package Mojo::Transaction::WebSocket; use Mojo::Base 'Mojo::Transaction'; use Compress::Raw::Zlib qw(Z_SYNC_FLUSH); use List::Util qw(first); use Mojo::JSON qw(encode_json j); use Mojo::Util qw(decode encode trim); use Mojo::WebSocket qw(WS_BINARY WS_CLOSE WS_CONTINUATION WS_PING WS_PONG WS_TEXT); has [qw(compressed established handshake masked)]; has max_websocket_size => sub { $ENV{MOJO_MAX_WEBSOCKET_SIZE} || 262144 }; sub build_message { my ($self, $frame) = @_; # Text $frame = {text => encode('UTF-8', $frame)} if ref $frame ne 'HASH'; # JSON $frame->{text} = encode_json($frame->{json}) if exists $frame->{json}; # Raw text or binary if (exists $frame->{text}) { $frame = [1, 0, 0, 0, WS_TEXT, $frame->{text}] } else { $frame = [1, 0, 0, 0, WS_BINARY, $frame->{binary}] } # "permessage-deflate" extension return $frame unless $self->compressed; my $deflate = $self->{deflate} ||= Compress::Raw::Zlib::Deflate->new(AppendOutput => 1, MemLevel => 8, WindowBits => -15); $deflate->deflate($frame->[5], my $out); $deflate->flush($out, Z_SYNC_FLUSH); @$frame[1, 5] = (1, substr($out, 0, length($out) - 4)); return $frame; } sub client_read { shift->server_read(@_) } sub client_write { shift->server_write(@_) } sub closed { my $self = shift->completed; return $self->emit(finish => $self->{close} ? (@{$self->{close}}) : 1006); } sub connection { shift->handshake->connection } sub finish { my $self = shift; my $close = $self->{close} = [@_]; my $payload = $close->[0] ? pack('n', $close->[0]) : ''; $payload .= encode 'UTF-8', $close->[1] if defined $close->[1]; $close->[0] //= 1005; $self->send([1, 0, 0, 0, WS_CLOSE, $payload])->{closing} = 1; return $self; } sub is_websocket {1} sub kept_alive { shift->handshake->kept_alive } sub local_address { shift->handshake->local_address } sub local_port { shift->handshake->local_port } sub parse_message { my ($self, $frame) = @_; $self->emit(frame => $frame); # Ping/Pong my $op = $frame->[4]; return $self->send([1, 0, 0, 0, WS_PONG, $frame->[5]]) if $op == WS_PING; return undef if $op == WS_PONG; # Close if ($op == WS_CLOSE) { return $self->finish unless length $frame->[5] >= 2; return $self->finish(unpack('n', substr($frame->[5], 0, 2, '')), decode('UTF-8', $frame->[5])); } # Append chunk and check message size @{$self}{qw(op pmc)} = ($op, $self->compressed && $frame->[1]) unless exists $self->{op}; $self->{message} .= $frame->[5]; my $max = $self->max_websocket_size; return $self->finish(1009) if length $self->{message} > $max; # No FIN bit (Continuation) return undef unless $frame->[0]; # "permessage-deflate" extension (handshake and RSV1) my $msg = delete $self->{message}; if ($self->compressed && $self->{pmc}) { my $inflate = $self->{inflate} ||= Compress::Raw::Zlib::Inflate->new(Bufsize => $max, LimitOutput => 1, WindowBits => -15); $inflate->inflate(($msg .= "\x00\x00\xff\xff"), my $out); return $self->finish(1009) if length $msg; $msg = $out; } $self->emit(json => j($msg)) if $self->has_subscribers('json'); $op = delete $self->{op}; $self->emit($op == WS_TEXT ? 'text' : 'binary' => $msg); $self->emit(message => $op == WS_TEXT ? decode 'UTF-8', $msg : $msg) if $self->has_subscribers('message'); } sub protocol { shift->res->headers->sec_websocket_protocol } sub remote_address { shift->handshake->remote_address } sub remote_port { shift->handshake->remote_port } sub req { shift->handshake->req } sub res { shift->handshake->res } sub resume { $_[0]->handshake->resume and return $_[0] } sub send { my ($self, $msg, $cb) = @_; $self->once(drain => $cb) if $cb; $msg = $self->build_message($msg) unless ref $msg eq 'ARRAY'; $self->{write} .