package Mojo::Server::Daemon; use Mojo::Base 'Mojo::Server'; use Carp qw(croak); use Mojo::IOLoop; use Mojo::Transaction::WebSocket; use Mojo::URL; use Mojo::Util qw(term_escape); use Mojo::WebSocket qw(server_handshake); use Scalar::Util qw(weaken); use constant DEBUG => $ENV{MOJO_SERVER_DEBUG} || 0; has acceptors => sub { [] }; has [qw(backlog max_clients silent)]; has inactivity_timeout => sub { $ENV{MOJO_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT} // 30 }; has ioloop => sub { Mojo::IOLoop->singleton }; has keep_alive_timeout => sub { $ENV{MOJO_KEEP_ALIVE_TIMEOUT} // 5 }; has listen => sub { [split /,/, $ENV{MOJO_LISTEN} || 'http://*:3000'] }; has max_requests => 100; sub DESTROY { return if Mojo::Util::_global_destruction(); my $self = shift; my $loop = $self->ioloop; $loop->remove($_) for keys %{$self->{connections} // {}}, @{$self->acceptors}; } sub ports { [map { $_[0]->ioloop->acceptor($_)->port } @{$_[0]->acceptors}] } sub run { my $self = shift; # Make sure the event loop can be stopped in regular intervals my $loop = $self->ioloop; my $int = $loop->recurring(1 => sub { }); local $SIG{INT} = local $SIG{TERM} = sub { $loop->stop }; $self->start->ioloop->start; $loop->remove($int); } sub start { my $self = shift; my $loop = $self->ioloop; if (my $max = $self->max_clients) { $loop->max_connections($max) } # Resume accepting connections if (my $servers = $self->{servers}) { push @{$self->acceptors}, $loop->acceptor(delete $servers->{$_}) for keys %$servers; } # Start listening elsif (!@{$self->acceptors}) { $self->app->server($self); $self->_listen($_) for @{$self->listen}; } return $self; } sub stop { my $self = shift; # Suspend accepting connections but keep listen sockets open my $loop = $self->ioloop; while (my $id = shift @{$self->acceptors}) { my $server = $self->{servers}{$id} = $loop->acceptor($id); $loop->remove($id); $server->stop; } return $self; } sub _build_tx { my ($self, $id, $c) = @_; my $tx = $self->build_tx->connection($id); $tx->res->headers->server('Mojolicious (Perl)'); my $handle = $self->ioloop->stream($id)->timeout($self->inactivity_timeout)->handle; unless ($handle->isa('IO::Socket::UNIX')) { $tx->local_address($handle->sockhost)->local_port($handle->sockport); $tx->remote_address($handle->peerhost)->remote_port($handle->peerport); } $tx->req->url->base->scheme('https') if $c->{tls}; weaken $self; $tx->on( request => sub { my $tx = shift; my $req = $tx->req; if (my $error = $req->error) { $self->_debug($id, $error->{message}) } # WebSocket if ($req->is_handshake) { my $ws = $self->{connections}{$id}{next} = Mojo::Transaction::WebSocket->new(handshake => $tx); $self->emit(request => server_handshake $ws); } # HTTP else { $self->emit(request => $tx) } # Last keep-alive request or corrupted connection my $c = $self->{connections}{$id}; $tx->res->headers->connection('close') if ($c->{requests} || 1) >= $self->max_requests || $req->error; $tx->on(resume => sub { $self->_write($id) }); $self->_write($id); } ); # Kept alive if we have more than one request on the connection return ++$c->{requests} > 1 ? $tx->kept_alive(1) : $tx; } sub _close { my ($self, $id) = @_; if (my $tx = $self->{connections}{$id}{tx}) { $tx->closed } delete $self->{connections}{$id}; } sub _debug { $_[0]->app->log->debug($_[2]) if $_[0]{connections}{$_[1]}{tx} } sub _finish { my ($self, $id) = @_; # Always remove connection for WebSockets my $c = $self->{connections}{$id}; return unless my $tx = $c->{tx}; return $self->_remove($id) if $tx->is_websocket; # Finish transaction delete($c->{tx})->closed; # Upgrade connection to WebSocket if (my $ws = delete $c->{next}) { # Successful upgrade if ($ws->handshake->res->code == 101) { $c->{tx} = $ws->established(1); weaken $self; $ws->on(resume => sub { $self->_write($id) }); $self->_write($id); } # Failed upgrade else { $ws->closed } } # Close connection if necessary return $self->_remove($id) if $tx->error || !$tx->keep_alive; # Build new transaction for leftovers if (length(my $leftovers = $tx->req->content->leftovers)) { $tx = $c->{tx} = $self->_build_tx($id, $c); $tx->server_read($leftovers); } # Keep-alive connection $self->ioloop->stream($id)->timeout($self->keep_alive_timeout) unless $c->{tx}; } sub _listen { my ($self, $listen) = @_; my $url = Mojo::URL->new($listen); my $proto = $url->protocol; croak qq{Invalid listen location "$listen"} unless $proto eq 'http' || $proto eq 'https' || $proto eq 'http+unix'; my $query = $url->query; my $options = {backlog => $self->backlog}; $options->{$_} = $query->param($_) for qw(fd single_accept reuse); if ($proto eq 'http+unix') { $options->{path} = $url->host } else { if ((my $host = $url->host) ne '*') { $options->{address} = $host } if (my $port = $url->port) { $options->{port} = $port } } $options->{"tls_$_"} = $query->param($_) for qw(ca ciphers version); /^(.