package Mojo::Server::Daemon;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojo::Server';

use Carp 'croak';
use Mojo::IOLoop;
use POSIX;
use Scalar::Util 'weaken';
use Sys::Hostname;

# Bonjour
  ? 0
  : eval 'use Net::Rendezvous::Publish 0.04 (); 1';

use constant DEBUG => $ENV{MOJO_DAEMON_DEBUG} || 0;

has [qw/backlog group listen silent user/];
has inactivity_timeout => sub { $ENV{MOJO_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT} // 15 };
has ioloop             => sub { Mojo::IOLoop->singleton };
has max_clients        => 1000;
has max_requests       => 25;

my $LISTEN_RE = qr|
  (http(?:s)?)\://   # Scheme
  (.+)               # Address
  \:(\d+)            # Port
    \:(.*?)          # Certificate
    \:(.*?)          # Key
    (?:\:(.+)?)?     # Certificate Authority

  my $self = shift;
  return unless my $loop = $self->ioloop;
  $loop->drop($_) for keys %{$self->{connections} || {}};
  $loop->drop($_) for @{$self->{listening} || []};

# DEPRECATED in Leaf Fluttering In Wind!
sub keep_alive_timeout {
  warn <<EOF;
Mojo::Server::Daemon->keep_alive_timeout is DEPRECATED in favor of

# DEPRECATED in Leaf Fluttering In Wind!
sub prepare_ioloop {
  warn <<EOF;
Mojo::Server::Daemon->prepare_ioloop is DEPRECATED in favor of

# "40 dollars!? This better be the best damn beer ever..
#  *drinks beer* You got lucky."
sub run {
  my $self = shift;

  # Start accepting connections

  # User and group

  # Signals
  $SIG{INT} = $SIG{TERM} = sub { exit 0 };

  # Start loop

sub setuidgid {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self;

sub start {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->_listen($_) for @{$self->listen || ['http://*:3000']};

sub _build_tx {
  my ($self, $id, $c) = @_;

  # Build transaction
  my $tx = $self->build_tx;

  # Identify
  $tx->res->headers->server('Mojolicious (Perl)');

  # Store connection information
  my $handle = $self->ioloop->stream($id)->handle;

  # TLS
  $tx->req->url->base->scheme('https') if $c->{tls};

  # Events
  weaken $self;
  $tx->on(upgrade =>
      sub { $self->{connections}->{$id}->{ws} = pop->server_handshake });
    request => sub {
      my $tx = shift;
      $self->emit(request => $self->{connections}->{$id}->{ws} || $tx);
      $tx->on(resume => sub { $self->_write($id) });

  # Kept alive if we have more than one request on the connection
  $c->{requests} ||= 0;
  $tx->kept_alive(1) if ++$c->{requests} > 1;

  return $tx;

sub _close { shift->_drop(pop) }

sub _drop {
  my ($self, $id) = @_;

  # Finish gracefully
  my $c = $self->{connections}->{$id};
  if (my $tx = $c->{ws} || $c->{tx}) { $tx->server_close }

  # Drop connection
  delete $self->{connections}->{$id};

sub _error {
  my ($self, $id, $err) = @_;

sub _finish {
  my ($self, $id, $tx) = @_;

  # WebSocket
  if ($tx->is_websocket) {
    return $self->ioloop->drop($id);

  # Finish transaction
  my $c = $self->{connections}->{$id};
  delete $c->{tx};

  # WebSocket
  my $s = 0;
  if (my $ws = $c->{ws}) {

    # Successful upgrade
    if ($ws->res->code eq '101') {
      weaken $self;
      $ws->on(resume => sub { $self->_write($id) });

    # Failed upgrade
    else {
      delete $c->{ws};

  # Close connection
  if ($tx->req->error || !$tx->keep_alive) {

  # Leftovers
  elsif (defined(my $leftovers = $tx->server_leftovers)) {
    $tx = $c->{tx} = $self->_build_tx($id, $c);

sub _group {
  my $self = shift;
  return unless my $group = $self->group;
  croak qq/Group "$group" does not exist/
    unless defined(my $gid = (getgrnam($group))[2]);
  POSIX::setgid($gid) or croak qq/Can't switch to group "$group": $!/;

sub _listen {
  my ($self, $listen) = @_;
  return unless $listen;

  # Check listen value
  croak qq/Invalid listen value "$listen"/ unless $listen =~ $LISTEN_RE;
  my $options = {};
  my $tls;
  $tls = $options->{tls} = 1 if $1 eq 'https';
  $options->{address}  = $2 if $2 ne '*';
  $options->{port}     = $3;
  $options->{tls_cert} = $4 if $4;
  $options->{tls_key}  = $5 if $5;
  $options->{tls_ca}   = $6 if $6;

  # Listen backlog size
  my $backlog = $self->backlog;
  $options->{backlog} = $backlog if $backlog;

  # Listen
  weaken $self;
  my $id = $self->ioloop->server(
    $options => sub {
      my ($loop, $stream, $id) = @_;

      # Add new connection
      $self->{connections}->{$id} = {tls => $tls};

      # Inactivity timeout

      # Events
        timeout => sub {
          $self->_error($id, 'Inactivity timeout.')
            if $self->{connections}->{$id}->{tx};
      $stream->on(close => sub { $self->_close($id) });
      $stream->on(error => sub { $self->_error($id, pop) });
      $stream->on(read  => sub { $self->_read($id, pop) });
  $self->{listening} ||= [];
  push @{$self->{listening}}, $id;

  # Bonjour
  if (BONJOUR && (my $p = Net::Rendezvous::Publish->new)) {
    my $port = $options->{port};
    my $name = $options->{address} || Sys::Hostname::hostname();
      name   => "Mojolicious ($name:$port)",
      type   => '_http._tcp',
      domain => 'local',
      port   => $port
    ) if $port && !$tls;

