package Mojo::Util; use Mojo::Base 'Exporter'; use Carp 'croak'; use Digest::MD5 qw(md5 md5_hex); use Digest::SHA qw(sha1 sha1_hex); use Encode 'find_encoding'; use File::Basename 'dirname'; use File::Spec::Functions 'catfile'; use MIME::Base64 qw(decode_base64 encode_base64); # Punycode bootstring parameters use constant { PC_BASE => 36, PC_TMIN => 1, PC_TMAX => 26, PC_SKEW => 38, PC_DAMP => 700, PC_INITIAL_BIAS => 72, PC_INITIAL_N => 128 }; # Punycode delimiter my $DELIMITER = chr 0x2D; # To update HTML5 entities run this command # perl examples/ > lib/Mojo/entities.txt my %ENTITIES; { open my $entities, '<', catfile(dirname(__FILE__), 'entities.txt'); for my $entity (<$entities>) { next unless $entity =~ /^(\S+)\s+U\+(\S+)(?:\s+U\+(\S+))?/; $ENTITIES{$1} = defined $3 ? (chr(hex $2) . chr(hex $3)) : chr(hex $2); } } # DEPRECATED in Rainbow! my %REVERSE = ("\x{0027}" => '#39;'); $REVERSE{$ENTITIES{$_}} //= $_ for sort { @{[$a =~ /[A-Z]/g]} <=> @{[$b =~ /[A-Z]/g]} } sort grep {/;/} keys %ENTITIES; # Encoding cache my %CACHE; our @EXPORT_OK = ( qw(b64_decode b64_encode camelize class_to_file class_to_path decamelize), qw(decode encode get_line hmac_md5_sum hmac_sha1_sum html_unescape), qw(md5_bytes md5_sum monkey_patch punycode_decode punycode_encode quote), qw(secure_compare sha1_bytes sha1_sum slurp spurt squish trim unquote), qw(url_escape url_unescape xml_escape xor_encode) ); # DEPRECATED in Rainbow! push @EXPORT_OK, 'html_escape'; sub b64_decode { decode_base64($_[0]) } sub b64_encode { encode_base64($_[0], $_[1]) } sub camelize { my $string = shift; return $string if $string =~ /^[A-Z]/; # Camel case words return join '::', map { join '', map { ucfirst lc } split /_/, $_ } split /-/, $string; } sub class_to_file { my $class = shift; $class =~ s/::|'//g; $class =~ s/([A-Z])([A-Z]*)/$$2)/ge; return decamelize($class); } sub class_to_path { join '.', join('/', split /::|'/, shift), 'pm' } sub decamelize { my $string = shift; return $string if $string !~ /^[A-Z]/; # Module parts my @parts; for my $part (split /::/, $string) { # Snake case words my @words; push @words, lc $1 while $part =~ s/([A-Z]{1}[^A-Z]*)//; push @parts, join '_', @words; } return join '-', @parts; } sub decode { my ($encoding, $bytes) = @_; return undef unless eval { $bytes = _encoding($encoding)->decode("$bytes", 1); 1 }; return $bytes; } sub encode { _encoding($_[0])->encode("$_[1]") } sub get_line { # Locate line ending return undef if (my $pos = index ${$_[0]}, "\x0a") == -1; # Extract line and ending my $line = substr ${$_[0]}, 0, $pos + 1, ''; $line =~ s/\x0d?\x0a$//; return $line; } sub hmac_md5_sum { _hmac(\&md5, @_) } sub hmac_sha1_sum { _hmac(\&sha1, @_) } # DEPRECATED in Rainbow! sub html_escape { warn <<EOF; Mojo::Util->html_escape is DEPRECATED in favor of Mojo::Util->xml_escape!!! EOF my ($string, $pattern) = @_; $pattern ||= '^\n\r\t !#$%(-;=?-~'; return $string unless $string =~ /[^$pattern]/; $string =~ s/([$pattern])/_encode($1)/ge; return $string; } sub html_unescape { my $string = shift; $string =~ s/&(?:\#((?:\d{1,7}|x[[:xdigit:]]{1,6}));|(\w+;?))/_decode($1, $2)/ge; return $string; } sub md5_bytes { md5(@_) } sub md5_sum { md5_hex(@_) } sub monkey_patch { my ($class, %patch) = @_; no strict 'refs'; no warnings 'redefine'; *{"${class}::$_"} = $patch{$_} for keys %patch; } sub punycode_decode { my $input = shift; use integer; # Defaults my $n = PC_INITIAL_N; my $i = 0; my $bias = PC_INITIAL_BIAS; my @output; # Delimiter if ($input =~ s/(.*)$DELIMITER//s) { push @output, split //, $1 } # Decode (direct translation of RFC 3492) while (length $input) { my $oldi = $i; my $w = 1; # Base to infinity in steps of base for (my $k = PC_BASE; 1; $k += PC_BASE) { # Digit my $digit = ord substr $input, 0, 1, ''; $digit = $digit < 0x40 ? $digit + (26 - 0x30) : ($digit & 0x1f) - 1; $i += $digit * $w; my $t = $k - $bias; $t = $t < PC_TMIN ? PC_TMIN : $t > PC_TMAX ? PC_TMAX : $t; last if $digit < $t; $w *= (PC_BASE - $t); } # Bias $bias = _adapt($i - $oldi, @output + 1, $oldi == 0); $n += $i / (@output + 1); $i = $i % (@output + 1); # Insert splice @output, $i, 0, chr($n); $i++; } return join '', @output; } sub punycode_encode { use integer; # Defaults my $output = shift; my $len = length $output; # Split input my @input = map ord, split //, $output; my @chars = sort grep { $_ >= PC_INITIAL_N } @input; # Remove non basic characters $output =~ s/[^\x00-\x7f]+//gs; # Non basic characters in input my $h = my $b = length $output; $output .