package Mojolicious::Command::get; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Command'; use Mojo::Collection qw(c); use Mojo::DOM; use Mojo::IOLoop; use Mojo::JSON qw(to_json j); use Mojo::JSON::Pointer; use Mojo::URL; use Mojo::UserAgent; use Mojo::Util qw(decode encode getopt); use Scalar::Util qw(weaken); has description => 'Perform HTTP request'; has usage => sub { shift->extract_usage }; sub run { my ($self, @args) = @_; # Data from STDIN vec(my $r = '', fileno(STDIN), 1) = 1; my $in = !-t STDIN && select($r, undef, undef, 0) ? join '', <STDIN> : undef; my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new(ioloop => Mojo::IOLoop->singleton); my %form; die $self->usage unless getopt \@args, 'C|charset=s' => \my $charset, 'c|content=s' => \$in, 'f|form=s' => sub { _form(\%form) if $_[1] =~ /^(.+)=(\@?)(.+)$/ }, 'H|header=s' => \my @headers, 'i|inactivity-timeout=i' => sub { $ua->inactivity_timeout($_[1]) }, 'k|insecure' => sub { $ua->insecure(1) }, 'M|method=s' => \(my $method = 'GET'), 'o|connect-timeout=i' => sub { $ua->connect_timeout($_[1]) }, 'r|redirect' => \my $redirect, 'S|response-size=i' => sub { $ua->max_response_size($_[1]) }, 'u|user=s' => \my $user, 'v|verbose' => \my $verbose; @args = map { decode 'UTF-8', $_ } @args; die $self->usage unless my $url = shift @args; my $selector = shift @args; # Parse header pairs my %headers = map { /^\s*([^:]+)\s*:\s*(.*+)$/ ? ($1, $2) : () } @headers; # Detect proxy for absolute URLs $url !~ m!^/! ? $ua->proxy->detect : $ua->server->app($self->app); $url = Mojo::URL->new($url)->userinfo($user) if $user; $ua->max_redirects(10) if $redirect; my $buffer = ''; $ua->on( start => sub { my ($ua, $tx) = @_; # Verbose weaken $tx; $tx->res->content->on(body => sub { warn _header($tx->req), _header($tx->res) }) if $verbose; # Stream content (ignore redirects) $tx->res->content->unsubscribe('read')->on( read => sub { return if $redirect && $tx->res->is_redirect; defined $selector ? ($buffer .= pop) : print pop; } ); } ); # Switch to verbose for HEAD requests $verbose = 1 if $method eq 'HEAD'; STDOUT->autoflush(1); my @content = %form ? (form => \%form) : defined $in ? ($in) : (); my $tx = $ua->start($ua->build_tx($method, $url, \%headers, @content)); my $res = $tx->result; # JSON Pointer return undef unless defined $selector; return _json($buffer, $selector) if !length $selector || $selector =~ m!^/!; # Selector $charset //= $res->content->charset || $res->default_charset; _select($buffer, $selector, $charset, @args); } sub _form { push @{$_[0]{$1}}, $2 ? {file => $3} : $3 } sub _header { $_[0]->build_start_line, $_[0]->headers->to_string, "\n\n" } sub _json { return unless my $data = j(shift); return unless defined($data = Mojo::JSON::Pointer->new($data)->get(shift)); _say(ref $data eq 'HASH' || ref $data eq 'ARRAY' ? to_json($data) : $data); } sub _say { length && say encode('UTF-8', $_) for @_ } sub _select { my ($buffer, $selector, $charset, @args) = @_; # Keep a strong reference to the root $buffer = decode($charset, $buffer) // $buffer if $charset; my $dom = Mojo::DOM->new($buffer); my $results = $dom->find($selector); while (defined(my $command = shift @args)) { # Number ($results = c($results->[$command])) and next if $command =~ /^\d+$/; # Text return _say($results->map('text')->each) if $command eq 'text'; # All text return _say($results->map('all_text')->each) if $command eq 'all'; # Attribute return _say($results->map(attr => $args[0] // '')->each) if $command eq 'attr'; # Unknown die qq{Unknown command "$command".\n}; } _say($results->each); } 1; =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME Mojolicious::Command::get - Get command =head1 SYNOPSIS Usage: APPLICATION get [OPTIONS] URL [SELECTOR|JSON-POINTER] [COMMANDS] ./ get / ./ get -H 'Accept: text/html' /hello.html 'head > title' text ./ get //sri:secr3t@/secrets.json /1/content mojo get mojo get -v -r -o 25 -i 50 mojo get -v -H 'Host:' -H 'Accept: */*' mojo get -u 'sri:s3cret' mojo get > example.html mojo get -M PUT < example.html mojo get -f 'q=Mojolicious' -f 'size=5' mojo get -M POST -f 'upload=@example.html' mojo get 'head > title' text mojo get .footer all mojo get a attr href mojo get '*' attr id mojo get 'h1, h2, h3' 3 text mojo get /name mojo get -H 'Host:' http+unix://%2Ftmp%2Fmyapp.sock/index.html Options: -C, --charset <charset> Charset of HTML/XML content, defaults to auto-detection -c, --content <content> Content to send with request -f, --form <name=value> One or more form values and file uploads -H, --header <name:value> One or more additional HTTP headers -h, --help Show this summary of available options --home <path> Path to home directory of your application, defaults to the value of MOJO_HOME or auto-detection -i, --inactivity-timeout <seconds> Inactivity timeout, defaults to the value of MOJO_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT or 40 -k, --insecure Do not require a valid TLS certificate to access HTTPS sites -M, --method <method> HTTP method to use, defaults to "GET" -m, --mode <name> Operating mode for your application, defaults to the value of MOJO_MODE/PLACK_ENV or "development" -o, --connect-timeout <seconds> Connect timeout, defaults to the value of MOJO_CONNECT_TIMEOUT or 10 -r, --redirect Follow up to 10 redirects -S, --response-size <size> Maximum response size in bytes, defaults to 2147483648 (2GiB) -u, --user <userinfo> Alternate mechanism for specifying colon-separated username and password -v, --verbose Print request and response headers to STDERR =head1 DESCRIPTION L<Mojolicious::Command::get> performs requests to remote hosts or local applications. This is a core command, that means it is always enabled and its code a good example for learning to build new commands, you're welcome to fork it. See L<Mojolicious::Commands/"COMMANDS"> for a list of commands that are available by default. =head1 ATTRIBUTES L<Mojolicious::Command::get> inherits all attributes from L<Mojolicious::Command> and implements the following new ones. =head2 description my $description = $get->description; $get = $get->description('Foo'); Short description of this command, used for the command list. =head2 usage my $usage = $get->usage; $get = $get->usage('Foo'); Usage information for this command, used for the help screen. =head1 METHODS L<Mojolicious::Command::get> inherits all methods from L<Mojolicious::Command> and implements the following new ones. =head2 run $get->run(@ARGV); Run this command. =head1 SEE ALSO L<Mojolicious>, L<Mojolicious::Guides>, L<>. =cut