  # Friendly message
  return if $self->silent;
  $self->app->log->info(qq/Listening at "$listen"./);
  $listen =~ s|^(https?\://)\*|${1}|i;
  say "Server available at $listen.";

sub _read {
  my ($self, $id, $chunk) = @_;
  warn "< $chunk\n" if DEBUG;

  # Make sure we have a transaction
  my $c = $self->{connections}->{$id};
  my $tx = $c->{tx} || $c->{ws};
  $tx ||= $c->{tx} = $self->_build_tx($id, $c);

  # Parse chunk

  # Last keep alive request
    if ($c->{requests} || 0) >= $self->max_requests;

  # Finish or start writing
  if ($tx->is_finished) { $self->_finish($id, $tx) }
  elsif ($tx->is_writing) { $self->_write($id) }

sub _user {
  my $self = shift;
  return unless my $user = $self->user;
  croak qq/User "$user" does not exist/
    unless defined(my $uid = (getpwnam($self->user))[2]);
  POSIX::setuid($uid) or croak qq/Can't switch to user "$user": $!/;

sub _write {
  my ($self, $id) = @_;

  # Not writing
  my $c = $self->{connections}->{$id};
  return unless my $tx = $c->{tx} || $c->{ws};
  return unless $tx->is_writing;

  # Get chunk
  return if $c->{writing}++;
  my $chunk = $tx->server_write;
  delete $c->{writing};
  warn "> $chunk\n" if DEBUG;

  # Write
  my $stream = $self->ioloop->stream($id);

  # Finish or continue writing
  weaken $self;
  my $cb = sub { $self->_write($id) };
  if ($tx->is_finished) {
    if ($tx->has_subscribers('finish')) {
      $cb = sub { $self->_finish($id, $tx) }
    else {
      $self->_finish($id, $tx);
      return unless $c->{tx} || $c->{ws};
  $stream->write('', $cb);


=head1 NAME

Mojo::Server::Daemon - Non-blocking I/O HTTP 1.1 and WebSocket server


  use Mojo::Server::Daemon;

  my $daemon = Mojo::Server::Daemon->new(listen => ['http://*:8080']);
  $daemon->on(request => sub {
    my ($daemon, $tx) = @_;

    # Request
    my $method = $tx->req->method;
    my $path   = $tx->req->url->path;

    # Response
    $tx->res->body("$method request for $path!");

    # Resume transaction


L<Mojo::Server::Daemon> is a full featured non-blocking I/O HTTP 1.1 and
WebSocket server with C<IPv6>, C<TLS>, C<Bonjour> and C<libev> support.

Optional modules L<EV>, L<IO::Socket::IP>, L<IO::Socket::SSL> and
L<Net::Rendezvous::Publish> are supported transparently and used if
installed. Individual features can also be disabled with the
C<MOJO_NO_BONJOUR>, C<MOJO_NO_IPV6> and C<MOJO_NO_TLS> environment variables.

See L<Mojolicious::Guides::Cookbook> for deployment recipes.

=head1 EVENTS

L<Mojo::Server::Daemon> inherits all events from L<Mojo::Server>.


L<Mojo::Server::Daemon> inherits all attributes from L<Mojo::Server> and
implements the following new ones.

=head2 C<backlog>

  my $backlog = $daemon->backlog;
  $daemon     = $daemon->backlog(128);

Listen backlog size, defaults to C<SOMAXCONN>.

=head2 C<group>

  my $group = $daemon->group;
  $daemon   = $daemon->group('users');

Group for server process.

=head2 C<inactivity_timeout>

  my $timeout = $daemon->inactivity_timeout;
  $daemon     = $daemon->inactivity_timeout(5);

Maximum amount of time in seconds a connection can be inactive before getting
dropped, defaults to the value of the C<MOJO_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT> environment
variable or C<15>. Setting the value to C<0> will allow connections to be
inactive indefinitely.

=head2 C<ioloop>

  my $loop = $daemon->ioloop;
  $daemon  = $daemon->ioloop(Mojo::IOLoop->new);

Loop object to use for I/O operations, defaults to the global L<Mojo::IOLoop>

=head2 C<listen>

  my $listen = $daemon->listen;
  $daemon    = $daemon->listen(['https://localhost:3000']);

List of one or more locations to listen on, defaults to C<http://*:3000>.

  # Listen on two ports with HTTP and HTTPS at the same time
  $daemon->listen(['http://*:3000', 'https://*:4000']);

  # Use a custom certificate and key

  # Or even a custom certificate authority

=head2 C<max_clients>

  my $max_clients = $daemon->max_clients;
  $daemon         = $daemon->max_clients(1000);

Maximum number of parallel client connections, defaults to C<1000>.

=head2 C<max_requests>

  my $max_requests = $daemon->max_requests;
  $daemon          = $daemon->max_requests(100);

Maximum number of keep alive requests per connection, defaults to C<25>.

=head2 C<silent>

  my $silent = $daemon->silent;
  $daemon    = $daemon->silent(1);

Disable console messages.

=head2 C<user>

  my $user = $daemon->user;
  $daemon  = $daemon->user('web');

User for the server process.

=head1 METHODS

L<Mojo::Server::Daemon> inherits all methods from L<Mojo::Server> and
implements the following new ones.

=head2 C<run>


Run server.

=head2 C<setuidgid>


Set user and group for process.

=head2 C<start>


Start accepting connections.


You can set the C<MOJO_DAEMON_DEBUG> environment variable to get some
advanced diagnostics information printed to C<STDERR>.


=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Mojolicious>, L<Mojolicious::Guides>, L<>.
