package Mojo::ByteStream; use Mojo::Base -strict; use overload bool => sub {1}, '""' => sub { ${$_[0]} }, fallback => 1; use Exporter 'import'; use Mojo::Collection; use Mojo::Util; our @EXPORT_OK = ('b'); # Turn most functions from Mojo::Util into methods my @UTILS = ( qw(b64_decode b64_encode camelize decamelize hmac_sha1_sum html_unescape), qw(md5_bytes md5_sum punycode_decode punycode_encode quote sha1_bytes), qw(sha1_sum slurp spurt squish term_escape trim unindent unquote), qw(url_escape url_unescape xml_escape xor_encode) ); for my $name (@UTILS) { my $sub = Mojo::Util->can($name); Mojo::Util::monkey_patch __PACKAGE__, $name, sub { my $self = shift; $$self = $sub->($$self, @_); return $self; }; } sub b { __PACKAGE__->new(@_) } sub clone { $_[0]->new(${$_[0]}) } sub decode { shift->_delegate(\&Mojo::Util::decode, @_) } sub encode { shift->_delegate(\&Mojo::Util::encode, @_) } sub new { my $class = shift; return bless \(my $dummy = join '', @_), ref $class || $class; } sub say { my ($self, $handle) = @_; $handle ||= \*STDOUT; say $handle $$self; return $self; } sub secure_compare { Mojo::Util::secure_compare ${shift()}, shift } sub size { length ${$_[0]} } sub split { my ($self, $pattern) = @_; return Mojo::Collection->new(map { $self->new($_) } split $pattern, $$self); } sub tap { shift->Mojo::Base::tap(@_) } sub to_string { ${$_[0]} } sub _delegate { my ($self, $sub) = (shift, shift); $$self = $sub->(shift || 'UTF-8', $$self); return $self; } 1; =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME Mojo::ByteStream - ByteStream =head1 SYNOPSIS use Mojo::ByteStream; # Manipulate bytestream my $stream = Mojo::ByteStream->new('foo_bar_baz'); say $stream->camelize; # Chain methods my $stream = Mojo::ByteStream->new('foo bar baz')->quote; $stream = $stream->unquote->encode('UTF-8')->b64_encode(''); say "$stream"; # Use the alternative constructor use Mojo::ByteStream 'b'; my $stream = b('foobarbaz')->b64_encode('')->say; =head1 DESCRIPTION L<Mojo::ByteStream> is a scalar-based container for bytestreams that provides a more friendly API for many of the functions in L<Mojo::Util>. # Access scalar directly to manipulate bytestream my $stream = Mojo::ByteStream->new('foo'); $$stream .= 'bar'; =head1 FUNCTIONS L<Mojo::ByteStream> implements the following functions, which can be imported individually. =head2 b my $stream = b('test123'); Construct a new scalar-based L<Mojo::ByteStream> object. =head1 METHODS L<Mojo::ByteStream> implements the following methods. =head2 b64_decode $stream = $stream->b64_decode; Base64 decode bytestream with L<Mojo::Util/"b64_decode">. =head2 b64_encode $stream = $stream->b64_encode; $stream = $stream->b64_encode("\n"); Base64 encode bytestream with L<Mojo::Util/"b64_encode">. # "Zm9vIGJhciBiYXo=" b('foo bar baz')->b64_encode(''); =head2 camelize $stream = $stream->camelize; Camelize bytestream with L<Mojo::Util/"camelize">. =head2 clone my $stream2 = $stream->clone; Clone bytestream. =head2 decamelize $stream = $stream->decamelize; Decamelize bytestream with L<Mojo::Util/"decamelize">. =head2 decode $stream = $stream->decode; $stream = $stream->decode('iso-8859-1'); Decode bytestream with L<Mojo::Util/"decode">, defaults to using C<UTF-8>. # "♥" b('%E2%99%A5')->url_unescape->decode; =head2 encode $stream = $stream->encode; $stream = $stream->encode('iso-8859-1'); Encode bytestream with L<Mojo::Util/"encode">, defaults to using C<UTF-8>. # "%E2%99%A5" b('♥')->encode->url_escape; =head2 hmac_sha1_sum $stream = $stream->hmac_sha1_sum('passw0rd'); Generate HMAC-SHA1 checksum for bytestream with L<Mojo::Util/"hmac_sha1_sum">. # "7fbdc89263974a89210ea71f171c77d3f8c21471" b('foo bar baz')->hmac_sha1_sum('secr3t'); =head2 html_unescape $stream = $stream->html_unescape; Unescape all HTML entities in bytestream with