= Mojo::WebSocket::build_frame($self->masked, @$msg); return $self->emit('resume'); } sub server_read { my ($self, $chunk) = @_; $self->{read} .= $chunk; my $max = $self->max_websocket_size; while (my $frame = Mojo::WebSocket::parse_frame(\$self->{read}, $max)) { $self->finish(1009) and last unless ref $frame; $self->parse_message($frame); } $self->emit('resume'); } sub server_write { my $self = shift; $self->emit('drain') unless length($self->{write} //= ''); $self->completed if !length $self->{write} && $self->{closing}; return delete $self->{write}; } sub with_compression { my $self = shift; # "permessage-deflate" extension $self->compressed(1) and $self->res->headers->sec_websocket_extensions('permessage-deflate') if ($self->req->headers->sec_websocket_extensions // '') =~ /permessage-deflate/; } sub with_protocols { my $self = shift; my %protos = map { trim($_) => 1 } split ',', $self->req->headers->sec_websocket_protocol // ''; return undef unless defined(my $proto = first { $protos{$_} } @_); $self->res->headers->sec_websocket_protocol($proto); return $proto; } 1; =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME Mojo::Transaction::WebSocket - WebSocket transaction =head1 SYNOPSIS use Mojo::Transaction::WebSocket; # Send and receive WebSocket messages my $ws = Mojo::Transaction::WebSocket->new; $ws->send('Hello World!'); $ws->on(message => sub ($ws, $msg) { say "Message: $msg" }); $ws->on(finish => sub ($ws, $code, $reason) { say "WebSocket closed with status $code." }); =head1 DESCRIPTION L<Mojo::Transaction::WebSocket> is a container for WebSocket transactions, based on L<RFC 6455|> and L<RFC 7692|>. =head1 EVENTS L<Mojo::Transaction::WebSocket> inherits all events from L<Mojo::Transaction> and can emit the following new ones. =head2 binary $ws->on(binary => sub ($ws, $bytes) {...}); Emitted when a complete WebSocket binary message has been received. $ws->on(binary => sub ($ws, $bytes) { say "Binary: $bytes" }); =head2 drain $ws->on(drain => sub ($ws) {...}); Emitted once all data has been sent. $ws->on(drain => sub ($ws) { $ws->send(time) }); =head2 finish $ws->on(finish => sub ($ws, $code, $reason) {...}); Emitted when the WebSocket connection has been closed. =head2 frame $ws->on(frame => sub ($ws, $frame) {...}); Emitted when a WebSocket frame has been received. $ws->on(frame => sub ($ws, $frame) { say "FIN: $frame->[0]"; say "RSV1: $frame->[1]"; say "RSV2: $frame->[2]"; say "RSV3: $frame->[3]"; say "Opcode: $frame->[4]"; say "Payload: $frame->[5]"; }); =head2 json $ws->on(json => sub ($ws, $json) {...}); Emitted when a complete WebSocket message has been received, all text and binary messages will be automatically JSON decoded. Note that this event only gets emitted when it has at least one subscriber. $ws->on(json => sub ($ws, $hash) { say "Message: $hash->{msg}" }); =head2 message $ws->on(message => sub ($ws, $msg) {...}); Emitted when a complete WebSocket message has been received, text messages will be automatically decoded. Note that this event only gets emitted when it has at least one subscriber. $ws->on(message => sub ($ws, $msg) { say "Message: $msg" }); =head2 resume $tx->on(resume => sub ($tx) {...}); Emitted when transaction is resumed. =head2 text $ws->on(text => sub ($ws, $bytes) {...