package Mojolicious::Routes::Route; use Mojo::Base -base; use Carp 'croak'; use Mojolicious::Routes::Pattern; use Scalar::Util qw(blessed weaken); has [qw(inline parent partial)]; has 'children' => sub { [] }; has pattern => sub { Mojolicious::Routes::Pattern->new }; # "Yet thanks to my trusty safety sphere, # I sublibed with only tribial brain dablage." sub AUTOLOAD { my $self = shift; # Method my ($package, $method) = our $AUTOLOAD =~ /^([\w:]+)\:\:(\w+)$/; croak "Undefined subroutine &${package}::$method called" unless blessed $self && $self->isa(__PACKAGE__); # Call shortcut croak qq{Can't locate object method "$method" via package "$package"} unless my $shortcut = $self->root->shortcuts->{$method}; return $self->$shortcut(@_); } sub DESTROY { } sub new { shift->SUPER::new->parse(@_) } sub add_child { my ($self, $route) = @_; weaken $route->remove->parent($self)->{parent}; push @{$self->children}, $route; return $self; } sub any { shift->_generate_route(ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? shift : [], @_) } sub bridge { shift->route(@_)->inline(1) } sub delete { shift->_generate_route(DELETE => @_) } sub detour { shift->partial(1)->to(@_) } sub find { my ($self, $name) = @_; # Check all children my @children = (@{$self->children}); my $candidate; while (my $child = shift @children) { # Match $candidate = $child->has_custom_name ? return $child : $child if $child->name eq $name; # Search children too push @children, @{$child->children}; } return $candidate; } sub get { shift->_generate_route(GET => @_) } sub has_conditions { my $self = shift; return 1 if @{$self->over || []}; return unless my $parent = $self->parent; return $parent->has_conditions; } sub has_custom_name { !!shift->{custom} } sub has_websocket { my $self = shift; return 1 if $self->is_websocket; return unless my $parent = $self->parent; return $parent->is_websocket; } sub is_endpoint { my $self = shift; # Bridge return if $self->inline; # Check number of children return !@{$self->children}; } sub is_websocket { !!shift->{websocket} } sub name { my $self = shift; # Custom names have precedence return $self->{name} unless @_; if (defined(my $name = shift)) { $self->{name} = $name; $self->{custom} = 1; } return $self; } sub options { shift->_generate_route(OPTIONS => @_) } sub over { my $self = shift; # Routes with conditions can't be cached return $self->{over} unless @_; my $conditions = ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? $_[0] : [@_]; return $self unless @$conditions; $self->{over} = $conditions; $self->root->cache(0); return $self; } sub parse { my $self = shift; $self->{name} = $self->pattern->parse(@_)->pattern // ''; $self->{name} =~ s/\W+//g; return $self; } sub patch { shift->_generate_route(PATCH => @_) } sub post { shift->_generate_route(POST => @_) } sub put { shift->_generate_route(PUT => @_) } sub remove { my $self = shift; return $self unless my $parent = $self->parent; @{$parent->children} = grep { $_ ne $self } @{$parent->children}; return $self->parent(undef); } sub render { my ($self, $path, $values) = @_; # Render pattern my $prefix = $self->pattern->render($values, !$path); $path = "$prefix$path" unless $prefix eq '/'; $path ||= '/' unless my $parent = $self->parent; # Let parent render return $parent ? $parent->render($path, $values) : $path; } sub root { my $root = my $parent = shift; while ($parent = $parent->parent) { $root = $parent } return $root; } sub route { my $self = shift; my $route = $self->add_child($self->new(@_))->children->[-1]; my $format = $self->pattern->constraints->{format}; $route->pattern->constraints->{format} //= 0 if defined $format && !$format; return $route; } sub to { my $self = shift; # No argument my $pattern = $self->pattern; return $pattern->defaults unless @_; # Single argument my ($shortcut, $defaults); if (@_ == 1) { # Hash $defaults = shift if ref $_[0] eq 'HASH'; $shortcut = shift if $_[0]; } # Multiple arguments else { # Odd if (@_ % 2) { ($shortcut, $defaults) = (shift, {@_}) } # Even else { # Shortcut and defaults if (ref $_[1] eq 'HASH') { ($shortcut, $defaults) = (shift, shift) } # Just defaults else { $defaults = {@_} } } } # Shortcut if ($shortcut) { # App if (ref $shortcut || $shortcut =~ /^[\w:]+$/) { $defaults->{app} = $shortcut; } # Controller and action elsif ($shortcut =~ /^([\w\-]+)?\#(\w+)?$/) { $defaults->{controller} = $1 if defined $1; $defaults->{action} = $2 if defined $2; } } # Merge defaults $pattern->defaults({%{$pattern->defaults}, %$defaults}) if $defaults; return $self; } sub to_string { my $self = shift; my $pattern = $self->parent ? $self->parent->to_string : ''; $pattern .