*)_(cert|key)$/ and $options->{"tls_$2"}{$1} = $query->param($_) for @{$query->names}; if (my $cert = $query->param('cert')) { $options->{'tls_cert'}{''} = $cert } if (my $key = $query->param('key')) { $options->{'tls_key'}{''} = $key } my $verify = $query->param('verify'); $options->{tls_verify} = hex $verify if defined $verify; my $tls = $options->{tls} = $proto eq 'https'; weaken $self; push @{$self->acceptors}, $self->ioloop->server( $options => sub { my ($loop, $stream, $id) = @_; $self->{connections}{$id} = {tls => $tls}; warn "-- Accept $id (@{[$stream->handle->peerhost]})\n" if DEBUG; $stream->timeout($self->inactivity_timeout); $stream->on(close => sub { $self && $self->_close($id) }); $stream->on(error => sub { $self && $self->app->log->error(pop) && $self->_close($id) }); $stream->on(read => sub { $self->_read($id => pop) }); $stream->on(timeout => sub { $self->_debug($id, 'Inactivity timeout') }); } ); return if $self->silent; $self->app->log->info(qq{Listening at "$url"}); $query->pairs([]); $url->host('') if $url->host eq '*'; say 'Web application available at ', $options->{path} // $url; } sub _read { my ($self, $id, $chunk) = @_; # Make sure we have a transaction my $c = $self->{connections}{$id}; my $tx = $c->{tx} ||= $self->_build_tx($id, $c); warn term_escape "-- Server <<< Client (@{[_url($tx)]})\n$chunk\n" if DEBUG; $tx->server_read($chunk); } sub _remove { my ($self, $id) = @_; $self->ioloop->remove($id); $self->_close($id); } sub _url { shift->req->url->to_abs } sub _write { my ($self, $id) = @_; # Protect from resume event recursion my $c = $self->{connections}{$id}; return if !(my $tx = $c->{tx}) || $c->{writing}; local $c->{writing} = 1; my $chunk = $tx->server_write; warn term_escape "-- Server >>> Client (@{[_url($tx)]})\n$chunk\n" if DEBUG; my $next = $tx->is_finished ? '_finish' : length $chunk ? '_write' : undef; return $self->ioloop->stream($id)->write($chunk) unless $next; weaken $self; $self->ioloop->stream($id)->write($chunk => sub { $self->$next($id) }); } 1; =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME Mojo::Server::Daemon - Non-blocking I/O HTTP and WebSocket server =head1 SYNOPSIS use Mojo::Server::Daemon; my $daemon = Mojo::Server::Daemon->new(listen => ['http://*:8080']); $daemon->unsubscribe('request')->on(request => sub ($daemon, $tx) { # Request my $method = $tx->req->method; my $path = $tx->req->url->path; # Response $tx->res->code(200); $tx->res->headers->content_type('text/plain'); $tx->res->body("$method request for $path!"); # Resume transaction $tx->resume; }); $daemon->run; =head1 DESCRIPTION L<Mojo::Server::Daemon> is a full featured, highly portable non-blocking I/O HTTP and WebSocket server, with IPv6, TLS, SNI, Comet (long polling), keep-alive and multiple event loop support. For better scalability (epoll, kqueue) and to provide non-blocking name resolution, SOCKS5 as well as TLS support, the optional modules L<EV> (4.32+), L<Net::DNS::Native> (0.15+), L<IO::Socket::Socks> (0.64+) and L<IO::Socket::SSL> (2.009+) will be used automatically if possible. Individual features can also be disabled with the C<MOJO_NO_NNR>, C<MOJO_NO_SOCKS> and C<MOJO_NO_TLS> environment variables. See L<Mojolicious::Guides::Cookbook/"DEPLOYMENT"> for more. =head1 SIGNALS The L<Mojo::Server::Daemon> process can be controlled at runtime with the following signals. =head2 INT, TERM Shut down server immediately. =head1 EVENTS L<Mojo::Server::Daemon> inherits all events from L<Mojo::Server>. =head1 ATTRIBUTES L<Mojo::Server::Daemon> inherits all attributes from L<Mojo::Server> and implements the following new ones. =head2 acceptors my $acceptors = $daemon->acceptors; $daemon = $daemon->acceptors(['6be0c140ef00a389c5d039536b56d139']); Active acceptor ids. # Check port mu $port = $daemon->ioloop->acceptor($daemon->acceptors->[0])->port; =head2 backlog my $backlog = $daemon->backlog; $daemon = $daemon->backlog(128); Listen backlog size, defaults to C<SOMAXCONN>. =head2 inactivity_timeout my $timeout = $daemon->inactivity_timeout; $daemon = $daemon->inactivity_timeout(5); Maximum amount of time in seconds a connection with an active request can be inactive before getting closed, defaults to the value of the