}); Emitted when a complete WebSocket text message has been received. $ws->on(text => sub ($ws, $bytes) { say "Text: $bytes" }); =head1 ATTRIBUTES L<Mojo::Transaction::WebSocket> inherits all attributes from L<Mojo::Transaction> and implements the following new ones. =head2 compressed my $bool = $ws->compressed; $ws = $ws->compressed($bool); Compress messages with C<permessage-deflate> extension. =head2 established my $bool = $ws->established; $ws = $ws->established($bool); WebSocket connection established. =head2 handshake my $handshake = $ws->handshake; $ws = $ws->handshake(Mojo::Transaction::HTTP->new); The original handshake transaction, usually a L<Mojo::Transaction::HTTP> object. =head2 masked my $bool = $ws->masked; $ws = $ws->masked($bool); Mask outgoing frames with XOR cipher and a random 32-bit key. =head2 max_websocket_size my $size = $ws->max_websocket_size; $ws = $ws->max_websocket_size(1024); Maximum WebSocket message size in bytes, defaults to the value of the C<MOJO_MAX_WEBSOCKET_SIZE> environment variable or C<262144> (256KiB). =head1 METHODS L<Mojo::Transaction::WebSocket> inherits all methods from L<Mojo::Transaction> and implements the following new ones. =head2 build_message my $frame = $ws->build_message({binary => $bytes}); my $frame = $ws->build_message({text => $bytes}); my $frame = $ws->build_message({json => {test => [1, 2, 3]}}); my $frame = $ws->build_message($chars); Build WebSocket message. =head2 client_read $ws->client_read($data); Read data client-side, used to implement user agents such as L<Mojo::UserAgent>. =head2 client_write my $bytes = $ws->client_write; Write data client-side, used to implement user agents such as L<Mojo::UserAgent>. =head2 closed $tx = $tx->closed; Same as L<Mojo::Transaction/"completed">, but also indicates that all transaction data has been sent. =head2 connection my $id = $ws->connection; Connection identifier. =head2 finish $ws = $ws->finish; $ws = $ws->finish(1000); $ws = $ws->finish(1003 => 'Cannot accept data!'); Close WebSocket connection gracefully. =head2 is_websocket my $bool = $ws->is_websocket; True, this is a L<Mojo::Transaction::WebSocket> object. =head2 kept_alive my $bool = $ws->kept_alive; Connection has been kept alive. =head2 local_address my $address = $ws->local_address; Local interface address. =head2 local_port my $port = $ws->local_port; Local interface port. =head2 parse_message $ws->parse_message([$fin, $rsv1, $rsv2, $rsv3, $op, $payload]); Parse WebSocket message. =head2 protocol my $proto = $ws->protocol; Return negotiated subprotocol or C<undef>. =head2 remote_address my $address = $ws->remote_address; Remote interface address. =head2 remote_port my $port = $ws->remote_port; Remote interface port. =head2 req my $req = $ws->req; Handshake request, usually a L<Mojo::Message::Request> object. =head2 res my $res = $ws->res; Handshake response, usually a L<Mojo::Message::Response> object. =head2 resume $ws = $ws->resume; Resume L</"handshake"> transaction. =head2 send $ws = $ws->send({binary => $bytes}); $ws = $ws->send({text => $bytes}); $ws = $ws->send({json => {test => [1, 2, 3]}}); $ws = $ws->send([$fin, $rsv1, $rsv2, $rsv3, $op, $payload]); $ws = $ws->send($chars); $ws = $ws->send($chars => sub {...}); Send message or frame non-blocking via WebSocket, the optional drain callback will be executed once all data has been written. # Send "Ping" frame use Mojo::WebSocket qw(WS_PING); $ws->send([1, 0, 0, 0, WS_PING, 'Hello World!']); =head2 server_read $ws->server_read($data); Read data server-side, used to implement web servers such as L<Mojo::Server::Daemon>. =head2 server_write my $bytes = $ws->server_write; Write data server-side, used to implement web servers such as L<Mojo::Server::Daemon>. =head2 with_compression $ws->with_compression; Negotiate C<permessage-deflate> extension for this WebSocket connection. =head2 with_protocols my $proto = $ws->with_protocols('v2.proto', 'v1.proto'); Negotiate subprotocol for this WebSocket connection. =head1 SEE ALSO L<Mojolicious>, L<Mojolicious::Guides>, L<>. =cut