L<Mojo::Util/"html_unescape">. # "%3Chtml%3E" b('<html>')->html_unescape->url_escape; =head2 md5_bytes $stream = $stream->md5_bytes; Generate binary MD5 checksum for bytestream with L<Mojo::Util/"md5_bytes">. =head2 md5_sum $stream = $stream->md5_sum; Generate MD5 checksum for bytestream with L<Mojo::Util/"md5_sum">. =head2 new my $stream = Mojo::ByteStream->new('test123'); Construct a new scalar-based L<Mojo::ByteStream> object. =head2 punycode_decode $stream = $stream->punycode_decode; Punycode decode bytestream with L<Mojo::Util/"punycode_decode">. =head2 punycode_encode $stream = $stream->punycode_encode; Punycode encode bytestream with L<Mojo::Util/"punycode_encode">. =head2 quote $stream = $stream->quote; Quote bytestream with L<Mojo::Util/"quote">. =head2 say $stream = $stream->say; $stream = $stream->say(*STDERR); Print bytestream to handle and append a newline, defaults to using C<STDOUT>. =head2 secure_compare my $bool = $stream->secure_compare($str); Compare bytestream with L<Mojo::Util/"secure_compare">. =head2 sha1_bytes $stream = $stream->sha1_bytes; Generate binary SHA1 checksum for bytestream with L<Mojo::Util/"sha1_bytes">. =head2 sha1_sum $stream = $stream->sha1_sum; Generate SHA1 checksum for bytestream with L<Mojo::Util/"sha1_sum">. =head2 size my $size = $stream->size; Size of bytestream. =head2 slurp $stream = $stream->slurp; Read all data at once from file into bytestream with L<Mojo::Util/"slurp">. # Read file and print lines in random order b('/home/sri/')->slurp->split("\n")->shuffle->join("\n")->say; =head2 spurt $stream = $stream->spurt('/home/sri/'); Write all data from bytestream at once to file with L<Mojo::Util/"spurt">. # Remove unnecessary whitespace from file b('/home/sri/foo.txt')->slurp->squish->spurt('/home/sri/bar.txt'); =head2 split my $collection = $stream->split(','); Turn bytestream into L<Mojo::Collection> object containing L<Mojo::ByteStream> objects. # "One,Two,Three" b("one,two,three")->split(',')->map('camelize')->join(','); =head2 squish $stream = $stream->squish; Trim whitespace characters from both ends of bytestream and then change all consecutive groups of whitespace into one space each with L<Mojo::Util/"squish">. =head2 tap $stream = $stream->tap(sub {...}); Alias for L<Mojo::Base/"tap">. =head2 term_escape $stream = $stream->term_escape; Escape POSIX control characters in bytestream with L<Mojo::Util/"term_escape">. # Print binary checksum to terminal b('foo')->sha1_bytes->term_escape->say; =head2 to_string my $str = $stream->to_string; Stringify bytestream. =head2 trim $stream = $stream->trim; Trim whitespace characters from both ends of bytestream with L<Mojo::Util/"trim">. =head2 unindent $stream = $stream->unindent; Unindent bytestream with L<Mojo::Util/"unindent">. =head2 unquote $stream = $stream->unquote; Unquote bytestream with L<Mojo::Util/"unquote">. =head2 url_escape $stream = $stream->url_escape; $stream = $stream->url_escape('^A-Za-z0-9\-._~'); Percent encode all unsafe characters in bytestream with L<Mojo::Util/"url_escape">. # "%E2%98%83" b('☃')->encode->url_escape; =head2 url_unescape $stream = $stream->url_unescape; Decode percent encoded characters in bytestream with L<Mojo::Util/"url_unescape">. # "<html>" b('%3Chtml%3E')->url_unescape->xml_escape; =head2 xml_escape $stream = $stream->xml_escape; Escape only the characters C<&>, C<E<lt>>, C<E<gt>>, C<"> and C<'> in bytestream with L<Mojo::Util/"xml_escape">. =head2 xor_encode $stream = $stream->xor_encode($key); XOR encode bytestream with L<Mojo::Util/"xor_encode">. # "%04%0E%15B%03%1B%10" b('foo bar')->xor_encode('baz')->url_escape; =head1 OPERATORS L<Mojo::ByteStream> overloads the following operators. =head2 bool my $bool = !!$bytestream; Always true. =head2 stringify my $str = "$bytestream"; Alias for L</"to_string">. =head1 SEE ALSO L<Mojolicious>, L<Mojolicious::Guides>, L<>. =cut