= $DELIMITER if $b > 0; # Defaults my $n = PC_INITIAL_N; my $delta = 0; my $bias = PC_INITIAL_BIAS; # Encode (direct translation of RFC 3492) for my $m (@chars) { # Basic character next if $m < $n; # Delta $delta += ($m - $n) * ($h + 1); # Walk all code points in order $n = $m; for (my $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { my $c = $input[$i]; # Basic character $delta++ if $c < $n; # Non basic character if ($c == $n) { my $q = $delta; # Base to infinity in steps of base for (my $k = PC_BASE; 1; $k += PC_BASE) { my $t = $k - $bias; $t = $t < PC_TMIN ? PC_TMIN : $t > PC_TMAX ? PC_TMAX : $t; last if $q < $t; # Code point for digit "t" my $o = $t + (($q - $t) % (PC_BASE - $t)); $output .= chr $o + ($o < 26 ? 0x61 : 0x30 - 26); $q = ($q - $t) / (PC_BASE - $t); } # Code point for digit "q" $output .= chr $q + ($q < 26 ? 0x61 : 0x30 - 26); # Bias $bias = _adapt($delta, $h + 1, $h == $b); $delta = 0; $h++; } } $delta++; $n++; } return $output; } sub quote { my $string = shift; $string =~ s/(["\\])/\\$1/g; return qq{"$string"}; } sub secure_compare { my ($a, $b) = @_; return undef if length $a != length $b; my $r = 0; $r |= ord(substr $a, $_) ^ ord(substr $b, $_) for 0 .. length($a) - 1; return $r == 0; } sub sha1_bytes { sha1(@_) } sub sha1_sum { sha1_hex(@_) } sub slurp { my $path = shift; croak qq{Can't open file "$path": $!} unless open my $file, '<', $path; my $content = ''; while ($file->sysread(my $buffer, 131072, 0)) { $content .= $buffer } return $content; } sub spurt { my ($content, $path) = @_; croak qq{Can't open file "$path": $!} unless open my $file, '>', $path; croak qq{Can't write to file "$path": $!} unless defined $file->syswrite($content); return $content; } sub squish { my $string = trim(@_); $string =~ s/\s+/ /g; return $string; } sub trim { my $string = shift; $string =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; return $string; } sub unquote { my $string = shift; return $string unless $string =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/g; $string =~ s/\\\\/\\/g; $string =~ s/\\"/"/g; return $string; } sub url_escape { my ($string, $pattern) = @_; $pattern ||= '^A-Za-z0-9\-._~'; $string =~ s/([$pattern])/sprintf('%%%02X',ord($1))/ge; return $string; } sub url_unescape { my $string = shift; return $string if index($string, '%') == -1; $string =~ s/%([[:xdigit:]]{2})/chr(hex($1))/ge; return $string; } sub xml_escape { my $string = shift; $string =~ s/&/&/g; $string =~ s/</</g; $string =~ s/>/>/g; $string =~ s/"/"/g; $string =~ s/'/'/g; return $string; } sub xor_encode { my ($input, $key) = @_; # Encode with variable key length my $len = length $key; my $buffer = my $output = ''; $output .= $buffer ^ $key while length($buffer = substr($input, 0, $len, '')) == $len; return $output .= $buffer ^ substr($key, 0, length $buffer, ''); } sub _adapt { my ($delta, $numpoints, $firsttime) = @_; use integer; $delta = $firsttime ? $delta / PC_DAMP : $delta / 2; $delta += $delta / $numpoints; my $k = 0; while ($delta > ((PC_BASE - PC_TMIN) * PC_TMAX) / 2) { $delta /= PC_BASE - PC_TMIN; $k += PC_BASE; } return $k + (((PC_BASE - PC_TMIN + 1) * $delta) / ($delta + PC_SKEW)); } sub _decode { # Numeric return substr($_[0], 0, 1) eq 'x' ? chr(hex $_[0]) : chr($_[0]) unless $_[1]; # Find entity name my $rest = ''; my $entity = $_[1]; while (length $entity) { return "$ENTITIES{$entity}$rest" if exists $ENTITIES{$entity}; $rest = chop($entity) . $rest; } return "&$_[1]"; } # DEPRECATED in Rainbow! sub _encode { return exists $REVERSE{$_[0]} ? "&$REVERSE{$_[0]}" : "&#@{[ord($_[0])]};"; } sub _encoding { $CACHE{$_[0]} //= find_encoding($_[0]) // croak "Unknown encoding '$_[0]'"; } sub _hmac { my ($hash, $string, $secret) = @_; # Secret $secret = $secret ? "$secret" : 'Very insecure!'; $secret = $hash->($secret) if length $secret > 64; # HMAC my $ipad = $secret ^ (chr(0x36) x 64); my $opad = $secret ^ (chr(0x5c) x 64); return unpack 'H*', $hash->($opad . $hash->($ipad . $string)); } 1; =head1 NAME Mojo::Util - Portable utility functions =head1 SYNOPSIS use Mojo::Util qw(b64_encode url_escape url_unescape); my $string = 'test=23'; my $escaped = url_escape $string; say url_unescape $escaped; say b64_encode $escaped, ''; =head1 DESCRIPTION L<Mojo::Util> provides portable utility functions for L<Mojo>. =head1 FUNCTIONS L<Mojo::Util> implements the following functions. =head2 b64_decode my $string = b64_decode $b64; Base64 decode string. =head2 b64_encode my $b64 = b64_encode $string; my $b64 = b64_encode $string, "\n"; Base64 encode string, the line ending defaults to a newline. =head2 camelize my $camelcase = camelize $snakecase; Convert snake case string to camel case and replace C<-> with C<::>. # "FooBar" camelize 'foo_bar'; # "FooBar::Baz" camelize 'foo_bar-baz'; # "FooBar::Baz" camelize 'FooBar::Baz'; =head2 class_to_file my $file = class_to_file 'Foo::Bar'; Convert a class name to a file. Foo::Bar -> foo_bar FOO::Bar -> foobar FooBar -> foo_bar FOOBar -> foobar =head2 class_to_path my $path = class_to_path 'Foo::Bar'; Convert class name to path. Foo::Bar -> Foo/ FooBar -> =head2 decamelize my $snakecase = decamelize $camelcase; Convert camel case string to snake case and replace C<::> with C<->. # "foo_bar" decamelize 'FooBar'; # "foo_bar-baz" decamelize 'FooBar::Baz'; # "foo_bar-baz" decamelize 'foo_bar-baz'; =head2 decode my $chars = decode 'UTF-8', $bytes; Decode bytes to characters and return C<undef> if decoding failed. =head2 encode my $bytes = encode 'UTF-8', $chars; Encode characters to bytes. =head2 get_line my $line = get_line \$string; Extract whole line from string or return C<undef>. Lines are expected to end with C<0x0d 0x0a> or C<0x0a>. =head2 hmac_md5_sum my $checksum = hmac_md5_sum $string, 'passw0rd'; Generate HMAC-MD5 checksum for string. =head2 hmac_sha1_sum my $checksum = hmac_sha1_sum $string, 'passw0rd'; Generate HMAC-SHA1 checksum for string. =head2 html_unescape my $string = html_unescape $escaped; Unescape all HTML entities in string. =head2 md5_bytes my $checksum = md5_bytes $string; Generate binary MD5 checksum for string. =head2 md5_sum my $checksum = md5_sum $string; Generate MD5 checksum for string. =head2 monkey_patch monkey_patch $package, foo => sub {...}; monkey_patch $package, foo => sub {...}, bar => sub {...}; Monkey patch functions into package. monkey_patch 'MyApp', one => sub { say 'One!' }, two => sub { say 'Two!' }, three => sub { say 'Three!' }; =head2 punycode_decode my $string = punycode_decode $punycode; Punycode decode string. =head2 punycode_encode my $punycode = punycode_encode $string; Punycode encode string. =head2 quote my $quoted = quote $string; Quote string. =head2 secure_compare my $success = secure_compare $string1, $string2; Constant time comparison algorithm to prevent timing attacks. =head2 sha1_bytes my $checksum = sha1_bytes $string; Generate binary SHA1 checksum for string. =head2 sha1_sum my $checksum = sha1_sum $string; Generate SHA1 checksum for string. =head2 slurp my $content = slurp '/etc/passwd'; Read all data at once from file. =head2 spurt $content = spurt $content, '/etc/passwd'; Write all data at once to file. =head2 squish my $squished = squish $string; Trim whitespace characters from both ends of string and then change all consecutive groups of whitespace into one space each. =head2 trim my $trimmed = trim $string; Trim whitespace characters from both ends of string. =head2 unquote my $string = unquote $quoted; Unquote string. =head2 url_escape my $escaped = url_escape $string; my $escaped = url_escape $string, '^A-Za-z0-9\-._~'; Percent encode unsafe characters in string, the pattern used defaults to C<^A-Za-z0-9\-._~>. =head2 url_unescape my $string = url_unescape $escaped; Decode percent encoded characters in string. =head2 xml_escape my $escaped = xml_escape $string; Escape unsafe characters C<&>, C<E<lt>>, C<E<gt>>, C<"> and C<'> in string. =head2 xor_encode my $encoded = xor_encode $string, $key; XOR encode string with variable length key. =head1 SEE ALSO L<Mojolicious>, L<Mojolicious::Guides>, L<>. =cut