foo');

The name of this route, defaults to an automatically generated name based on
the route pattern.
Note that the name C<current> is reserved for refering to the current route.

=head2 C<over>

  $r = $r->over(foo => qr/\w+/);

Apply condition parameters to this route and disable routing cache.

=head2 C<parse>

  $r = $r->parse('/:controller/:action');

Parse a pattern.

=head2 C<post>

  my $post = $route->post('/:foo' => sub {...});

Generate route matching only C<POST> requests.
See also the L<Mojolicious::Lite> tutorial for more argument variations.

=head2 C<put>

  my $put = $route->put('/:foo' => sub {...});

Generate route matching only C<PUT> requests.
See also the L<Mojolicious::Lite> tutorial for more argument variations.

=head2 C<render>

  my $path = $r->render($path);
  my $path = $r->render($path, {foo => 'bar'});

Render route with parameters into a path.

=head2 C<route>

  my $route = $r->route('/:c/:a', a => qr/\w+/);

Add a new nested child to this route.

=head2 C<to>

  my $to  = $r->to;
  $r = $r->to(action => 'foo');
  $r = $r->to({action => 'foo'});
  $r = $r->to('controller#action');
  $r = $r->to('controller#action', foo => 'bar');
  $r = $r->to('controller#action', {foo => 'bar'});
  $r = $r->to($app);
  $r = $r->to($app, foo => 'bar');
  $r = $r->to($app, {foo => 'bar'});
  $r = $r->to('MyApp');
  $r = $r->to('MyApp', foo => 'bar');
  $r = $r->to('MyApp', {foo => 'bar'});

Set default parameters for this route.

=head2 C<to_string>

  my $string = $r->to_string;

Stringifies the whole route.

=head2 C<under>

  my $under = $r->under(sub {...});
  my $under = $r->under('/:foo');

Generate bridges.
See also the L<Mojolicious::Lite> tutorial for more argument variations.

=head2 C<via>

  my $methods = $r->via;
  $r          = $r->via('GET');
  $r          = $r->via(qw/GET POST/);
  $r          = $r->via([qw/GET POST/]);

Restrict HTTP methods this route is allowed to handle, defaults to no

=head2 C<waypoint>

  my $r = $r->waypoint('/:c/:a', a => qr/\w+/);

Add a waypoint to this route as nested child.

=head2 C<websocket>

  my $websocket = $r->websocket('/:foo' => sub {...});

Generate route matching only C<WebSocket> handshakes.
See also the L<Mojolicious::Lite> tutorial for more argument variations.
Note that this method is EXPERIMENTAL and might change without warning!


In addition to the attributes and methods above you can also call shortcuts
on instances of L<Mojolicious::Routes>.

  $r->add_shortcut(firefox => sub {
    my ($r, $path) = @_;
    $r->get($path, agent => qr/Firefox/);


=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Mojolicious>, L<Mojolicious::Guides>, L<>.