= $self->pattern->pattern if $self->pattern->pattern; return $pattern; } sub under { shift->_generate_route(under => @_) } sub via { my $self = shift; return $self->{via} unless @_; my $methods = [map uc($_), @{ref $_[0] ? $_[0] : [@_]}]; $self->{via} = $methods if @$methods; return $self; } sub websocket { my $self = shift; my $route = $self->get(@_); $route->{websocket} = 1; return $route; } sub _generate_route { my ($self, $methods, @args) = @_; # Route information my ($cb, @conditions, @constraints, %defaults, $name, $pattern); while (defined(my $arg = shift @args)) { # First scalar is the pattern if (!ref $arg && !$pattern) { $pattern = $arg } # Scalar elsif (!ref $arg && @args) { push @conditions, $arg, shift @args } # Last scalar is the route name elsif (!ref $arg) { $name = $arg } # Callback elsif (ref $arg eq 'CODE') { $cb = $arg } # Constraints elsif (ref $arg eq 'ARRAY') { @constraints = @$arg } # Defaults elsif (ref $arg eq 'HASH') { %defaults = %$arg } } # Callback $defaults{cb} = $cb if $cb; # Create bridge return $self->bridge($pattern, @constraints)->over(\@conditions) ->to(\%defaults)->name($name) if !ref $methods && $methods eq 'under'; # Create route return $self->route($pattern, @constraints)->over(\@conditions) ->via($methods)->to(\%defaults)->name($name); } 1; =head1 NAME Mojolicious::Routes::Route - Route =head1 SYNOPSIS use Mojolicious::Routes::Route; my $r = Mojolicious::Routes::Route->new; =head1 DESCRIPTION L<Mojolicious::Routes::Route> is the route container used by L<Mojolicious::Routes>. =head1 ATTRIBUTES L<Mojolicious::Routes::Route> implements the following attributes. =head2 C<children> my $children = $r->children; $r = $r->children([Mojolicious::Routes::Route->new]); The children of this route, used for nesting routes. =head2 C<inline> my $inline = $r->inline; $r = $r->inline(1); Allow C<bridge> semantics for this route. =head2 C<parent> my $parent = $r->parent; $r = $r->parent(Mojolicious::Routes::Route->new); The parent of this route, used for nesting routes. =head2 C<partial> my $partial = $r->partial; $r = $r->partial(1); Route has no specific end, remaining characters will be captured in C<path>. =head2 C<pattern> my $pattern = $r->pattern; $r = $r->pattern(Mojolicious::Routes::Pattern->new); Pattern for this route, defaults to a L<Mojolicious::Routes::Pattern> object. =head1 METHODS L<Mojolicious::Routes::Route> inherits all methods from L<Mojo::Base> and implements the following ones. =head2 C<new> my $r = Mojolicious::Routes::Route->new; my $r = Mojolicious::Routes::Route->new('/:controller/:action'); Construct a new L<Mojolicious::Routes::Route> object. =head2 C<add_child> $r = $r->add_child(Mojolicious::Route->new); Add a new child to this route, it will be automatically removed from its current parent if necessary. # Reattach route $r->add_child($r->find('foo')); =head2 C<any> my $route = $r->any('/:foo' => sub {...}); my $route = $r->any([qw(GET POST)] => '/:foo' => sub {...}); Generate route matching any of the listed HTTP request methods or all. See also the L<Mojolicious::Lite> tutorial for more argument variations. $r->any('/user')->to('user#whatever'); =head2 C<bridge> my $bridge = $r->bridge; my $bridge = $r->bridge('/:action'); my $bridge = $r->bridge('/:action', action => qr/\w+/); my $bridge = $r->bridge(format => 0); Generate bridge route. my $auth = $r->bridge('/user')->to('user#auth'); $auth->get('/show')->to('#show'); $auth->post('/create')->to('#create'); =head2 C<delete> my $route = $r->delete('/:foo' => sub {...}); Generate route matching only C<DELETE> requests. See also the L<Mojolicious::Lite> tutorial for more argument variations. $r->delete('/user')->to('user#remove'); =head2 C<detour> $r = $r->detour(action => 'foo'); $r = $r->detour({action => 'foo'}); $r = $r->detour('controller#action'); $r = $r->detour('controller#action', foo => 'bar'); $r = $r->detour('controller#action', {foo => 'bar'}); $r = $r->detour(Mojolicious->new); $r = $r->detour(Mojolicious->new, foo => 'bar'); $r = $r->detour(Mojolicious->new, {foo => 'bar'}); $r = $r->detour('MyApp'); $r = $r->detour('MyApp', foo => 'bar'); $r = $r->detour('MyApp', {foo => 'bar'}); Set default parameters for this route and allow partial matching to simplify application embedding. =head2 C<find> my $route = $r->find('foo'); Find child route by name, custom names have precedence over automatically generated ones. $r->find('show_user')->to(foo => 'bar'); =head2 C<get> my $route = $r->get('/:foo' => sub {...