C<MOJO_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT> environment variable or C<30>. Setting the value to C<0> will allow connections to be inactive indefinitely. =head2 ioloop my $loop = $daemon->ioloop; $daemon = $daemon->ioloop(Mojo::IOLoop->new); Event loop object to use for I/O operations, defaults to the global L<Mojo::IOLoop> singleton. =head2 keep_alive_timeout my $timeout = $daemon->keep_alive_timeout; $daemon = $daemon->keep_alive_timeout(10); Maximum amount of time in seconds a connection without an active request can be inactive before getting closed, defaults to the value of the C<MOJO_KEEP_ALIVE_TIMEOUT> environment variable or C<5>. Setting the value to C<0> will allow connections to be inactive indefinitely. =head2 listen my $listen = $daemon->listen; $daemon = $daemon->listen(['']); Array reference with one or more locations to listen on, defaults to the value of the C<MOJO_LISTEN> environment variable or C<http://*:3000> (shortcut for C<>). # Listen on all IPv4 interfaces $daemon->listen(['http://*:3000']); # Listen on all IPv4 and IPv6 interfaces $daemon->listen(['http://[::]:3000']); # Listen on IPv6 interface $daemon->listen(['http://[::1]:4000']); # Listen on IPv4 and IPv6 interfaces $daemon->listen(['', 'http://[::1]:3000']); # Listen on UNIX domain socket "/tmp/myapp.sock" (percent encoded slash) $daemon->listen(['http+unix://%2Ftmp%2Fmyapp.sock']); # File descriptor, as used by systemd $daemon->listen(['']); # Allow multiple servers to use the same port (SO_REUSEPORT) $daemon->listen(['http://*:8080?reuse=1']); # Listen on two ports with HTTP and HTTPS at the same time $daemon->listen(['http://*:3000', 'https://*:4000']); # Use a custom certificate and key $daemon->listen(['https://*:3000?cert=/x/server.crt&key=/y/server.key']); # Domain specific certificates and keys (SNI) $daemon->listen( ['https://*:3000?example.com_cert=/x/my.crt&example.com_key=/y/my.key']); # Or even a custom certificate authority $daemon->listen( ['https://*:3000?cert=/x/server.crt&key=/y/server.key&ca=/z/ca.crt']); These parameters are currently available: =over 2 =item ca ca=/etc/tls/ca.crt Path to TLS certificate authority file used to verify the peer certificate. =item cert cert=/etc/tls/server.crt mojolicious.org_cert=/etc/tls/mojo.crt Path to the TLS cert file, defaults to a built-in test certificate. =item ciphers ciphers=AES128-GCM-SHA256:RC4:HIGH:!MD5:!aNULL:!EDH TLS cipher specification string. For more information about the format see L<>. =item fd fd=3 File descriptor with an already prepared listen socket. =item key key=/etc/tls/server.key mojolicious.org_key=/etc/tls/mojo.key Path to the TLS key file, defaults to a built-in test key. =item reuse reuse=1 Allow multiple servers to use the same port with the C<SO_REUSEPORT> socket option. =item single_accept single_accept=1 Only accept one connection at a time. =item verify verify=0x00 TLS verification mode. =item version version=TLSv1_2 TLS protocol version. =back =head2 max_clients my $max = $daemon->max_clients; $daemon = $daemon->max_clients(100); Maximum number of accepted connections this server is allowed to handle concurrently, before stopping to accept new incoming connections, passed along to L<Mojo::IOLoop/"max_connections">. =head2 max_requests my $max = $daemon->max_requests; $daemon = $daemon->max_requests(250); Maximum number of keep-alive requests per connection, defaults to C<100>. =head2 silent my $bool = $daemon->silent; $daemon = $daemon->silent($bool); Disable console messages. =head1 METHODS L<Mojo::Server::Daemon> inherits all methods from L<Mojo::Server> and implements the following new ones. =head2 ports my $ports = $daemon->ports; Get all ports this server is currently listening on. # All ports say for @{$daemon->ports}; =head2 run $daemon->run; Run server and wait for L</"SIGNALS">. =head2 start $daemon = $daemon->start; Start or resume accepting connections through L</"ioloop">. # Listen on random port my $port = $daemon->listen([''])->start->ports->[0]; # Run multiple web servers concurrently my $daemon1 = Mojo::Server::Daemon->new(listen => ['http://*:3000'])->start; my $daemon2 = Mojo::Server::Daemon->new(listen => ['http://*:4000'])->start; Mojo::IOLoop->start unless Mojo::IOLoop->is_running; =head2 stop $daemon = $daemon->stop; Stop accepting connections through L</"ioloop">. =head1 DEBUGGING You can set the C<MOJO_SERVER_DEBUG> environment variable to get some advanced diagnostics information printed to C<STDERR>. MOJO_SERVER_DEBUG=1 =head1 SEE ALSO L<Mojolicious>, L<Mojolicious::Guides>, L<>. =cut