use Mojo::Base -strict;

use Mojo::Server::Morbo;
use Mojo::Util qw(extract_usage getopt);

  'b|backend=s' => \$ENV{MOJO_MORBO_BACKEND},
  'h|help'      => \my $help,
  'l|listen=s'  => \my @listen,
  'm|mode=s'    => \$ENV{MOJO_MODE},
  'v|verbose'   => \$ENV{MORBO_VERBOSE},
  'w|watch=s'   => \my @watch;

die extract_usage if $help || !(my $app = shift);
my $morbo = Mojo::Server::Morbo->new;
$morbo->daemon->listen(\@listen) if @listen;
$morbo->backend->watch(\@watch)  if @watch;

=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

morbo - Morbo HTTP and WebSocket development server


  Usage: morbo [OPTIONS] [APPLICATION]

    morbo ./script/my_app
    morbo ./myapp.pl
    morbo -m production -l https://*:443 -l http://[::]:3000 ./myapp.pl
    morbo -l 'https://*:443?cert=./server.crt&key=./server.key' ./myapp.pl
    morbo -w /usr/local/lib -w public -w myapp.conf ./myapp.pl

    -b, --backend <name>           Morbo backend to use for reloading, defaults
                                   to "Poll"
    -h, --help                     Show this message
    -l, --listen <location>        One or more locations you want to listen on,
                                   defaults to the value of MOJO_LISTEN or
    -m, --mode <name>              Operating mode for your application,
                                   defaults to the value of
                                   MOJO_MODE/PLACK_ENV or "development"
    -v, --verbose                  Print details about what files changed to
    -w, --watch <directory/file>   One or more directories and files to watch
                                   for changes, defaults to the application
                                   script as well as the "lib" and "templates"
                                   directories in the current working


Start L<Mojolicious> and L<Mojolicious::Lite> applications with the
L<Mojo::Server::Morbo> web server.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Mojolicious>, L<Mojolicious::Guides>, L<http://mojolicious.org>.