}); Generate route matching only C<GET> requests. See also the L<Mojolicious::Lite> tutorial for more argument variations. $r->get('/user')->to('user#show'); =head2 C<has_conditions> my $success = $r->has_conditions; Check if this route has active conditions. =head2 C<has_custom_name> my $success = $r->has_custom_name; Check if this route has a custom name. =head2 C<has_websocket> my $success = $r->has_websocket; Check if this route has a WebSocket ancestor. =head2 C<is_endpoint> my $success = $r->is_endpoint; Check if this route qualifies as an endpoint. =head2 C<is_websocket> my $success = $r->is_websocket; Check if this route is a WebSocket. =head2 C<name> my $name = $r->name; $r = $r->name('foo'); The name of this route, defaults to an automatically generated name based on the route pattern. Note that the name C<current> is reserved for refering to the current route. $r->get('/user')->to('user#show')->name('show_user'); =head2 C<options> my $route = $r->options('/:foo' => sub {...}); Generate route matching only C<OPTIONS> requests. See also the L<Mojolicious::Lite> tutorial for more argument variations. $r->options('/user')->to('user#overview'); =head2 C<over> my $over = $r->over; $r = $r->over(foo => qr/\w+/); Activate conditions for this route. Note that this automatically disables the routing cache, since conditions are too complex for caching. $r->get('/foo')->over(host => qr/mojolicio\.us/)->to('foo#bar'); =head2 C<parse> $r = $r->parse('/:action'); $r = $r->parse('/:action', action => qr/\w+/); $r = $r->parse(format => 0); Parse a pattern. =head2 C<patch> my $route = $r->patch('/:foo' => sub {...}); Generate route matching only C<PATCH> requests. See also the L<Mojolicious::Lite> tutorial for more argument variations. $r->patch('/user')->to('user#update'); =head2 C<post> my $route = $r->post('/:foo' => sub {...}); Generate route matching only C<POST> requests. See also the L<Mojolicious::Lite> tutorial for more argument variations. $r->post('/user')->to('user#create'); =head2 C<put> my $route = $r->put('/:foo' => sub {...}); Generate route matching only C<PUT> requests. See also the L<Mojolicious::Lite> tutorial for more argument variations. $r->put('/user')->to('user#replace'); =head2 C<remove> $r = $r->remove; Remove route from parent. # Remove route completely $r->find('foo')->remove; # Reattach route to new parent $r->route('/foo')->add_child($r->find('bar')->remove); =head2 C<render> my $path = $r->render($suffix); my $path = $r->render($suffix, {foo => 'bar'}); Render route with parameters into a path. =head2 C<root> my $root = $r->root; The L<Mojolicious::Routes> object this route is an ancestor of. $r->root->cache(0); =head2 C<route> my $route = $r->route; my $route = $r->route('/:action'); my $route = $r->route('/:action', action => qr/\w+/); my $route = $r->route(format => 0); Generate route matching all HTTP request methods. =head2 C<to> my $defaults = $r->to; $r = $r->to(action => 'foo'); $r = $r->to({action => 'foo'}); $r = $r->to('controller#action'); $r = $r->to('controller#action', foo => 'bar'); $r = $r->to('controller#action', {foo => 'bar'}); $r = $r->to(Mojolicious->new); $r = $r->to(Mojolicious->new, foo => 'bar'); $r = $r->to(Mojolicious->new, {foo => 'bar'}); $r = $r->to('MyApp'); $r = $r->to('MyApp', foo => 'bar'); $r = $r->to('MyApp', {foo => 'bar'}); Set default parameters for this route. =head2 C<to_string> my $string = $r->to_string; Stringify the whole route. =head2 C<under> my $route = $r->under(sub {...}); my $route = $r->under('/:foo'); Generate bridge route. See also the L<Mojolicious::Lite> tutorial for more argument variations. my $auth = $r->under('/user')->to('user#auth'); $auth->get('/show')->to('#show'); $auth->post('/create')->to('#create'); =head2 C<via> my $methods = $r->via; $r = $r->via('GET'); $r = $r->via(qw(GET POST)); $r = $r->via([qw(GET POST)]); Restrict HTTP methods this route is allowed to handle, defaults to no restrictions. $r->route('/foo')->via(qw(GET POST))->to('foo#bar'); =head2 C<websocket> my $websocket = $r->websocket('/:foo' => sub {...}); Generate route matching only C<WebSocket> handshakes. See also the L<Mojolicious::Lite> tutorial for more argument variations. $r->websocket('/echo')->to('example#echo'); =head1 SHORTCUTS In addition to the attributes and methods above you can also call shortcuts on L<Mojolicious::Routes::Route> objects. $r->root->add_shortcut(firefox => sub { my ($r, $path) = @_; $r->get($path, agent => qr/Firefox/); }); $r->firefox('/welcome')->to('firefox#welcome'); $r->firefox('/bye')->to('firefox#bye); =head1 SEE ALSO L<Mojolicious>, L<Mojolicious::Guides>, L<>. =cut